

  • Netflix switching queued HD DVDs to DVDs?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Granted, Netflix did warn us that renting HD DVDs from it would become a lesson in futility in due time, but we're receiving multiple reports that the company has already began switching queued HD DVD titles to vanilla DVDs. If this is going on en masse, that's a pretty quick changeover, to say the least. So, dear readers, have any of your HD DVDs mysteriously morphed into regular DVDs overnight? Sound off below![Thanks, Chris and Aaron]

  • How would you change the Apple TV (take 2)?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've had our fun, now it's your turn. Considering that Apple just beamed out its (long-awaited) v2.0 software to Apple TV owners, we're quite interested in finding out what you love / hate about take 2. Head on over to Engadget Classic to give the world a piece of your mind on the matter, won't you?

  • Engadget HD reviews VUDU's high-definition side

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Yeah, the critics have already had their shot at the VUDU, but now that the latest software update has towed in support for HD streaming, Engadget HD figured it prudent to dedicate a review specifically to the high-definition capabilities of the movie set-top-box. Eager to see if it's worthy of being connected to your HDTV? Come on over, the water's fine.

  • Poll: Did you cancel your Netflix account after the Blu-ray exclusive decision?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    In the aftermath of yesterday's blockbuster (ahem) move by Netflix to only stock Blu-ray titles in the future, we heard quite a bit of ranting that contained words like "finished" and "canceled." Still, we're interested in utilizing our super-duper scientific polling mechanisms to truly get a gauge on how many cancellation e-mails Netflix can expect thanks to its decision. Don't be left out! %Poll-9365%

  • A look at VUDU's high-definition movies

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just a day after VUDU started pushing out its long-awaited v1.2 software update, a kind user has whipped up a spreadsheet documenting all 65 HD flicks that are now available (or will be shortly) for renting. Truth be told, we're not exceptionally impressed with the list, but hey, to each his / her own. Hit up the read link to take a peek at what you're missing out on (or what you're about to have access to).[Thanks, Brian S.]

  • Poll: So, are you buying an Apple TV now?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Although the MacBook Air sucked the proverbial wind out of the Apple TV relaunch sails, we here at Engadget HD still find that aspect of Steve's keynote quite intriguing. At first listen, we were blown away by the promise of "HD downloads with Dolby 5.1 audio," but after digging in a little further, we found quite a bit of red tape stuck to those lofty claims. Still, many HD aficionados didn't give the original Apple TV a passing glance due to its general disregard for high-definition content, and while the so-called Take 2 effort isn't an HD junkie's dream, it's far and away more appealing than what we were dealing with just last week. So, dear readers, now that Cupertino has taken the first step and recognized the desire for easy to obtain downloadable HD content, are you biting? %Poll-8391%

  • More details on Apple's iTunes movie / HD rentals

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It wasn't exactly crystal clear during Steve's keynote today, but apparently, there's a fair bit of red tape attached to these movie rentals. First off, since the Apple TV hardware is remaining the same, users can still only expect 1,280 by 720 resolution on the high-end, and although 100 HD movies are reportedly ready to be viewed, not a single TV show can say the same. Furthermore, a note at the bottom of the Apple TV's revised tech specs points out that "Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound is not available with all HD rentals," so there's that. We've also learned that HD movie rentals will be available exclusively through the Apple TV, and considering that only rentals made from iTunes can be moved to other devices, any downloads originating from the Apple TV (including everything in high-definition) won't be making their way onto your iPod, iTunes library, etc. Depressing, we know.