

  • Virtually Overlooked: Zombie Nation

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative. Zombie Nation is easily the best game ever created about a flying, disembodied samurai head. Don't try to argue with us on this one. We feel pretty confident that we're right about this. Oh, and it's a shmup, as well. Boring spaceships have nothing on a giant head.

  • Happy Tetris music day

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    How have we gone this long without doing a Tetris music, you might ask? Well, truth be told, the whole idea seemed a little uninteresting to us. While we can't deny the inherent catchiness of the classic puzzler theme, most of the hundreds of video covers of the tune on YouTube are simple transcriptions for the piano or guitar. Booooring.So for this week, we've dug up some traditional Tetris music played on some less-than-traditional musical instruments. Please enjoy these clips of the Tetris theme as performed on accordion, mandolin and the human head. That's right... the human head.

  • LouseBuster kills lice, is ineffective against Slimer, Gozer

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We're sure Dan Aykroyd and the gang never envisioned their symbolic ghost-busting machine being converted into a lice-evicting device, but researchers at the University of Utah are doing just that. The "chemical-free, hairdryer-like device" -- dubbed the LouseBuster -- eradicates head lice infestations on children by exterminating the eggs (or "nits"), and killing enough lice to prevent them from reproducing. While the description may make some folks queasy, Dale Clayton not only supports the head vacuum, but claims that it cured his teenagers from their own battle with lice. The rake-like comb channels air from the machine into the hair, which after several half-hour treatments makes the environment too arid for lice to survive; however, the team was quick to warn parents that hairdryers weren't an acceptable substitute for the miracle-working powers put forth by the LouseBuster. Nevertheless, Clayton hopes his spinoff company, Larada Sciences, will have the presumably Bill Murray-approved apparatus on shelves soon.[Via MedGadget]

  • Jobs to spend more time at Apple

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Steve Jobs told shareholders this week that, in light of Disney's acquisition of Pixar, he would actually be spending more time at Apple, in part because he'll be relinquishing his CEO position at Pixar in a couple of weeks once the merger finishes. Many have been speculating that Mr. Jobs would be spending more time at Disney, but he publicly responded "that couldn't be further from the truth... It'll require less of my time than Pixar did."This should be good news for anyone concerned about Mr. Jobs' continued involvement with Apple.[via Wired]