

  • Kaliban's Loot Lists expanded and updated

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    My good friend Bonemine on Thunderhorn pointed out to me this evening (during a very successful Arcatraz run) that the great Kaliban's Class Loot Lists has been seeing a lot of great changes lately. Thottbot and Wowhead will tell you about items when you look for them, but if you want to know which items to look for, Kaliban's site is the place to go. They've got all the lists set up first by class and then by instance, so that you can, with a glance, know exactly what you want out of every instance from every boss.But lately, Kaliban's been throwing a lot of new stuff in there. All of the Heroic instances have now been added, and they've even gone to the trouble of listing important gear quests for your class by zone-- so you can know, after 70, which quests to go back and finish to get that gear. Also, they've even added an instance map and tips for each swirly portal, so not only do you know which boss to go to, you can know how to get there and how to beat them. The other feature I really like is at the bottom of every page-- for each sample spec, they've provided a list of five or six items that you can aim for in each slot, so you can build a set specific to your own build. Very cool, and it saves you hours of poking around Wowhead trying to find good items otherwise.As of yesterday, Kaliban has even added a list of raid loot from Karazhan (along with recommendations for who the loot is good for), as well as two 25 mans-- Gruul and Magtheridon. Excellent work going on over there. Before, it was a good guide for picking and choosing gear from instances, but with all the new expansion content, it's an almost invaluable guide for getting your higher level toon outfitted with the right gear.

  • Breakfast Topic: Easiest Heroic

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    So far, I've been into exactly two Heroic-mode dungeons: Slave Pens and Steamvaults. My guild group cleared through Slave Pens fine, although we had a few wipes, all on trash mobs. Badges of Justice were of course had by all, and I got a nice main-hand for my DPS set. Steamvaults was another story: we did OK on the trash, but couldn't down a single boss. I'm also keyed for Caverns of Time heroics, but judging by how annoying Black Morass is on non-heroic, I don't think I'll be opting to turn up the intensity on that one any time soon. When a forum poster asked which Heroic was the easiest, Tseric Eyonix replied:So far I've only completed two heroic dungeons -- Slave Pens and Mechanar. Slave Pens was definitely much easier for my group than Mechanar was, however, both were fairly challenging. I'm hoping to do some others soon, but right now I'm trying to gain exhaulted with the Sha'tar faction, so running the Tempest Keep dungeons is in my best interest. Perhaps I'll do a heroics mode Botanica or Arcatraz soon.How about you guys? Out of the heroics y'all have tried, which was the least bone-crushingly difficult?