

  • Strong Q1 sales point to less cyclical gaming calendar

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    MCV takes a look at some recent ChartTrack sales data and notes that British game sales for the first few weeks of the new year are up significantly over 2006's already record-breaking first quarter. An interesting little factoid, to be sure, but the true importance comes out in a quote from Eidos UK's Jon Brooke, who told the trade paper that increased Winter sales "prove the industry doesn't need to be so seasonal." Amen to that. We are sick and tired of publishers clogging up store shelves with big name titles around Christmastime only to leave us with months of nothing once the new year comes around. Fortunately, this trend looks like it might be slowing, with quality releases like WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Crackdown, and MotorStorm filling in the quiet Winter months. It's about time publishers realized that good games will sell no matter what time of year they're released. [Via Guardian GamesBlog]

  • Today's Valentiniest video: Raving Rabbids Valentine's Day Date

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    In honor of Valentine's Day, we bring you love -- Rayman: Raving Rabbids style. The end of this video features something that most of you wouldn't mind doing to the rabbids yourselves. Over and over again. All over Paris, and wherever you might happen to encounter one ... or dozens.After you get your mind out of the gutter, check out the video and chime in and let us know what you wouldn't mind doing to these screaming piles of fur. At least this one shows up with flowers and chocolate.

  • Microsoft moves 92,000 HD DVD add-ons over the holidays

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you plunked down $200 to snag an HD DVD player for your Xbox 360 over the holidays, you were most definitely not alone, as 91,999 (or thereabout) other folks did precisely the same thing. Although other console-related figures have been a bit shaky, we've researched this 92,000 number fairly well, and we can confidently say that Microsoft didn't do half bad with its November launch. Of course, the biggest temptation is to draw unfair conclusions between how many HD DVD add-ons were sold in comparison to the amount of PS3s sold, but considering users can't opt out of the Blu-ray drive in their PlayStation 3, the correlation just isn't there. But hey, since we know you're wondering, it probably won't hurt to mention that Sony "sold" (forcefully or otherwise) around 687,000 Blu-ray players since November 17th, but there's still no just way to tell which console (if any) had an impact on high definition movie sales.

  • NY Times: Strong holiday for new consoles

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    The New York Times' Matt Richtel today takes a look at how the big three console makers did over the holiday season. Besides mentioning the now-familiar CES sales announcements from Sony and Microsoft, the story has some interesting quotes from analysts and retailers. Most surprising among those quotes might be confirmation from Gamestop COO Daniel A. DeMatteo that Playstation 3's are available at "hundreds" of the company's stores, while Wii consoles "virtually disappeared" when they came in. It's hard to evaluate this statement without knowing how many of each system Gamestop received -- indeed, analyst Paul-Jon McNealy notes earlier in the article how Sony "seems like they're really ramping up production." Still, the widespread reports of PS3s sitting on shelves does put a damper on Sony Senior VP Peter Dille's claim that "you can declare us a winner right now." We have to agree with Microsoft's David Hufford: "That sounds like spin." We'll see just how much spin when NPD releases its December sales numbers on Thursday. [Thanks Falafelkid]

  • Wii woes: some win, some lose, some sing blues

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Wrapping paper has been torn open, ribbons unraveled, and bows ... unbowed. Did you score yourself a next-gen console? We noticed while driving around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex that some enterprising entrepreneurs decided to sell PlayStation 3s out of the back of their car trunks for $800. However, no one was lining up to buy 'em. A sad sign advertising Wiis for sale was discarded in the ditch near the same sellers, leading us to believe that they'd run through their supply of Wiis.Further confirmation came when we found this article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in the form of a play detailing the trials and tribulations of finding a Wii this holiday season. Did you have as hard of a time? We checked a few area retailer shelves, and they all had the same story: accessories galore, consoles none. What about you?

  • So watcha get for Consumermas?

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    If you celebrated the just-passed consumer holiday (Christmas, X-mas, Consumermas, Christmahanakwanza, whatever) we're interested in hearing from you. You've dug out from under the hills of wrapping paper, awoken fat and swollen from your food comas, and mothballed the hideous holiday sweaters, so perhaps you've got time to share with us your holiday haul. What did you receive? Now, economists tell us that Christmas creates waste of $152 billion every year as gift givers pay $457 billion for gifts that recipients value at just about $305 billion. Did this happen to you? Are you planning to haul any of your game-related presents in for a refund? Post freely, we won't rat you out to Aunt Bethany. [Image credit: Flickr user Luciana DB]

  • MacBooks top Amazon's PC best sellers

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    While MacBooks and iPods have already been unwrapped the world over during this holiday season, retailers are also taking the wraps off some of their own presents in the form of sales numbers. In a press release containing interesting holiday sales trivia and a hot sellers list for all of their many departments, Amazon announced the 13-inch MacBook (in both white and black) and 15.4-inch Sony VAIO notebook as the top sellers in the PC aisle. Interesting - maybe some of that 'non-PC PC' marketing paid off after all.iPods, of course, topped the consumer electronics department, along with Canon Powershot Digital Elph Cameras and Garmin GPSes, but that isn't nearly as interesting news (anymore) as Macs topping out a PC sales list at such a neutral retailer. Rock on Apple.[via digg]

  • Amazon's holiday hardware sales led by DS Lite

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Amazon is already reporting that 2006 was its "best ever" year for holiday sales -- and the DS Lite led the charge! Though Amazon hasn't yet released specific numbers, they report the handheld clawed past the 360 and the PS2 to claim the online retailer's most hardware sales. When it game to games, New Super Mario Bros. and Brain Age were highlighted as top sellers. Looks like the Touch Generations campaign is continuing to kick giant slices of ass when it comes to sales. We heard that a good DS was hard to find this holiday season, but top seller at Amazon is big stuff!

  • Today's holiday-iest game video: Rayman raving rabbids Xmas

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    As we close out Christmas day, what better to bring it all to an end than a holiday themed Rayman Raving Rabbids video. It's cute, it's cuddly, and it has just the right amount of holiday cynicism thrown in. Consider it an extra special Christmas bonus for our loyal readers. In fact, if you're up this late/early and watching the video, then you really ARE loyal. Enjoy the video after the jump, and bask in the warm glow of Joystiq.Merry Christmas to all you 'stiqers out there, and to all a good night.

  • Breakfast Topic: All I want for Winter's Veil...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Well, perhaps you aren't really celebrating the Blizzard-invented holiday of Winter's Veil. But I imagine a lot of you are celebrating today. And if so, what are you hoping to find hidden under the tree? A Burning Crusade pre-order? An IOU for some exciting in-game gear? Or most likely, something outside of Azeroth entirely?

  • Forum Post of the Day: 12 Nights of Raiding

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Since it's clearly impossible to go through the holiday season without at least a few dozen parodies of The Twelve Days of Christmas, I offer this thread, courtesy of Rhelk from Maelstrom. In which we see a raider's perspective on the holiday's festivities. And if you don't like the original poster's take on the subject? Join the sing-a-long and add your own verses!Here, I'll get you started off:On the first day of Raiding, my GM gave to me...

  • Roombas get some holiday cheer, go caroling

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just in case that "holiday cheer" you once had has completely vanished at the thought of battling the crowds this weekend in an attempt to snag those last-minute gizmos on everyone's gift list, here's something to not only brighten your spirits, but to help you procrastinate a bit more as well. While gadgets getting their sing 'n dance on aren't anything new, a trio of Roombas breaking it down to Frosty the Snowman is enthralling nonetheless. We figured out how to give that pre-programmed Roomba its own freedom of expression awhile back, but serving up a few glasses of "robo-nog" and donning the Christmas apparel just puts this act over the top. Still, the Trans-Siberian lightfest remains numero uno until further notice. Hit the jump to see these servantbots strut their stuff...[Via MAKE]

  • TiVo fundraising with self-branded toasters / snowglobes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While just about everyone has experienced their fair share of ups and downs with TiVo, it's great to see the smiley TV box raising funds for two meaningful causes. The firm is offering up self-branded toasters and snowglobes (for $45 and $28, respectively) to its employees in order to raise money for the James Kim Memorial Fund and The Katrina Fund. Of course, it could be slightly difficult to get your hands on either of these adornments if you can't badge into TiVo HQ everyday, but perhaps a saintly reader could be a liaison for a group buy? Regardless, even if you're still using one of the eight toasters you got as a graduation gift or you've severed all ties with TiVo (and jumped ship), here's to lending a helping hand to those in need. Keep reading for a taste of TiVo toast...[Via PVRWire]

  • Legendary Yule Log broadcast pits SD against HD

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Anyone remotely familiar with history in New York or the holiday season in general can remember the ole Yule Log broadcast that showed a burning fireplace with soft, classic seasonal hits cycling through in the background. While it's not likely to be the most invigorating thing on television come Christmas morning, the folks at WPIX, who are restoring the classic log show for a three-hour broadcast, say that it allows families to reminisce and think back on the gatherings of yesteryear. However, Jason Patton -- vice president for business development on INHD -- feels that the new widescreen version of the heartwarming fireplace is the superior rendition. Shot by Ron Roy in high definition, the picture will clearly outshine the "30 year old" version looping on standard cable, but apparently some folks actually prefer the classic look to the new. Nevertheless, we HD freaks should be sure to catch the fiery new version on INHD starting at 7:00AM on Christmas morning and continuing on for 24 hours.

  • The Gamer before Christmas

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Harold Goldberg has rewritten the classic "The Night Before Christmas" poem to fit into the gaming lifestyle. We won't go into breaking it down grammar-wise and all that jazz because hey, it's Christmas. If any Joystiqers out there want to take a whack at rewriting a holiday classic that features any sort of video gaming slant, then have at it. If you're like us, you're back at home for the holidays and are finding a lot of free time on your hands.In meantime, have another cup of eggnog, some peppermint bark, and give Goldberg's version a whirl.

  • New dance craze: Origami Benjamin Shuffle

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    When you've chugged back a gallon of 'nog in an effort to soothe your spirits over the size of your holiday bonus, consider the gifts that employees of BIG Images got this year. The entire staff of the large-format printing provider got iPod Shuffle units... neatly wrapped in two $100 bills.Nothing says "We appreciate your contribution to the success of our business" more than wrapping paper made from legal tender. For companies that aren't feeling as flush as BIG Images, may I suggest giving out Zunes on a bed of pennies?[via Gizmodo]

  • WoW Blog Roundup: Holiday edition

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    What brings holiday cheer all year round? How about the WoW community? For sure! The Escapist brings us an excellent article by Michael Zenke in which he describes his disappointment upon returning to World of Warcraft for the holidays. His sad tale is complete with a lack of holiday spirit as well as a guild that has been blown to pieces. Merry Christmas! Mommy, what is that tiger doing to that reindeer? Maybe you don't want to know. AgentMichi from WoW_Ladies has some amusing screenshots of some great World of Warcraft graphical bugs. Not Addicted has some shopping tips for those of us looking for a last-second present. No, not from Target or Macy's, rather, from the fine stores inside Azeroth. How about some goggles for dear Aunt Trudy? Finally, Tobold gives us an early gift with his outlook on World of Warcraft in 2007. Not really so much from a gameplay standpoint, but rather from a business and subscriber point of view. As usual, Tobold makes some good points, and contends that 2007 will be WoW's peak year, and while it will still be millions of members strong, 2007 might be the summit of Warcraft's popularity. If you see an interesting blog post, let us know!

  • DealMac last-minute holiday ship guide

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    What's the most important question when you're doing your holiday e-shopping? OK, the most important after "Where can I buy a Wii for less than $740?" and "Does this iPod Shuffle make me look fat?" Yes, it's "What is the absolute last minute I can order online and still get my gifts in time?"The fine folks at DealMac/DealNews feel your pain, man. They've posted a guide to holiday shipping deadlines that will help you prioritize your purchasing plans. This could be your chance to get your sweetie the millionth Zune! Of course, for instant gratification, there's nothing like the kind of presents you can download.P.S. Amazon's Prime shipping guide is also online.

  • Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to be released in late '07?

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Le sigh. There was a point, if we here at the Fanboy offices can remember correctly, that both Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption were both possible launch titles. Now, according to some whispers over at CVG, neither title will be released (along with the eternally delayed Zelda: Phantom Hourglass) until the holiday season of 2007.Patience is a good thing, and we're more than willing to wait until both of these quadruple-A titles are as shiny as can be. Still, unless Super Smash Bros: Brawl can make it out either in summer or even earlier (something we highly doubt), Nintendo is going to be going quite some time without a big first-party title. Memories of the typical Gamecube release schedule are coming to mind, but alas ... at least we've got the Virtual Console to keep us busy...[via Joystiq]

  • Flickr hearts Wii

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Flickr has been infected with all sorts of shots of the Wii in action, and WiiNintendo gathered several of the best to show off the new console. Several of these look like they might be from family gatherings ... and we can't wait to pack up our Wii for the holiday family tour coming up this weekend. We may even have to share some on Flickr, since it seems that Wii action shots are the new cat pics. Hmm. Maybe we should encourage the cats to play with the Wiimotes. Cutting edge, here we come!