hydrogen gas


  • #ICYMI: A flying roto-car, HoloLens in space and more

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-974561{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-974561, #postcontentcontainer #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-974561{width:570px;display:block;} try{document.getElementById("fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-974561").style.display="none";}catch(e){} Today on In Case You Missed It: Our Jetson's dreams (kinda) came true with the invention of this flying single-seater; Astronauts at the International Space Station are about to receive Microsoft's HoloLens for AR projects and general bragging-rights (take that kids, Poppa got one way before you) and Stanford scientists managed to make hydrogen gas in an entirely new way that's cheaper and more efficient. Fuel for flying cars, perhaps?

  • Supercomputer gives most accurate picture yet of star formation

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Scientists may finally have an answer to the question of why fewer stars than expected form out of interstellar material. So far, the best simulations have predicted that nearly all the matter in vast clouds of interstellar gases would eventually cool and become stars. However, only a small percentage actually does, so an international team led by CalTech has tried to create a more accurate model. They turned to a machine tailor-made for such simulations: the NSF-funded Stampede supercomputer. It turns out that star formation isn't just a local phenomenon; it's also affected by supernova explosions, radiation, stellar gases and even starlight.