

  • The MMO Report: May the beard be with you edition

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With great facial hair comes great responsibility, as Casey Schreiner knows. This week on The MMO Report, we're given not only a healthy serving of news and views on all things MMO but also a glimpse into past-Casey. We also learn of time-traveling-Casey, who apparently shares beard-care tips with the early Jedi. First up, it's a look into the news about Defiance, the upcoming sci-fi MMO from Trion Worlds and the Syfy Channel. That, in turn, leads us to ask: Does anyone else look at the channel name and want to pronounce it "siffy?" After that, we get a look at a shockingly Schreineresque Jedi in the Star Wars: The Old Republic newsbyte. Charging onwards, it's a note on the EVE Online/DUST 514 cinematic from Fanfest that CCP released to the drunken capsuleer masses -- and then the rest of us. Next up, it's time to look at the toad-ally awesome Guild Wars 2 Hylek, and finally we finish off with the standard sack silliness, including a bit of internet archaeology. Check out this week's episode behind the break -- and don't forget you can see it every Thursday on G4TV!

  • ArenaNet delves into the lore of the Guild Wars 2 Hylek race

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    ArenaNet is moving back from gameplay details to lore information with its newest blog post, all about the story behind the Hylek race. These frog people are familiar to current Guild Wars players but not in much depth beyond "Why won't they stop hopping around and let me hit them?!" The Hylek are a returning race in Guild Wars 2, so Eric Flannum has taken some time to delve into their story -- who they are, how the various tribes differ, where they live, and much more. The lore overview is interspersed with various quotes from Hylek leaders and even an Asura researcher who mentions the death of a colleague (no relation) from a poisoned Hylek spear wound. The Hylek aren't a race to be taken lightly, but some of the tribes are friendlier than others, so take the time to get to know them. For the time being, check out Go Forth and Multiply on the ArenaNet blog!