IDF 2010


  • Intel to show off Sandy Bridge at IDF next week, AMD counters with Zacate demo nearby

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Now this is what you call a juicy standoff. Intel has announced that Paul Otellini will grace the stage at IDF next week with a demo of his company's next-gen CPU/GPU chip, codenamed Sandy Bridge, and not to be outdone, AMD has immediately retorted with plans to put its own Zacate competitor up on display -- at the same time, in the same city, but at a slightly different location. Both Zacate and Sandy Bridge meld general-purpose and graphical processing duties into one slice of silicon, consolidating the traditionally discrete CPU and GPU into a power-efficient do-it-all chip. You'll find details of where AMD's impromptu demo will be taking place after the break, whereas the Intel Developer Forum will probably be discoverable by the masses of bespectacled engineers trudging in its general direction. Boy, San Fran's gonna be one happening place next week!

  • Intel may finally be ready to embrace USB 3.0

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    It's September so that can mean only one thing in Intel land: IDF. The second of this year's Intel Developer Forums is this year preceded by speculation that the big blue giant's next motherboard reference design -- codenamed Cougar Point -- will include USB 3.0 support. Intel's relationship with the 3.0 interconnect standard can at best be described as strained, but motherboard and laptop makers haven't shied from integrating it into their wares and as the number of devices supporting SuperSpeed increases, it's becoming somewhat inevitable that Intel would have to play ball as well. At least until Light Peak shines its "instant obsolescence" ray onto USB cables next year. Then again, bear in mind China's Commercial Times has been wrong before, so let's not credit this as fact until someone with a blue name badge tells us so.

  • MeeGo Gone Wild! Features detailed, companies come on board at IDF 2010 (updated)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Wow, the MeeGo news is flying fast and furious today! Our first stop is the Intel Developer Forum, where a recent talk detailed feature lists for netbooks and handhelds running (presumably) 1.0. For the former, you can expect to see it rockin' Chrome (or Chromium), and overhauled social messaging, media, camera, email, and calendar apps. That's in addition to touch and gesture support. As for handhelds, Fennec with Flash support popped up on the slides (probably a carry-over from Maemo, since they already have Mozilla with Flash), VOIP (at least until the carriers get involved), instant messaging, social networking, location-based services, cloud data syncing, and portrait mode support -- not to mention "the Intel app-store framework that can be used to make branded 3rd-party app stores." But that ain't all! According to some freshly minted PR, the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco will be lousy with developers starting Wednesday when the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit begins in earnest. To be announced at tomorrow's keynote are a host of companies that are throwing their lot in with the mobile OS, including: EA Mobile, BMW Group, Acer, Gameloft, Novell, ASUS, and more. Which is all well and good, but the question remains: when are we finally gonna get our hands on an LG GW990? PR after the break. Update: We added a couple shots of the very in-progress UI from Intel's slide show. See more after the break.