

  • Guild Wars celebrates Wintersday in July

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    What is this? A winter celebration in the middle of summer? Guild Wars, you're so crazy! We love you, though. The classic Guild Wars is taking a break from reminding us that it still exists and is quite fun too by throwing an encore of its Wintersday celebration. Wintersday in July began yesterday and will continue until July 31st. There are plenty of activities to enjoy, including the snowball arena. The game will also drop plenty of cool rewards like fruitcake. OK, the game will also drop plenty of cool rewards except for fruitcake, which is nasty and evil to its sticky core. So egg nog it up with your fellow Tyrians for the next week because the hot weather is coming back!

  • Allods Online celebrates Needle Eye Day

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "Raise those fabric scissors in the air like you just don't care," the Allods Online team soberly commands. This comes as the call goes out for tailors to celebrate Needle Eye Day (well, more like 10 days, but who's counting?). Needle Eye Day is a special in-game holiday for folks who have specialized in tailoring. Tailors participating in the event can earn several new items, including a peaked cap, festive suit, and a tailor's bag. The festival will take place from July 18th to July 27th. Just as a reminder, please do not run with those fabric scissors like you just don't care, because it's dangerous. Massively loves you too much to see you succumb to scissor wounds.

  • Star Trek Online encourages fleets to pretty up their mines

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Captains of Star Trek Online, we ask you -- is your fleet's Dilithium Mine nice and pretty? Of course not; it's a mine. You're digging up valuable minerals, not holding a nice dinner party. But you could still opt for a foyer that's at least a little more welcoming, put up some nice viewports... you get the idea. In fact, the next special fleet project will allow you to do just that, turning your entryway into something... not beautiful, but less miserable! As with other special projects, this project must be started during the designated event period (between July 11th and July 25th), but it can be continued even after the event ends. Completion removes some floor space for a nicer view, allows extra space to display environmental suits, and generally makes your mine's entryway less drab. So yes, the captain still needs to toil away at mining, but at least the path to mining can feel somewhat swanky.

  • EVE Online event encourages players to channel their inner photographers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There are some beautiful vistas in EVE Online. You can be forgiven for not noticing when you're trying to sneak your way through dangerous space without getting blown up, but the stellar landscape is gorgeous. So the newest in-game event isn't focused on shooting other players; it's focused on giving everyone a reason to fly around and take pictures of the scenery. Successfully taking these pictures means the requisite fantastic prizes, and you won't even have to stab anyone in the back to do so! For the duration of the event, a forum thread will be used to post existing screenshots in three groups of 10. Players who successfully find the listed locations and recreate the screenshots will be rewarded, as will a lucky winner who takes all of the screenshots correctly. All prizes are in-game, with the grand prize including a special monument and 10 PLEX. For more lore on the event and the official rules, you can take a look at the official posting.

  • The Secret World unleashing Guardians of Gaia anniversary event July 3rd, on sale now [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the horror- and conspiracy-laced The Secret World, and Funcom is hosting a week-long bash to celebrate the milestone. Joel Bylos introduced this latest event in his June Game Director's letter: Dubbed Guardians of Gaia, the event involves the awakening of massive guardians formed of the primal elements and meant as another line of defense against the Filth. Just like in the End of Days event, players will have to band together to rein in these guardians. The luckiest of players will come away from the fight with a Guardian of their very own. But that's not all. With free gifts for all players, a 30% discount on almost everything in the store, and daily bonuses (either double XP, double AP, or double SP) all week, it's a good time for players to jump into the game. As an added bonus, anyone who has ever played any Funcom title -- whether currently active or not -- will be able to log in and play TSW for free for the duration of this event, no purchase required. For those who don't, the game up on sale on Amazon right now for $9.99. The Guardians of Gaia will end when Issue #7 A Dream to Kill releases July 8th. Need a fix before then? Check out the update's comic after the break, and look for Massively's tribute to the game's first year in a special Tuesday edition of Chaos Theory tomorrow. [Updated to add Amazon sale information. Thanks to JohnT_NC for the tip!]

  • Star Trek Online dev blog outlines Lohlunat Festival rewards

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In two days, Star Trek Online is going to be hosting quite a party on the pleasure planet of Risa as it kicks off the Lohlunat Festival in-game event. And while you'd think the very act of being on a planet known primarily for its luxury and hospitality would be enough for most people, the folks at Cryptic know that STO players want more than just a relaxing vista; they want shiny items, too. In light of this, the latest Star Trek Online dev blog details all of the nifty rewards players will be able to get their spacefaring hands (or other alien appendages) on throughout the course of the festival. The festival will introduce two new currencies -- Lohlunat Pearls and Lohlunat Favors -- that players can collect and trade for a variety of rewards. But how do you earn these precious new currencies? Well, Favors can be earned by participating in the Horga'hn Hunt or -- we kid you not-- a dance competition. Pearls, on the other hand, are considerably more rare, and players can only earn 40 per day. Once 1000 pearls have been gathered, they can be used to complete an Event Reputation Project that rewards a shiny new Risian Corvette starship. For all the details on Favors, Pearls, and dance-offs, head on over to the STO official site.

  • Take a tropical holiday in Star Trek Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In Star Trek Online, both the Federation and the Klingon Empire face threats from within and without. The Romulan Republic is beset on all sides by enemies, forced to consort with one-time adversaries to ensure that the long-suffering people of the demolished Romulus do not fade into memory. The galaxy is filled with strife, suffering, and a need for brave explorers and defenders. This makes it the perfect time to toss all of your cares away and start relaxing on the luxurious beaches of the pleasure planet, Risa! The special Lohlunat Festival is approaching, and that means a chance for captains of all factions and races to come to Risa and enjoy the festivities. It also means that captains can get a shot at owning a Risan Corvette, a vehicle built for speed and comfort above all else. And how do you earn the Corvette? Through exploring the island, cutting a move on the dance floor, or taking part in special Floater races across the planet. It's just the thing to unwind after a long day of getting shot at by the Borg, and it means that your tropical vacation can end with a new ship instead of maxed-out credit cards.

  • Guild Wars 2 introduces the Aetherblades

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Who are the Aetherblades? ArenaNet is glad you've asked and has prepared a well-researched essay on the topic. The Aetherblades are a new group that has crashed the Dragon's Bash and is looking to make all kinds of trouble as players head into Guild Wars 2's living story for July. The devs struggled with how to make a new pirate faction that wasn't quite like all of the other pirates in an already piratetastic title. The solution, the article says, was to combine steampunk, lightning, and airships to make a dashing group of electric buccaneers: "We imbued the Aetherblades a lightning aesthetic: They arrive in a bolt of lightning and their skill effects, traps, and weapons are all laced with electrical effects." The article also outlines some of the mobs players will face when they tangle with the Aetherblades, from the basic minions to the razzle-dazzle officer corps.

  • The Perfect Ten: Why game holidays rock

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's as inevitable as the tides, political scandals, and new flavors of Pepsi. Whenever an MMO announces that it's introducing new holiday content into its game, the grumpies come out. "Wah!" they cry. "Why are developers wasting time on this! It's useless! Pointless! Just the mere notion of it makes baby kittens die worldwide!" What my poetic license is trying to say is that some folks are displeased and they make themselves well-heard because of it. I like to think that after posting angry comments, they then go around the rest of the day slamming doors, flipping chairs, and sulking noisily so that someone will ask them why they're in such a foul mood. The answer, if truthful, would be endlessly entertaining. Then again, I used to throw snit fits when I got sent to jail in Monopoly. If you haven't figured it out yet, I love in-game holidays. Love. Them. Beyond the novelty of what they do, there are plenty of reasons that even the most jaded holiday-hater should simmer down around this topic. I think I'll list 10 of them.

  • The end of (beta) days invasion is coming to Neverwinter

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The "It's only in beta" catchphrase is going to become obsolete for Neverwinter come June 20th. At that time, open beta will go quietly into the night as launch takes its place. Did we say quietly? We mean with the loud crashing sounds of Valindra's army at its heels! Starting today at 3:00 p.m. EDT, three phases of events will herald the coming of the official launch. Players will enjoy double the rewards of enchantments and runestones until the 17th in the first phase. In the second, lasting the 17th through the 20th, players will have to guardProtector's Enclave from attack by Valindra's army. More dangerous and deadly creatures then join the fray during the third phase running the 19th and concluding at 12:00 p.m. EDT on the 20th. Successfully defending Neverwinter through the final two phases can net participants unique rewards, including scrolls, a companion, and more. For full details and exact times, check out the official announcement. Then prepare yourself for war. [Source: Perfect World press release]

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World is getting filthy

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    So apparently some of you have operatives who have successfully infiltrated the Massively secret lair because someone has gotten a peek at my master plan... I mean, to-do list... and jumped ahead to this week's topic without me! I know we've talked before about how the real-world setting of The Secret World makes it ideal for blurring lines between game and reality, but I wasn't expecting this. Well, no matter. You cannot thwart the master plan; it has already begun. *maniacal laugh* This stage of my brilliant scheme involves taking a closer look at another little nugget found in the May Game Director's Letter. On the surface we see that The Secret World will be getting even filthier at the conclusion of Issue #7 as the nefarious filth will actually break through the Tokyo gate and begin to infect Agartha itself. But more than that, we are witnessing the implementation of a long-term event that will continue to give new content as it progresses. Could this be the harbinger of dynamic events to come that will breathe more life into the world? We can certainly hope!

  • Watch the plague spread in the newest Defiance trailer

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, players were warned of a plague that was en route to Defiance. This latest cross-over event between the shooter and the television show involves a mysterious illness that is sweeping San Francisco; players must clear out the infected and find a cure to before it spreads to the town of Defiance in the show. And that race to the cure starts today! Want to see what you are up against? Then check out the plague trailer after the cut. Also available in today's Defiance update are a new data recorder, eight new emergencies, two new pursuits, and an all-new game mode. A limited-time mission series will also be available from June 10th to 17th. [Source: Trion Worlds press release]

  • Defiance gets sick and asks players for a cure [Updated]

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We're going to give it to you straight: Defiance has a fever, and the only prescription is... um... well, that's actually a good question. Nobody is sure. The entire focus of the new in-game event is trying to figure out how this fever can be treated. Presumably attempts involving bottles of Sprite and bed rest were inconclusive, and now you're going to have to go shoot some things to try to find the cure. This mini-event offers characters a new Pursuit, which can be cleared to improve your EGO rating, with players seeking out three data recorders to help assemble a cure to the sickness sweeping the Bay area. Triage centers have been established in both Top Notch and Shandu's Consulate. Avid players should get in on this event while it lasts -- there have been no dates given, but it seems this disease will either burn out or get worse fairly quickly. [Update: This event starts on June 3 and the corresponding TV episode runs on June 17.]

  • Guild Wars 2 prepares for Southsun showdown

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The big baddie of Guild Wars 2's recent living story has been called out. He's Canach, a renegade who thinks that that the answer to every urban planning problem is "more monsters." The Sylvari is behind a plot to use the creatures of Southsun to free settlers from the grasp of the Consortium. A showdown with Canach is set to happen when the next chapter of the game's living story rolls out on May 28. The update, titled Last Stand at Southsun, will contain a solo dungeon where players will go mano-a-planto with Canach. ArenaNet says that those who defeat Canach will then open up new group content to tackle. Other changes on deck include a zone-stomping monster and plenty of changes to world-vs.-world content. Southsun living story events, achievements, and rewards will be available until June 11th.

  • Tattered Notebook: A guide to EQII's Moonlight Enchantments (with new stuff!)

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Lately, there have been a number of topics all vying for my attention here in Tattered Notebook. In a couple of instances, some of them got a little rough and started pushing the others around to try for a better place in line. Yet all the while, EverQuest II's Moonlight Enchantments has been patiently waiting. So as a reward (we do like to reward good behavior here!), that quiet little topic is getting the spotlight in a special bonus edition. And the timing couldn't be more perfect! You see, initially this guide was just going to focus on speed to help you get through that short two-day event that comes but once a month on the 20th and 21st in EQII. Now, however, we get to delve into the changes and new things coming to the Enchanted Grottoes, from even more housing items (yes, that's on top of the new additions in March) to two new repeatable quests to earn the tokens to buy the items. And with this month's festival right around the corner, having a game plan ready to get the most out of those two days will benefit new and old players alike.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Shugo Kingdom returns to Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Who says we can't get what we want? I wanted the Shugo Kingdom Adventure event to return to Aion, and I'm getting my wish. Booyah! No, really, it's true: Starting after maintenance on May 22nd, Daevas who've flown over level 50 will again be able to journey for a limited time to the long lost vaults of the Shugo Kingdom in search of great and glorious treasure. And by treasure, I mean a trove of chests filled with AP items, Stormwing armor pieces and weapons, or even rare sets of wings. Of course what you get depends on how many keys you have and a little luck, so there's no harm in starting your sacrifices to Aion's RNG gods now. Did you miss out on the event last time but are looking forward to it this go around? Or maybe you need a refresher because the trauma of not getting that one item caused you to block all knowledge of the zone from your mind? Either way, this edition of Wings Over Atreia will give you a heads up on what to expect. And as an added bonus, Associate Producer Sean Orlikowski shared his tips and tricks for making the most of your Shugo Kingdom Adventures.

  • Allods Online pops the cork on its second anniversary

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Considering how long Allods Online was launched-but-not-officially-launched, we think it's slightly inaccurate to acknowledge gPotato's claim that this is the title's second anniversary. Still, any excuse for a party, right? Starting today, Allods Online is featuring plenty of events, giveaways, and store sales to mark the occasion. Active players have another shot at taming a free grey wolf or earning a "Noble Hero" costume set during the anniversary. There's also a few special NPCs who will be accepting anniversary coins in exchange for an array of special goodies. If you're of a mind to spend some money, all of the item shops wares are available for 20% off through the 13th. GPotato is also giving veteran players 250 premium crystals and an anniversary gift package for those who have been in the game prior to today. The anniversary event goes from now until June 10th.

  • Age of Wushu hosts a Royal Celebration

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Party like it's 2013! Snail Games invites players in the world of Jianghu to join in a special Age of Wushu Royal Celebration starting today. This celebration will have various events sprinkled throughout the month, from earning rewards just for just logging in to chances to face and fight world bosses for their loot. And the rewards themselves range from gift packs to buff items to VIP bonuses. Want to earn a special gift pack? Log in for one hour a day and you'll get one for each day. Players who manage to spend at least two hours online every day for the entire week will earn a much larger reward that includes a 30-day mount and a number of buffs and bonuses. Gain even more rewards for leveling school inner skills and for being a VIP. The event is open to all players regardless of school or skills. For a full listing of the events and their accompanying rewards, check out the official event schedule. [Source: Snail Games press release]

  • Star Trek Online's Crystalline Entity strikes back

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The Crystalline Entity encounter in Star Trek Online is back, as Cryptic has refurbished the event to make it better than ever before. Starting on April 11th, players will be able to tackle the Entity in 10-person encounters while completing a brand-new project for the game. Systems Designer Jeremy Randall explains that the team wasn't happy with the original Crystalline Entity encounter and thus brought it back to the drawing board to make it more engaging. The reworked event now has new features and allows players of all types to participate. The Tholians are now involved as well, although their role is somewhat of a mystery. As part of the reintroduction of the event, Cryptic is running a three-week promotion where players can earn crystal shards for defeating the entity. One shard can be earned per day, and it takes 14 shards to complete the project. The reward for doing so is 50,000 dilithium Ore, 1,000 fleet marks, and a unique crystal shard space non-combat pet.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you like experience boost events?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've got one last alt in Star Wars: The Old Republic that you want at 50 before the expansion goes live, this weekend is the time to make it happen. You've got doubled experience gains, after all. For someone like me who has reached the level cap multiple times over, the fact that I could suddenly jump in and scream up in levels has been a very pleasant departure from the norm over the last few weekends. However, that came with a downside. Sure, during the weekends I could blast through leveling, but during the rest of the week I found I didn't want to touch any characters that were still leveling. Why push hard when I could just wait and get another experience rush? A lot of games like to turn on increased experience gains at various points, usually during weekends. Do you like these experience boost events? Or do you feel they cheapen the leveling experience as a whole? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!