ios game


  • Annapurna Interactive

    Investigative thriller game 'Telling Lies' drops August 23rd

    AJ Dellinger
    AJ Dellinger

    Telling Lies, the spritual successor of indie darling Her Story, will officially be available for PC, Mac and iOS devices on August 23. Gamers excited to get their hands on the new title from developer Sam Barlow can pre-order the investigative thriller from the App Store of their platform of choice.

  • Baldur's Gate pulled from the App Store

    Ilene Hoffman
    Ilene Hoffman

    Dungeons and Dragons fans may be dismayed to hear that Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition was removed from the App Store yesterday. Peter Cohen of iMore reported that Overhaul Games pulled Baldur's Gate due to some contractual issues that need to be resolved. If you previously purchased the game, you can still download and play it though. An available patch to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition cannot be released to users until the resolution of the legal issues. Trent Oster, President of Beamdog and Overhaul Games posted an apology to users and assures us that once the situation is remedied, the game will be reposted.

  • Ion iCade Mobile and iCade Core review

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    The iCade Arcade Cabinet famously began life as an April Fool's joke, pulling the video game equivalent of Pinocchio by transforming in a real salable product. The $100 arcade machine-shaped iPad enclosure / controller hit the sweet spot between functionality and retro gaming nostalgia, proving successful enough that Ion found itself with a solid reason to expand the line. Notable amongst the new arrivals are the iCade Core, which offers up the same feature set as the original iCade in a more portable joystick form, and the iCade Mobile, a re-imagining of the product as an oversized iPhone case. The Core carries the same price tag as its predecessor, while the Mobile clocks in at $20 less. So, are these additions worthy of the iCade name? Or would the line have been better served as a one-off? Insert a coin and find out after the break. Update: Unfortunately, we were provided with incorrect information ahead of the review -- the iCade Core is actually priced at $80, same as the iCade Mobile.

  • Face and 'effort' controlled iPad game helps you outrun the competition (video)

    James Trew
    James Trew

    If you're looking for some exergaming action, but don't have the rhythm -- or lack of self awareness -- for some existing sport game accessories, how about a game controlled by effort? Using your iDevice's camera and accelerometer, BitGym has created a control system for playing iOS games while on your exercise equipment of choice (possibly not the trampoline though). The first release is a racer that converts rate of exercise to acceleration and head movement to steering. We're told there's an SDK too, so developers looking to trim-up can make their own gym-distractions. Fit Freeway is available now, but if you want to see it in action, without breaking a sweat jog on over the break for a demo video.