iphone developer program


  • Apple posts iOS 4.2.1 GM seed, iPads salivate in wait

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Okay, so we've got to be close to a release at this point, right? After posting a WiFi-patched GM last week, Apple's back at it again with an iOS 4.2.1 build for its iPhone Developer Program members... and let's hope this is the very last one before it hits iTunes installations across the land. Or, you know, you can get it now if you shell out some funds in Cupertino's direction. Your call. [Thanks, Dave]

  • iOS 4.2 goes gold, available now to developers (updated)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The iPad's ticket to multitasking freedom -- better known as iOS 4.2 -- has moves past the beta phase and onto GM, which means retail units should be seeing it soon. Besides the iPad, Apple is also providing builds for the second, third, and fourth generations of the iPod touch, along with the iPhone 3G, 3GS, and 4... so if you've got a friend with an iPhone Developer Program subscription, now would be a great time to get cozy. Update: Apple made some last minute tweaks that give fast access to brightness, volume, and AirPlay controls right in the multitasking bar (pictured after the break). Apple's also on the verge of allowing MobileMe service logins using an Apple ID. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Email-based FaceTime support surfaces in iOS 4.1 beta 3

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Fool us once, shame on us. Fool us twice? Fuhgetaboutit. Apple has a thing for introducing new iPods each fall, and given that the existing touch is being given away gratis with a new student computer (not to mention how long in the tooth it is), we're guessing the tradition will continue in 2010. We'd heard earlier on in the year that Apple may toss FaceTime over to the iPod line whenever it finally gained a front-facing camera, and now the evidence is nearly too strong to ignore. In the latest iOS 4.1 beta (numero three, if you're keeping count), there's an option to connect to a contact via FaceTime by ringing their digits or by pinging their email address. We're guessing that the latter is there mostly for iPod touch users (the ones without Apple Peel 520s, anyway), and it's the most glaring sign yet that the next generation touch will flippin' finally boast a camera (or just a way around that SMS-based activation?). Still, we wouldn't get our hopes up too high -- falling ain't no fun, you know?

  • iOS 4.1 beta 3 breaks loose (update: Game Center killed on iPhone 3G and second gen iPod touches)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Member of the illustrious iPhone Developer Program? Well, aren't you special? So special, in fact, that you're once again being granted access to a highly-coveted iOS build that the unwashed commoners can't get: yet another beta of iOS 4.1. This time around, it's beta 3, suggesting that Apple might be getting close to having this thing ready for the mass market; after all, it's been just a week since beta 2, and Apple tends to accelerate the pace when a release is drawing near. Now, what about that iPad version? Update: Looks like there's some bad news for legacy users in this update... namely the fact that Game Center compatibility for second gen iPod touches and the iPhone 3G has been dropped. Thanks for nothing, Apple! [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iOS 4 gold build now available to iPhone Developer Program members

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    You've got to wait a couple weeks to get this if you're the run-of-the-mill iPhone type -- but if you've ponied up the Benjamin for an iPhone Developer Program membership (who's probably suffered through a handful of iPhone OS 4 beta builds over the last few months), you're now able to download the Gold Master seed of iOS 4 directly from Apple's site. Let us know if you manage to sprout a front-facing cam on your 3GS to test FaceTime or anything cool like that, alright? Update: We just updated to iOS 4 GM and haven't noticed anything particularly new or crazy yet. The install requires a beta of iTunes 9.2 to be installed as well, which adds in support for app folders and backups, but otherwise life is proceeding just like it did when we had beta 3 installed. We'll let you know if we spot anything as we go.

  • iPhone OS 4 beta 4 drops in

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    If you like living on the brutal, life-altering bleeding edge the same way we do, odds are you've got iPhone OS 4 beta 3 installed on that 3GS of yours -- assuming you have an iPhone 3GS, naturally. That also means that you'll likely be interested to hear that beta 4 is now out and ready for you to download, install, and not brick your phone if everything goes according to plan, just as long as you've got access to an Apple iPhone Developer Program account. Go forth, intrepid readers -- and do report back on your exploits, won't you? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iPhone SDK 3.2 goes gold, seeded to paying dev program members

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Us freeloaders still have a bit of a wait left, it seems, but paying members of Apple's iPhone Developer Program (which now services iPad devs, too) now have access to the Gold Master seed of the iPhone SDK for OS 3.2. This is a pretty big deal since it's the very first version of the operating system to support the iPad, of course -- and seeing how the first volley of iPads hits retail this weekend, it couldn't come at a better time. Let us know if you find anything wild in this new build, and we'll do the same, alright? [Thanks, Kory H.]

  • Apple's iPhone dev program whoopsie: 'Need to update this for the 27th launch'

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We're sure everyone in Cupertino is ordering Chinese to the office this evening; it's going to be a late night. I's to dot, T's to cross, as they say, in preparation for what's undoubtedly going to be a big day tomorrow. Of course, consistently burning the candle at both ends leads to mistakes -- mistakes like this, for example: a placeholder on the signup form for Apple's iPhone Developer Program (that we've been able to confirm) reading "Need to update this for the 27th launch." 27th launch, indeed -- so what does this mean? If we had to guess, devs are going to get first crack at an updated iPhone OS -- something the company has done before -- which is suddenly going to make the $99 sign-up fee for the program sound a whole lot more reasonable for the impatient among us, isn't it?