ipod shuffle


  • The iPod turns five

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Hard to believe it, but a half decade ago today Steve Jobs stood up in front of a small crowd and introduced an "MP3 music player... that plays all of the popular open formats of digital music, MP3, MP3 VBR, WAV, and AIFF," a device that changed the consumer electronics industry forever. Of course, that device was the iPod. Love it or hate it (we tend to have mixed feelings about it 'round Engadget HQ), the iPod helped to make consumer electronics cool again, and managed to be a huge step forward for the CE industry shortly after the tech bubble had burst -- and during a time when the country was in turmoil after the attacks of 9/11, no less. No, the iPod wasn't the first digital music player -- not even the first with a portable hard drive -- but we're not going to wax on about what it was that charmed tens of millions of consumers out of their hard earned cash. So we figured it'd be enough to present to you an iPod family tree, do a little groundskeeping to make sure the iPod family cemetery is in good shape, and let you blow out the iPod's birthday candles whichever way you like.P.S. - Check out Steve's original introduction to the iPod after the break. Ah, memories.

  • "iBlue" Mac mini/iPod shuffle IP-PBX combo

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    If you've been looking for an IP-PBX solution for your biz but have been dissatisfied by the lack of potential lawsuit-inducing options, then Berlin-based 4S newcom GmbH may have just the gear for ya. It's newly announced "iBlue" is an IP-PBX system consisting of the company's own 4S IP PBX software, a Mac mini, and an iPod shuffle, which should be enough to get you up and running with some SIP-based VoIP in no time. The shuffle part of the equation is unfortunately less exciting than you may think, with the now-dated player simply serving as a glorified software-delivery device -- though as our pal Om says, it sure helps grab some attention. Sweeting the deal, 4S is also throwing in five snom300 VoIP phones, with the software licensed for up to 250 users and 30 parallel calls. If that works for ya, you'll be able to grab an iBlue for a cool €3,000 Euro when it launches November 6th.[Via GigaOM]

  • Flickr find: Someone forgot to restock the vending machine!

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Somewhere in a San Francisco hotel, California, there's a vending machine stocked with snacks, beverages, and some stale iPod shuffles. Let's hope the consumables are refreshed more often than the iPods!I wonder why we aren't seeing more of these? iPod vending machines, I mean. For a while there it looked like every airport, hotel and assorted lobby vending machine was going to be filled to the brim with iPods. I hardly ever see them myself, though.

  • Keepin' it... wait, that's a Bluetooth Skype phone?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Sure, it might look exactly like those iPod shuffle knockoffs floating around a bit ago, but this new FlashPhone F4K has more going on than just an ugly paint job. The F4K, from the same Mplat that brought us the sexier F2K, is one of those VoIP phone on a USB stick setups, except that this version includes Bluetooth to allow you to make those calls wire-free. Mostly designed for softphone use, the F4K can handle Skype, MSN, Google Talk, Xten, SIP Phone and more, so you shouldn't have much trouble working it from most computers with an Internet connection -- we just want to know why it needs MP3 playback controls. A bit of audio on the go would be nice, but either way we can't really complain with this thing priced at $40 for the 128MB version.[Via TRFJ]

  • Say hello to a 25ft tall iPod

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    No, Apple hasn't released an iPod designed exclusively for giants: an Ohio-based company that runs a local entertainment magazine and website has created a functioning, 25ft tall iPod shaped billboard. The gigantic iPod, which is based on the design of the 5th generation iPod, is set up to play music submitted to an online jukebox by local musicians. Ironically, the music is actually routed through the smallest type of iPod you can buy: an iPod shuffle. You can view its interactive playlist here.As for it being the largest iPod in the world, we've got to ask, is it viewable from space?[Via MacDailyNews]

  • The radJupiter cigarette lighter iPod dock

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    If you've been looking for a redundant iPod accessory that likely won't fit into 9 out of 10 cigarette lighters, this new radJupiter nano dock from Radius should fit the bill nicely. The little unit comes in white and black, and also has a shuffle version with a USB port instead of dock connector. Along with charging your iPod, the radJupiter contains an FM transmitter to get tunes to your stereo, and houses a stereo mini jack to get audio from other devices. You can get your rad on for about $50, but we're pretty sure that the rad-ness will be Japan only for the time being.

  • Church gives out free iPod shuffles

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    iPods are hot (that's breaking news for ya!). Therefore, when you are trying to woo someone to come to your grand opening, or website, or what have you, it makes sense to give away a few iPods. People like free things, and people like iPods.That's what the Interfaith Unity Church of Mesa, AZ figured out. Every week between now and June 11th they are giving away an iPod shuffle to someone in the congregation. Sounds like a good idea to me.

  • uSport Headband for your Shuffle

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I'm sure you love using your iPod Shuffle, but you have hoped and hoped that someone would create a product that would let you look fairly silly while jamming out to some tunes. Enter the uSport Headband, a nearly wireless way to listen to your iPod Shuffle.I'm not the headband sort myself, but perhaps you are.

  • The iPod as demand for action

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Believe it or not, not everyone loves the iPod. While I don't count myself among the haters, I do see how this is sort of obnoxious. Tiny stickers that, when affixed to your iPod shuffle, announce either your desire to engage in conversation or your wish to be left completely alone. Hey, I'm glad that you're enjoying your iPod, but I don't need to have the thing telling me what to do.Now, I understand (I think) the idea here. Typically, the act of wearing headphones in public sends a clear "leave me alone" signal. The "Talk to me" sticker would come into play if a person was open to chat despite the fact that s/he was wearing headphones (In fact, the stickers were born as a result of Marco Siebertz's senior thesis exploring the social implications of using headphones, specifically as a sign for non-communication). An interesting idea, but I still think that the same result could be achieved through other means, like eye contact, a smile or, heaven forbid, actually turing your darn iPod off for a minute or two.[Via The Blog Herald]

  • 1GB iPod nano for $149

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    I don't know yet if this is the only reason the Apple Store was down earlier today, but in any case, they've just announced a new 1GB iPod nano for $149 and the iPod shuffle now starts at $69 for the 512MB model and $99 for the 1GB model. I would have preferred a $99 1GB iPod nano and that they just trash the 1GB shuffle, but, whatever...

  • Apple to kill the iPod shuffle?

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    CNN Money is pointing to a statement by UBS analyst Ben Reitzes, who believes that the iPod shuffle may be replaced by a competitively priced, 1GB iPod nano. He's banging the "it doesn't have a screen" drum, but I really don't mind.I love my shuffle, and take it with me on short trips to the grocery store, walking the dog, etc. I know exactly what's on it because I choose to feed it manually (as opposed to auto fill), and it's really nice to not have to worry about scratches, etc. If my shuffle gets scuffed up, who cares? It's the utilitarian member of the iPod family (now that the mini is gone). I drop it into a coat or shirt pocket or hang it from my keys (see image above) without giving it a second thought. For me, that's the main appeal of the thing. If I had a 1GB nano it its place, I'd be treating it with kid gloves. I think the iPod family has to retain at least one rough-and-tumble member.[Via Macsimum News]

  • Build your own Shuffle transmitter

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Here is yet another do it yourself project that I won't be doing any time soon, but don't let that stop you. Raymond built himself an FM transmitter for his Shuffle using an old IBM mouse. He has nicknamed the contraption the iMouse.The range is about 500 feet, which isn't too shabby. Best of all he has posted instructions for folks who own soldering irons out there to build there own.[via Make]

  • 1GB iPod shuffle is sold out at Apple online

    Jan Kabili
    Jan Kabili

    There are no more 1GB iPod shuffles to be had at the Apple online store. The product description says simply: "Currently Unavailable. . . Sold out for holiday. Expected availability mid-January."Mid-January, of course, is after the expected product announcements at MacWorld. There has been speculation about a smaller iPod shuffle or perhaps no iPod shuffle at all. In the meantime, you can still order the 512MB iPod shuffle from the Apple store. If you really want a 1GB version, you might still find one at online. My Simon found a few, but not the usual quotient, of online stores reporting availability, and several are up for auction on Ebay.