

  • GDC09: An Irrational name change?

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It appears that 2K Boston may be going back to its original name, Irrational Games, soonish. This evening, at a social event held by the developer's PR company, several 2K Boston employees were wearing the above shirts, promoting that jobs are currently available at the developer. When we confronted several 2K Boston folks about why the two URLs were on the shirt, they were ... well, let's just say they were a little cagey. If it happens, it means Irrational switched its name and back again in under two years.

  • 2K Boston is hiring (Hey, Ken. We have excellent compuper skills!)

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    2K Boston is looking to staff its next project and is blaring that information quite publicly -- a bold move in this economy. The company approached us with images of a postcard it'll pass out next week at GDC on a recruitment mission. It sounds like the developer is casting a wide net for talent and will sift through the candidates to find what the studio is looking for -- we do not envy that human resources person. Almost nothing is known about 2K Boston's next project, other than that, in Ken Levine's words, it's "very, very, different."According to the flip side of the card (found after the break), the company is currently looking for ... well, it appears it's looking for everyone under the sun. The company has "dozens of openings in programming, design, art, audio and production." Remember to check for typos (like we should have with our headline -- guess that rules us out, blargh) before submitting your resume to the email address found on the card.Now, let the speculation begin on why the image -- seemingly of a Big Daddy helmet -- was used for this promotion. Best of luck to the applicants!

  • Video: BioShock 360 vs. BioShock PS3 look similar

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Seeing that it has been quite a while since we've posted one of these little gems, here, for your viewing pleasure, is a video comparing the look of BioShock on the Xbox 360 versus BioShock on the Playstation 3. Press play, watch, analyze and we'll wait ...Okay, by now your video watching should be complete, (achievement unlocked audio sample goes here) and hopefully you noticed that the games are nearly identical. How fun! You should have also realized that you wasted a good three minutes of your day squinting at your computer screen trying your damnedest to spot a pixel differences between the two. Don't feel bad though, because we did the same. It's just something that's in our fanboy genes that makes us do it.

  • Get creative with BioShock vending MP3 downloads

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Major Nelson and Elizabeth from 2K Games just partnered up to offer a few short, sweet and completely downloadable audio clips from everybody's favorite Big Daddy adventure, BioShock. The audio clips are all master tracks taken from Rapture's quirky odd talking vending machines. As an added bonus, once you play but one of these audio clips, we guarantee that you'll be instantly taken back to your Rapture gaming days. Ahhh ... Rapture ...Now, you may be asking what the heck you want with a few random (yet very yummy) audio samples from BioShock's vending machines. Well, if you were a creative fellow, you wouldn't be asking that now would you? Use them as a ringtone, apply them as your computer's error message, mix some samples into a full fledged song or just keep looping a clip while you sleep at night. Be creative and share how you'll be using your newly downloaded BioShock vending clips.

  • Gorgeous but totally unofficial BioShock 2 art

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    As a preemptive warning to those searching for any BioShock 2 news, details or leaked assets. This concept art isn't real. Well, actually, let us re-phrase that. This concept art is real, but is not tied to the yet to be announced BioShock 2 and is actually the work of a talented artist by the name of Ben Mauro. The reason the artwork looks very BioShock'esque is because Mr. Mauro actually took inspiration from BioShock to create the concept art and a BioShock 2 "pitch" for his college architecture course. We think everyone can agree that it's lovely art and it makes our head ponder what will be in the BioShock sequel ... what ideas we have.[Via CVG]

  • Rumor: Rapture will fall in BioShock prequel

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over the weekend, Czech gaming website claimed that their 2K insider told them that a sequel to BioShock is already in pre-production by an unnamed 2K studio (2K Czech?) and is on track to release Summer 2009. Which isn't all that surprising seeing that BioShock has earned like, what, 328 GOTY awards. But that isn't all. then claimed that the BioShock sequel isn't really a sequel per say and will instead be a prequel with a storyline based on events that occur prior to Rapture's eventual fall. This would allow players to experience the glamorous life of Rapture prior to everyone going crazy.So what does 2K Games have to say about this latest BioShock prequel rumor? Well, not too much. In a response to, a 2K spokesperson told them that they have "nothing to announce at all" which sounds eerily similar to Microsoft's stance on rumors. We'll just have to wait a bit longer for official details (or more concrete rumors), but we'll be the first to raise our hand and tell 2K that a BioShock prequel not only sounds interesting, but is pretty much the only place you can take the story. Bring it on![Via Joystiq]Read -'s BioShock prequel rumorRead - 2K Games' response to the rumor

  • 2K is still shipping out Big Daddy replacements

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Elizabeth from 2K Boston popped in the 2K forums to update everyone on the Big Daddy replacement saga which sadly continues into 2008. Elizabeth mentions that the replacement Big Daddy figures have started shipping (that's good, seeing that they should have back in November) but not everyone's has been sent off yet. They're still carefully packing each Big Daddy figure, affixing address labels and having Mr. UPS man come pick them up. So, if you haven't received your replacement Big Daddy figurine yet, we'd expect it to arrive within' a week or so (like we haven't heard that before). And be warned 2K. With these shipment delays coupled with an overall feeling of being dragged along, we better not receive a replacement that has its drill tip broken. If so, there will be hell to pay. End angry rant.[Thanks, HaVoC]

  • BioShock scares up GOTY honor from AP

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    BioShock, BioShock, BioShock ... you successful little monster you. The Associated Press just came out with their annual best and worst video game honors and lo and behold, you've taken the top title as their game of the year. Halo 3, Rock Band or The Orange Box couldn't take your GOTY title, instead they had to settle for "Most Overrated Game", "Best Game That Involves Getting Off the Sofa" and "Best Deal" awards. You have proven yourself to be this year's diamond BioShock, this year's crowning achievement in video game storytelling, immersion and appeal that the industry needs. And you've been rewarded. Congratulations.[Via The Cult of Rapture]

  • BioShock gets update and new plasmid DLC

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Hey, hey! The BioShock update and downloadable content that was announced a few days back has just been released early this morning making your Rapture experience all the better. BioShock's Cult of Rapture outlined what's included in the title update which includes a widescreen FOV fix, various bug squashes and a solution to the nasty caching problem. They also confirmed that the free DLC includes a disable Vita Chambers option, a 100 point "Brass Balls" achievement and four brand new plasmids (Machine Buster 1 & 2, Vending Expert 1 & 2, Sonic Boom 1 & 2 and EVE Saver). Pop in BioShock, get your update, download the DLC and re-visit Rapture with your new sonic booming abilities. Boom, boom![Thanks, dave]

  • BioShock update and free DLC coming next week

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The world of Rapture will be seeing an enhancement sometime next week with the release of a BioShock title update and some free downloadable content. The Cult of Rapture announced the the release of the new BioShock content, but has been rather mum about what's going to be fixed via the update or what free goods will be included in the DLC. Though, we have some sort of an idea of what's headed our way, because Elizabeth from the Cult of Rapture confirmed with IGN that the new goodness will include a fix to the widescreen field of view as well as some new plasmids. There you have it kids, some newly new BioShock newness is incoming.

  • BioShock's new (and secret) achievement

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Making a surprise landing on's achievement tracking list is a brand new and totally unexpected BioShock achievement. The achievement is the 51st listed, worth a whopping 100 Gamerscore and is one of those dirty "Secret" achievements, so nobody is quite sure what must be done to unlock it. Is it based on gameplay already available in BioShock or is it a direct hint at other tasks that'll be available in some yet to be released DLC? We're not sure, but we're crossing our fingers in hopes of some new DLC in the next few days to go along with our spiffy new achievement.[Thanks, xenocidic]

  • By golly, it's a Etch A Sketched Big Daddy

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Only rarely does one stumble upon great artwork that touches them to their core and pulls out emotions that are so deeply embedded. The kind of art that truly inspires greatness and makes one want to scream out loud "I love etched BioShock artwork!" And the picture you see above, made us say just that.The mysterious and ever so talented Etch A Sketchist created the masterpiece above using his Etch A Sketch, sketching what looks to be the cover art of BioShock, but re-mastered and completed with two white knobs. We must say that his work on the Gears of War scene that we saw a while back was pretty spot on, but this BioShock masterpiece takes the cake. We've never felt the urge to hug an Etch A Sketch as much as we do right now ... we love our BioShock, oh yes we do.[Via The Cult of Rapture]

  • Video: BioShock open-ended gameplay

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, are you getting sick of BioShock footage yet? We hope not, because GameVideos has posted a video with Irrational Games' Ken Levine, who walks us through a gameplay scenario. In order to display the many options available to the player, the video runs us through the same scenario three times. On the first try, it's played as a straight up FPS with guns blazing (hint: this won't get you very far). The second time through, the player uses forethought and all the Plasmid skills available. The third time, he takes on the Big Daddy. Unfortunately, the battle with the Big Daddy is cut short, so we don't get to witness the whole thing (you may recall that it takes a lot of firepower to bring these guys down).Also, we noticed what appear to be enemy health bars in the video too. Hopefully that's a feature that can be turned off. Kind of ruins the suspense, you know?

  • BioShock preview reveals tasty gameplay info

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameSpot has posted a lengthy preview for BioShock, the upcoming first person shooter from Irrational Games and 2K. We've seen our share of BioShock previews, but this one really focuses on the actual gameplay experience. In particular, the preview highlights the borderline survival horror aspect of the game, noting the literally insane AI of your enemies. If you've been wanting to get a feel for the things you will actually be doing in BioShock, it's a pretty good read. Be warned though, there are some minor spoilers contained in the preview, though there is nothing drastic.If you've dismissed BioShock as "just another shooter," you should definitely check out the preview. August can't come soon enough.[Via Evil Avatar]%Gallery-3532%

  • Video: BioShock developer diary

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameTrailers has posted a developer diary video from Irrational Games, makers of BioShock. Of course, if you're going to talk about BioShock, you might as well talk about the Big Daddy. It seems that he (it?) has wormed his way into every bit of BioShock promotional material out there, and this video is no different. Specifically, the video deals with the relationship between the Big Daddy character and the Little Sister. The two are always together and will work together when confronting threats. It's really an interesting look at how the pair interacts with each other. It's almost heartwarming to see the Big Daddy affectionately pat the Little Sister on the head, though the feeling is somewhat sullied knowing that he most likely drilled someone into a wall only moments before. Watch the video and tell us what you think.

  • Video: BioShock plasmids aplenty

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's true. We loves BioShock. Loves it. With the impending release only months away, we were pleased to see a mountain of video coverage on GameTrailers. We had meant to post it earlier, but we were distracted by lolcats. The series of videos covers the many plasmids available in BioShock. Some are fairly simple, like the Winter Blast plasmid, which freezes your enemies. Others are a little more complicated, like the Security Bullseye plasmid, which automatically makes your enemy the target of nearby security bots. All in all, the plasmids look to add a considerable degree of strategy and fun to BioShock. Check out the videos after the break.

  • 1UP details first few hours of BioShock

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    1UP received some hands on time with BioShock and aren't afraid to spoil the first few hours of gameplay. Their BioShock preview article is more or less a recap of the gameplay and events of their play session. So, if you don't like spoilers, stay away from this BioShock "preview". But we'll sum up their overall impressions. 1UP feels BioShock is more of a shooter than anything else with solid controls and a great atmosphere all rolled up into a very fun free roam adventure. The encounters are memorable, the look is unmistakable, and they really enjoyed their time with the game (end summation). They also posted a few new screenshots of their underwater adventure, so be sure to check those out. And yes, we're just as excited to take down a Big Daddy ... we can't wait.[Via Game Stooge]

  • BioShock's Big Daddy box art unleashed

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Fresh from the murky ocean depths, 2K Games just released the official box art for BioShock and what more can we say other than we're loving it! Anytime we see a Big Daddy, a Little Sister, or BioShock's lovely water our inner fanboy is instantly unleashed. And the cool thing is that the game's box art displays all three! Sweet huh? Take a look at BioShock's standard edition cover art after the break.[Via GamingTalkHQ]

  • Video: EGM previews BioShock

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    EGM recently got a chance to take a long look at BioShock and have been kind enough to share their impressions with the rest of the internet (how thoughtful). The video preview discusses the many aspects of BioShock, from its cinematic qualities to its accurate simulations of environmental effects. Irrational's Ken Levine notes that it was important for BioShock to perform according to a gamer's expectations. For instance, an enemy who is caught on fire should seek water to put it out. Similarly, shocking a pool of water with electricity should electrocute any enemies standing in the pool. Other topics discussed include BioShock's viability as an FPS, enemy AI, and the game's overall structure. Check out the preview after the break.

  • New BioShock footage, massive gallery

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We just can't wait for BioShock. If you listen to the Fancast, you probably already know that, but it remains noteworthy. The game simply looks gorgeous and it has some promising gameplay to boot. The footage above is basically a mishmash of gameplay footage, assembled in no particular order. Give it a look and tell us what you think. Be warned though, watching all of these clips out of context may begin to make you feel a little ... insane.Also, we've uploaded a huge BioShock gallery, which you are free to peruse at your leisure. Find it below.[Via youNEWB]%Gallery-3532%