

  • Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR's hidden messages

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    "Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future," were Yoda's words from The Empire Strikes Back, but contrary to the Jedi Master's belief, most of the time there are clues to what our future holds. Like the smell right before a rain storm, or little ticks of involuntary action that give away when someone is bluffing in poker, or that face your mother used to give you which said you were in trouble, clues to what the future holds are everywhere. Star Wars: The Old Republic is no exception. Clues to what the game holds are hidden all over its website. Alyssa Gobelle is the web designer for SWTOR. She has done a beautiful job of constructing a site that is entertaining as well as interesting to look at. Although the busy lettering, Aurebesh, entices the eyes, it also gives away secrets to the game. In April, Gobelle was interviewed by the Holonet Project fan site, where she revealed that the messages are totally intentional: "When they first brought me on, our first major task was to design the HoloNet. We wanted the HoloNet's voice to be as much 'within the lore of the game' as possible so we planned to add some generic Aurebesh to start. But we also wanted to add some hidden teases and notes for you guys to devour and ponder upon and play with. Give some more fuel to the speculation festivities." Continue after the break to find out what some of these "hidden teases" are. Perhaps you can help me figure out what the rest of them mean.

  • Space combat has been confirmed for SWTOR! [Updated]

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/pc_games/Space_combat_has_been_comfirmed_for_SWTOR'; While at Comic-Con, the fan site Mos Eisley Radio tweeted a rumor that there will be space combat in SWTOR. Space combat has been strongly suspected since the announcement of player ships at E3, but there was nothing to confirm our suspicions. According to the folks at Mos Eisley Radio, James Ohlen said that each ship will be customizable, and, of course, that the player will be able to use this ship in space combat. Not moments later, this rumor was completely confirmed by SWTOR's community manager, Sean Dahlberg, on the official forum. He confesses in his announcement, "While we didn't quite make the numbers [of Facebook and Twitter followers], we definitely saw how excited the community is about this and how everyone came together. After all of that, there's no way we could hold back with our special reveal at Comic-Con!" So it seems the devs did not punish the fans for not reaching the social media goal after all. He reveals that further details will be available in the October edition of PC Gamer. [Thank you, Mos Eisley Radio, for keeping your ears open!] [Editor's Note: Brooks from Mos Eisley Radio just mailed us to say that all of his information is coming from Darth Hater's liveblog, so props to Darth Hater, and thanks for letting us know, Brooks! ~Sera]

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Fires of Hope from E3 2010

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    The Hyperspace Beacon is a weekly guide and discussion by Larry Everett about the yet-to-be-released game Star Wars: The Old Republic. No matter where you were this week, if you are a Star Wars fan, you saw the new SWTOR trailer: Hope. I'm sure you also read the Daily Grind asking, "Do cinematics make you want to play?" It's an honest question. Lots of times these over-the-top trailers mask some of the things producers aren't telling you about the game you are interested in playing. In fact, it may give you greater expectations than the game has to offer. There have been quite a few comments about Star Wars Galaxies' trailers which have caused some players of the seven-year-old MMO to ask rhetorically, "I want to play that game. Where is that game?" So let me tell you up front, Star Wars: The Old Republic does not look like either of the cinematic trailers, but that does not mean it is not a great game. I believe as a fan of this game and as a reporter for this website that I would be doing you, the reader, an injustice by totally giving into the (albeit mostly fan-created) hype that surrounds this game. So this week I want to take things back a notch and hopefully give you a realistic outlook on a couple of announced aspects of the game.

  • New details on Star Wars: The Old Republic companion characters

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    BioWare's lead designer James Ohlen has done a quick interview with IGN about Star Wars: The Old Republic's concept of "companion characters." Not only do you get to tool around the universe as a Sith or a Jedi, but as we first heard back at the game's announcement, you get to bring some other poor suckers with you. The idea sounds a lot like your party members from Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2 -- your companions will follow an "Affection" system, and you can end up making them "twisted to the dark side of the Force" or "stronger and more independent," depending on how you treat -- even gift -- them. (Those being just a couple of examples.) Companion characters will also have a lot of combat utility, and you may want to bring some of them based strictly on how they complement you in combat. The gear you equip for them will also make a difference, so you may have to tailor your party and their gear for the specific goals of any given mission. The system doesn't sound too different from past BioWare games, with the caveat that, since it's an MMO, you'll have to direct AI players in real-time rather than pausing the game to give out orders. Ohlen also says his favorite recent character is Alistair, which worries us a little bit -- he always struck us as whiny. [Via Massively]

  • Complement your Star Wars: The Old Republic character with companions

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    What would Han be without Chewie, Luke without R2-D2, Robin Hood without Little John, or Hall without Oats? Pretty darn boring if you ask Bioware. This is the key reason for adding companion characters to Star Wars: The Old Republic. A lot of MMOs like to build the adventure around one lone character conquering the big bad. In a world with a lot of people who are all the best, why would anyone need anyone else? Bioware's Creative Director and Lead Designer, James Ohlen, tells IGN in an interview today, "Companion characters have a significant impact on the player's experience. They are integral to the player's storyline." So other characters can play a significant role in storyline progression and plot. What about combat? Sure, a lot of games have characters you can talk to and interact with, but they aren't important to battling the enemy. "Each companion has a specific role, whether it be additional DPS, tanking, healing or crowd control. Companions also have special abilities that can be activated to significantly change what's going on during a battle," Ohlen says further in the article. Read more of the article on IGN. Then let us know what role you think companions are going to play, and how you would like to see them used in SWTOR. [Update] the official site has been updated to include companions. In KOTOR tradition they have a blue twi'lek: Vette.

  • SWTOR lead designer discusses combat and world design

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    In the the second part of their two-part interview with Star Wars: The Old Republic lead designer James Ohlen, IncGamers extracted a little more information about combat and world design. While Ohlen remains cheekily ambiguous about how the combat system works, he does mention that he thinks it's not entirely comparable to anything else out there. We're interested to see if that remains to be true once BioWare has revealed the system in the future.As for world design, one of the big aspects of the Star Wars universe is that it has tons of planets covered by one geological feature -- you've got desert planets, water planets, city planets and so on. Ohlen wouldn't provide an answer on whether or not BioWare was going to break this tradition, but he did say to expect a mix of old and new, which isn't exactly a no or a yes. In the end it probably doesn't matter, as places like Tatooine or Coruscant can be turned into a singlular zone. BioWare has finally unveiled Star Wars: The Old Republic, their new MMO! Massively's got you covered on all the details -- from liveblogging the announcement to screenshot galleries and more. Join us in the Galaxy far, far away!

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic interview reveals shiny new information bits

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    IncGamers had the opportunity to ask Star Wars: The Old Republic's lead designer James Ohlen some questions regarding the newly announced title. The most interesting of responses from Ohlen have him making very strong hints that while 300 years have passed since the first two titles, everyone's favorite assassin droid will make a return -- among other possibly alien species. We also learn that even though certain characters obviously won't have lived that long, quest will make plenty of allusions and references to legacies of past characters.Another interesting reveal is that more than 100 people are currently working on Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's a fairly reasonable number for an MMO, but it gives us a good idea for how much effort is being put into a game that's apparently in a pre-alpha stage. BioWare has finally unveiled Star Wars: The Old Republic, their new MMO! Massively's got you covered on all the details -- from liveblogging the announcement to screenshot galleries and more. Join us in the Galaxy far, far away!

  • First look at Star Wars: The Old Republic in PC Gamer magazine

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If ever there was a thing to go all googly-eyed over, it's the first look a Star Wars: The Old Republic. While it's a shame that such information isn't being released onto the web, at least we've got it earlier than most people were expecting. PC Gamer magazine has gotten an exclusive first look at BioWare's incubating MMO, including interviews with creative director James Ohlen, principal lead writer Daniel Erickson, and BioWare co-founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk.The issue also apparently has exclusive screenshots for anyone brave enough to look. We're sure that what we've seen so far are very early conceptual designs, but it still pains us to see log-sized lightsabers -- even if BioWare is willing to laugh at themselves over it.