

  • Engadget's Election Day liveblog

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Engadget's editors will be watching the election results roll in all night. If you want to know what they're reading, where they're tracking the vote and what is capturing their attention on social media tune in here to the Engadget election liveblog. And, if you've got questions not answered by our guide to the candidates hit us up on Twitter and we'll do our best to answer them.

  • Engadget's guide to the 2016 presidential candidates

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    In 2016 America will elect a new president -- and we're about to hit the most intense part of the campaign, with three debates coming up between now and election day. After eight years in office Barack Obama will move out of the White House and take a long overdue break from the stresses of running the country (or at least attempt to). But, before someone new sets up shop in the Oval Office, he or she will have to convince America that they deserve to be president. At Engadget we're firm believers in the power of an informed electorate, so to help you find the candidate right for you, here is a look at the contenders and where they stand on a swath of issues related to science and technology. We'll be updating this guide throughout the election season to reflect current polling numbers and new comments from the candidates regarding the issues. Click here to see all the candidates' report cards.