

  • Preview of the WoW comic #2

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Those wascally wabbits at MTV Multiplayer have somehow gotten their paws (see what I did there?) on a five-page preview of the second World of Warcraft comic, still written by Walter Simonson, and drawn by Ludo Lullabi and Sandra Hope (the cover, pictured here, is done by Blizzard's own Samwise Didier, with an alternate cover by Jim Lee).I have to admit that I never got a chance to read the first WoW comic, but this does look a lot like the preview we saw a little while ago-- our amnesiac hero (whose name is now "Croc-bait"?) is fighting for his life in the Crimson Ring's arenas, with Orc Shaman (cheer! for the Horde!) Reghar Earthfury by his side. And by the way, giving those blades to a Human is not cool, Reggie baby. There is also a fun little cameo on the last page, but I'll leave it up to you all to speculate who that might be-- I have my own thoughts, but just to stay spoiler-free, I'll keep them to myself.Still it is cool to see this thing come together, steeped in Warcraft lore as it is. The Blood Elf/Night Elf friction is a nice touch, too-- I'll definitely be shipping those two as the comic rolls on.

  • Jim Lee likes to gank noobs, make WoW comics

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Jim Lee is excited about the World of Warcraft comic-- he makes that clear in this short clip from a Gametap interview done with the veteran comic book artist. Lee isn't actually drawing the comic, unfortunately (the little preview we saw didn't look bad, but it didn't look like Jim Lee, either), but he is putting the cover together, and the comic is actually being released under his imprint at DC, Wildstorm.He's also a player (paging Blizzard's ad department), and enjoys ganking "low-level noobies." He says also that he was glad to grab the comic license, since they did it so long after WoW actually got successful, and that Wildstorm has big hopes for the comic (apparently they're not just pinning their hopes on the Heroes serial). We're rooting for you, Jim, but only as long as you draw some more cool pictures of Shamans. Totems FTW.[Via Incgamers]

  • World of Warcraft comic in the making?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    There have been some rumors floating around that a World of Warcraft comic book is the next expansion to the franchise, but despite the intriguing artwork we've seen (see right), we don't have any solid confirmation on the project. However, what we do know is that at the San Diego Comic Con next week, well-known comic artist Jim Lee will be appearing with Blizzard's lore expert Chris Metzen. And then Jim Lee will be appearing at BlizzCon. Hmm... Something's certainly going on here to have Jim Lee making two Blizzard-related appearences in a week. But, while his inclusion in BlizzCon (and Metzen's inclusion in Comic Con) seems to suggest some sort of comic, we can't say for certain what kind of surprises are in store for us.[Thanks, Chadwick!]