karaoke bar


  • Microsoft lands its largest ever Surface order... from a karaoke bar (update: new video)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    There's not much to see right now, but it appears that Red MR is well on its way to becoming one of the most advanced (and probably the most amusing) karaoke bars in the world. Ahead of its Hong Kong debut this Saturday, said company has already installed six Surfaces in its two bars, and is aiming to fit more to fill up all 80 rooms -- and that number could go up to 300 in the near future -- once Microsoft has ramped up production. With Red MR's customized software (still under wraps), customers will be able to pick songs, order food, watch TV, and play games on the Surface while listening to a drunk rendition of My Heart Will Go On. Oh, and there'll also be a few Kinects dotted around the bars, but it's not exactly clear whether they'll be in the rooms as well. Anyhow, we'll be flying out to Hong Kong to check it out later this week, so stay tuned. For now, you can watch a demo of the Surface's Liar's Dice game after the break. Update: Our friends over at M.I.C Gadget found a video from Apple Daily that teases the karaoke UI. Have a look after the jump.