

  • Jeff Pachoud/AFP/Getty Images

    'League of Legends' creator wins $10 million in cheating lawsuit

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you've noticed fewer cheaters in your League of Legends matches in recent weeks, you now have a good idea as to why. Riot Games has won a settlement in its lawsuit against LeagueSharp, the subscription cheating service that offered automated play (that is, bots) to win in League games. The agreement has LeagueSharp paying $10 million, bans its software and gives Riot control over its websites. LeagueSharp technically shut down in January, but the terms of the settlement weren't circulating until now.

  • Riot Games is suing a huge 'League of Legends' cheat service

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    Cheating ruins online games. Full stop. Valve has cracked down on folks running amok in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and League of Legends developer Riot Games is doing the same. Specifically, Riot is suing the owners of "Leaguesharp" (L#) which charges between $15 and $50 a month for services that grant the ability to "see hidden information; 'automate' gameplay to perform with enhanced or inhuman accuracy; and accumulate levels, experience and items at a rate this is not possible for a normal human player," according to the lawsuit papers obtained by Rift Herald.