

  • Google / Area 120

    Google’s Grasshopper app teaches you how to code

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Google's incubator for employees' "20 percent time" side projects, Area 120, typically produces fun things like an app to make YouTube more social and expanding Smart Replies. Now the workshop has released an app to help beginners learn to code in Javascript, which could be helpful for novices who want to build websites.

  • Microsoft

    Kids can learn to code Xbox and PC games at Microsoft stores

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    There are a ton of initiatives to help kids (and adults) learn to code these days. Google has lessons for teens to code animates scenes starring Wonder Woman, Apple has the kid-friendly Swift Playgrounds and a partnership with Tynker, and even Facebook has a program that suggests learning gadgets and other resources to help encourage the next generation of coders. Microsoft has now launched a series of free Xbox and PC game development classes, held at its "flagship" stores in New York and Sydney. The classes will begin on August 20th and September 25th, respectively.

  • Osmo

    'Coding Jam' uses musical blocks to teach kids programming concepts

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Last year, Osmo expanded its iPad-based children's learning system with a program that teaches kids to code by linking tangible tiles with on-screen commands. Now the company's expanded its platform with Coding Jam, an add-on that assigns musical tones to a new set of blocks, allowing young learners to tap out tunes in a sequence just like a series of code elements.