legend of zelda


  • Metareview: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The reviews are rolling in, and it's safe to say at this point that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is going to be a megahit. Reviewers everywhere are bestowing high-to-perfect scores on Link's latest, and many are already declaring it the best entry in the series. And considering the series, that's a bold statement. But there's one word that keeps popping up in these reviews: fantastic. And that's some of the best news we've heard in a long time.1UP - 100%: Twilight Princess is something you rarely see: a 60-hour adventure in which every moment is memorable. But then, maybe that's no surprise -- it represents the full resources and effort of the world's most powerful first-party developer, and thanks to all those delays, it's even enjoyed an extra year of polish and refinement. The question to ask therefore isn't "Is it any good?" but rather "Just how good is it?" The answer? Truly fantastic.

  • Spoilerific Twilight Princess video

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Oh, agony. Those not fortunate enough to play Zelda: Twilight Princess must settle for spoiler videos. While most are patient enough to wait to see plot points of the game when they play it, the rest of us can't help ourselves. We almost mess our pants at the mere mention of the game so you can imagine what happens when we find videos such as this. Enjoy the over-taking of Hyrule after the break! Whoops .... [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Looking at Link from a different angle

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    After venturing through an endless wasteland of blue screen, the New Golden Boys created a short taking a look at the darker side of Link. Featuring interviews from different characters in the the Legend of Zelda series along with a few geeky game store clerks, the whole scene is all too familiar to Zelda aficionados such as ourselves. The short is set to air tomorrow night on MTV's unfortunately named The G-Hole Special. ***CAUTION*** This isn't safe for those sensitive to foul hand gestures or talk of molestation. Just thought we'd warn you. Catch the video after the break! [Via The Girl Gamer]

  • Gorgeous new Zelda: TP screens

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    The day for Zelda: Twilight Princess draws nearer and nearer. It has been three years since fans last saw a console Zelda title. The anticipation and hype surrounding this game couldn't be stronger and to further antagonize you, we've got more screens. Screens of visually arresting landscape, gigantic monsters, and our favorite hero. Time couldn't possibly go any slower.

  • Today's hottest game video: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    The top slot on YouTube today was occupied by Link and crew in a new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer. It barely managed to pass the second place winner, which was the intro video from the same game. If you ask us, the intro video is a bit more spine tingling, especially with the "Press A + B" menu at the start screen, *drool*. This trailer has no sound effects, no lines, just a (somewhat cheesy) fanfare-tastic soundtrack and lots of video goodness from the game. Link's wolf transition looks a bit weak, but we're hoping it's just a trimmed down version in the vid. The best comment on YouTube is from agent012 who says, " wow the graphics are better than the gamecubes!" We're still not sure if that's sarcasm or honesty. Check out the video after the break and start jonesing.

  • Zelda Twilight Princess trailer and title intro

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    It's hard to hold back the inner-child who becomes utterly intoxiated by the promise of a new Zelda adventure. Link is (literally) the essence of a video game hero, and we're as eager as you are to ride with him again.No, we're not ready to crown Twilight Princess just yet -- Okami offers some stiff competition in this year's fantasy-adventure category -- but Nintendo's latest tease (a new trailer and the game's intro sequence) has aroused a dormant longing. See for yourself...

  • Wii's Zelda charms non-gamer, Wii Sports, others fail

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Wii was recently put to the test by the BBC's Rebecca Morelle, a self-proclaimed "videogame-phobe." Looks alone were winning Morelle over until she was handed a controller and clumsily gyrated herself into embarrassment playing WarioWare. A few rounds of Wii Sports didn't help -- the awkwardness only grew. After Trauma Center and Excite Truck the playtest had improved to just "so far, so OK." Enter: Twilight Princess. To Nintendo's surprise, it wasn't the disjointed inanity of WarioWare or the "swing away" nature of Wii Sports -- as Morelle notes, some just lack sporting ability -- that would win over the uninitiated. Instead, Morelle reveals that narrative lifted her veil of skepticism; a sense that her movements and the characters on screen were combining to create a coherent story. Nintendo should not underestimate the power of its key franchises to command emotional attachments (like, go easies on the party games, 'kay?). Marked by intuitive control, Wii might be (so-called) videogame-phobes' best shot at understanding these narratives that we hold so close to our hearts. [Thanks, Aisling]

  • Fusion Tour impressions from the mid-South [update1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Last week, we forayed into an as yet undiscovered country for a chance with the Wii. What country? Well, it's more of a town, really ... a smallish town ... known as Jonesboro, Arkansas.Arkansas State University in Jonesboro is a strange stop for the Fusion Tour. Sure, it's a college town, but there are far more obvious locales nearby. Little Rock is a mere two hour drive away. It's a big, grown-up city, home of a President and all. And Memphis, that sultry city of the blues, is less than an hour away for those with particularly heavy accelerator feet. But Nintendo chose Jonesboro. Sigh. In service to you, dear reader (maybe not all of it), it was Jonesboro-ho.

  • False Alarm: GameCube Zelda:TP won't be at retail in US either [update 2]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    [Update 2: Nintendo's official statement: Online reports about the Nintendo GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are incorrect. The amazing game will be available at retail outlets nationwide on Dec. 13.]We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Gamecube, we hardly knew ye.Joystiq has confirmed with numerous Gamestop and EB Games retailers that the Gamecube version of the newest Zelda offering has been removed from their computer system. Their websites have also been updated to reflect the change. We have yet to receive any official word from Nintendo, but all signs point to this as a done deal.Get out the pine box and some nails, prepare to bury your Gamecube. It's over. The Gamecube is dead, long live the Wii.Unless -- Nintendo announces they'll offer Zelda:TP from their online outlet like they will in Japan.[Thanks Nick][Update: 1) Nintendo's PR company is attempting to confirm the information. 2) Some Gamestop and EB Games employees say the reason the game is no longer in their computer system or online is that pre-orders have been maxed out. Apparenly once the company stops taking pre-orders, they remove the game from their computer system entirely. 3) As previously reported, even if the Gamecube version -- the system the game was originally developed for many moons ago -- still comes out at retail, gamers will still be forced to wait until December 11. A full three weeks after the Wii version is released. 4) Nintendo of Europe has apparently confirmed that the game will retail normally there saying, "It's a safe bet to assume the US will be doing the same as us - a full release, though it will be printed in smaller numbers than the Wii version.]

  • Nintendo Wii or Tickle Me Elmo?

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    We're not sure what's more disturbing, the fact that 50% of the people who look at the Wii on Amazon go on to buy TMX Tickle Me Elmo, or that a TMX Tickle Me Elmo even exists. It's been ten years since the first Tickle Me Elmo arrived in stores, hence the TMX (the x stands for ten) version. Is this one of the most telling stats about the audience the Wii is hitting? Admittedly, after watching the video for this guy it's hard not to want to get one, for the sheer horror value alone. This toy is going to make some kid psychotic later in life, and lead to a ton of therapy bills.He may be cute and cuddly, and laugh like someone stoned out of their mind, but at nearly $150 for a new one, he's laughing all the way to the bank. At least the other 50% buy Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which will only set you back $49.90. Link or laughter -- you make the call.

  • Skull Kid figurine makes fans swoon

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Skull Kid was such a huge pain in the ass in the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask that we weren't too happy to see his, er, face, being a beautiful nine inch tall figurine or not. On second thought, he looks quite incredible. Not as incredible as the Fierce Deity Link but really darn close. Being the Zelda freaks we are, we still find it hard to drop $100 on this figurine. Still, it is pretty awesome. [Thanks Alex!]

  • Miyamoto talks Zelda -- Link a lefty no more

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    If you didn't already know that Link, the hero in the Legend of Zelda series, was left-handed, we simply do not know what to do with you. In fact, we might ask that you get a CAT scan to help understand why you are a Nintendo fanboy who lacked this simple knowledge. In time, we could forgive you. Fact of the matter is, Twilight Princess has changed it up a bit under Miyamoto's command and Link is now right-handed. But, GameCube owners do not fear. Link will continue to be left-handed as tradition tells for you. Here is what Miyamoto himself said in his defense of making Link a righty: "Although Link is [traditionally] left-handed, at E3 we noticed people seemed to be using the right Wii controller to swing his sword. That's why we decided to make Link right-handed. The interesting this is, on the GameCube Link is still left-handed; because of the mirror mode the game map is reversed." All banter concerning the mirror mode must cease immediately. Sorry Leftorium lovers, you'll have to sit this one out.

  • Wii: then and now

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    "People change. Hairstyles change. Interest rates fluctuate." When Hillary Flammond uttered those words in Top Secret, she clearly hadn't experienced the gaming industry -- a marvelous, often magical place where things change very quickly indeed. As today's cataclysmic explosion of Wii news demonstrates, things can change for better or for worse. Yesterday's truth may become today's obsolete press release. So, what has (and hasn't) changed for Nintendo between then and now?Then: The Wii could play DVDs via an unspecified and entirely nebulous dongle. The original console description reads: "Two Disc Formats, One Slot: Instead of a tray, a single, innovative, self-loading media bay will play both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system as well as Nintendo GameCube discs. Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content."Now: Inserting a DVD into the system will likely produce a polite error message indicating a complete inability to play DVDs. Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan explains DVD playback was removed "in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players." On the plus side, this reduces the amount of times we'll have to type a dubious word like "dongle."

  • Wii: last minute rumors [update 1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It's almost time, fanboys and girls, for the big announcement that is almost certain to bring us the launch details on the Wii. What does that mean for Wii Fanboy?Rumor roundup time! Yee-haw!After the jump, we not only bring you a rumor compendium, but we also offer the official (!) Wii Fanboy predictions on launch and release date.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess FAQ

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Over on the WiiChat.com forums, i0n has posted a helpful FAQ encompassing 51 items related to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Not sure about the differences between the GameCube and Wii versions? Curious as to which Link will star in TP? Wondering who Midna is? i0n's got answers.Of course, the FAQ doesn't crack any of the game's great mysteries, but it's a well organized hub for the information and ideas that have been shared thus far.

  • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass preview

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    The Legend of Zelda, like Pokemon, Final Fantasy or any other great series, will never grow old to gamers like us. No matter how much Zelda you shove down our throats, we will always take it with a smile. The demo at Leipzig was the same as E3, but IGN felt the need to give us an update as if they feel the game is as hot as it was back in May. The answer -- of course it is you half wit! We kid, we kid. The four available stages on the demo (boss fight, Field, Sea and Dungeon) are as impressive as ever. Though the new controls are a little tricky, we know that several gamers, new and old, will adjust. We won't see Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass until 2007, but we are sure the wait is well worth it.

  • Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Video and screens

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    It might be the same stuff we have seen since E3 but it doesn't hurt to get another look at it. It is Zelda afterall. Plus we get to see some sweet boomerang action. That's worth a post right? On top of this video we have some more screens for you as well. It is difficult to see the video and screens knowing that it will be almost forever until we get to play the game ourselves. Hopefully we will see it early 2007. Then again, probably not. See the link for the screens below. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass screens from Advanced Media Network [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Sum-up of Phantom Hourglass

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    How long have we waited to hear more about Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass? Too damn long if you ask us. We finally got a little more info to share with you. The plot! Here you go: Many months have passed since the events of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Link, Tetra and Tetra's band of pirates have set sail in search of new lands. They come across a patch of ocean covered in dense fog, in which they discover an abandoned ship. Tetra falls into danger when she explores the ship alone, and Link falls into the ocean when he attempts to rescue her. When he washes up unconscious on the shores of a mysterious island, he is awakened by the sound of a fairy's voice. With the aid of this fair, he sets off to find Tetra - and his way back to the seas he once knew. You remember Tetra right? She was the blond mouthy pirate that threw Link out of a barrel into the Forbidden Fortress and talked to you through the stone she gave you. Yeah, her! Now, we get to save her. How much longer do we have to wait? Oh, yeah... forever.

  • String Quartet + Zelda = Goodness

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    We understand that some people may not be to keen to classical music. But, when you take a string quartet and have them play classic and unforgettable Legend of Zelda songs, you've got yourself something. And yes, we realize that this was added to YouTube in May but you can never have enough Zelda in your life. This quartet is a nice group of talented individuals with a great combination of Zelda favorites. Enjoy! [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Happy Zelda music day

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Today is Friday, and you know what that means. That's right, it's time for a bunch of videos of people playing Zelda music! This ukulele performance (found via Wonderland) is pretty impressive, but continue reading for an equally impressive piano medley (from Video Game Pianist Martin Leung) and a little ditty played on a real ocarina!