lenovo smart frame


  • Lenovo Smart Frame

    Lenovo's $400 digital picture frame is half-off if you pre-order it

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    In an unusual move, Lenovo is allowing people to pre-order its upcoming $400 Smart Frame device on Indiegogo. Doing so, you get a 50 percent discount.

  • Chris Velazco / Engadget

    Lenovo's Smart Frame puts your digital photos on a 21.9-inch canvas

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    Like many of us, you probably have hundreds and thousands of photos on your phone or the cloud, never to be seen again. Sure, you could print and hang them, but if you ever want to change photos, that can be a pain. A smart display can double as a digital photo frame, but you can't exactly mount it on a wall. Lenovo has come up with a potential solution to that with the Lenovo Smart Frame. It's not cheap at $400, and it is insanely large, but it is by far one of the most elegantly designed digital photo frames I've seen.