

  • Lex Cameras

    Hobbyist builds the first Sony E-Mount film camera

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Sony is the one major imaging company that has never built a film camera, having leaped straight into DSLRs in 2006 after buying Minolta. A hobbyist named Alexander Gee has just pulled off a neat trick then, by creating what might be the world's first Sony E-Mount 35 mm film camera. Called the LEX, it's the result of a year's worth of work, and when it's finished, you might be able to buy one and even build it yourself.

  • Rick Wilking / Reuters

    Amazon wants Alexa to answer customer service calls

    Andrew Dalton
    Andrew Dalton

    In the near future, Amazon's Alexa could be on the other end of your next call to tech support. With call centers expected to become a more than $15 billion industry in the next five years, the online retail giant has apparently identified another market that is ready for a shift in technology. According to a new report from The Information, Amazon is currently prepping a commercial version of Alexa developed specifically for fielding questions from phone calls and text messages.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Bending Reality By Lex

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    When we first featured Downside Up by Lex a few weeks ago, both myself and commenters were clear. For all that Lex said he didn't really have a point to his music video, the rest of us really liked it. You're allowed to eschew narrative focus in favor of laying down some cool images and great tunes. That's, like, totally art, man.So, when I woke up this morning and hit my trusty Moviewatch ticker tape, I was pretty happy to come across Bending Reality By Lex. It's a fairly short piece, and follows a similar style to Downside Up. The images are pretty cool, but I wouldn't spend too much time trying to find a message or story. I enjoyed the momentary shots of the game's UI interspersed with the more traditional, escapist scenes. True to the video's title, I felt it promoted a surreality to the imagery. You definitely got a sense of "character's point of view" versus the "player's point of view." Then, using some footage of model editing, you even got a third tier -- a "designer's point of view." Not to get too deep, but I definitely got the feeling like we were playing around with a character's reality.It's a pretty neat piece, and I congratulate Lex on another fun video.If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ..

  • WoW Moviewatch: Downside Up by Lex

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Lex only says about fifty times that his video, Downside Up, does not make sense. I have to disagree. Wookies on Endor? That doesn't make sense. This video makes sense. It's a music video, with various and meaningless scenes of an orc running. It's a showcase for music, with imagery meant to provide some kind of context to the sounds. It doesn't really have a story or a theme, but that doesn't mean it's sense-less. Lex created this entire piece within four hours, so it's a quick one-off. But there are still some things to say about it. Lex did a good job of choosing scenery for his orc to run through. I like quick vistas like this. It shows off some of the beautiful landscapes and images that are present in the game. It's kind of nice. Really, I can picture this video playing on a monitor above a club's dance floor. The action taking place in the video isn't the point, it's just setting up ambiance. I think Lex should explore this kind of thing, setting up a kind of YouTube play list of music videos. For all that he said "This makes no sense," I was able to appreciate the video as a showcase for the music.If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ..