

  • Purism

    Purism's privacy-focused phone will support Ubuntu Touch

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Purism's security-focused smartphone, the Librem 5, will come with support for Ubuntu Touch when it ships next year. According to the company, which made its mark building ultra-secure, open platform laptops, the operating system will be "well-supported and tightly integrated," with future compatibility assured.

  • Purism

    Purism will try its hand at security-focused smartphones

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Purism's laptops, which focus on security and privacy, have been doing so well that the company now intends to venture into another type of electronics. The San Francisco-based "freedom-respecting computer manufacturer" is planning to build what it calls the "world's ​​first ​​encrypted, ​​open​​ platform​​ smartphone." It's named the Librem 5, and Purism aims to give it the power to make encrypted calls that hide your phone number, send encrypted texts and emails and set up VPN for web browsing.