

  • Encrypted Text: Rogue mechanics for the Cataclysm era

    Chase Christian
    Chase Christian

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Encrypted Text for assassination, combat and subtlety rogues. Chase Christian will be your guide to the world of shadows every Wednesday. Feel free to email me with any rogue questions you may have. After writing Encrypted Text for over two years now, I have gotten into the groove of writing about rogue life at level 80. I've talked about all about armor penetration's various iterations (and eventual removal) and where to snag the best leather gear with your emblems justice points. We've discussed the trade skills that best suit the discriminating rogue and how to hide from our would-be assassins and their Turkey Shooters. However, all that is about to change. Blizzard has implemented a ton of changes that affect the rogue class in serious ways. Cataclysm is by far its most ambitious expansion yet. With such a huge delta between what was and what is, the transition is going to be a bit rough as we cope with the post-Shattering world. Poisons have been streamlined (again), our Stealth was buffed significantly, and our talent trees were redesigned from the ground up to ensure that each spec provides a useful raid buff. I think it's safe to say that the rogue as we know it has evolved.

  • Bose simplifies surround sound setup with Lifestyle systems, charges dearly for it

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    So, you've got a few options here. Do a little research and piece together your own surround system, hire a voyeur from Geek Squad to do it for you, or just hire a live-in technician to handle both present and future issues. Whatever you settle on, you can pretty much rest assured that it'll be cheaper than forking out for one of Bose's hilariously overpriced Lifestyle systems. In typical Bose fashion, the company is introducing a new trio of 5.1 rigs (the V35, V25 and T20), each of which utilize a new "Unify" technology that is said to make "connecting speakers and sources, programming remotes, and accessing content easier and faster than ever before." And by that, they mean "we'll show you pictures of the connectors on your television screen." Each setup comes with a handful of tiny, cube-like speakers and a surely unimpressive Acoustimass bass module, and if you're hoping to find detailed specifications -- you know, things like RMS, impedance, frequency response range and other vital audio statistics -- we wish you the best of luck. Oh, but here's a few figures that are being handed down: $3,299, $2,499 and $1,999. Yeah, those are the MSRPs in order of mention, and amazingly, we aren't kidding.

  • Steve Jobs of interviews past

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Steve Jobs is going to appear at the latest All Things Digital conference, and to celebrate the rare appearance of the CEO outside of an Apple event, All Things Digital has posted a few historic interviews with Jobs from conferences past. The first is from 2003 (also posted after the break on this post), and Kara Swisher will be posting the others weekly up until the new conference. None of it is new material, obviously, but it's very interesting to see Jobs' thinking a few years ago, knowing what we know today about what Apple was hoping to do with the iPhone and, now, the iPad. If you don't want to wait for Swisher to post the latest ones, you can check out our posts from when the events actually happened. He, of course, denies that Apple is working on a tablet (would the Internet have believed it if he'd told them about the iPad anyway?). However, when he talks about a personal computer as a content hub and how it is "integral to our digital lifestyle," you can see flickers of the vision that he had of us sitting on the couch, receiving the world through this book-sized device. These interviews probably aren't for everyone. For those of you who are interested, not only in what Apple is doing next but also in what they were doing "next" five years ago, they are definitely worth a watch.

  • Vertu announces Constellation Ayxta flip phone for the discerning, friendless traveler

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Vertu's not known for making cut rate electronics, so this is probably the closest it'll ever come. The company's just unveiled its latest flip phone, the Constellation Ayxta. The Ayzta is aimed at citizens of the world who are looking for a "high quality product to assist in maintaining their standard of living wherever they may be," -- i.e., lazy people who'd rather throw money at something than figure out what to do on their own on a Friday night in Vienna. We can sympathize -- sort of. To that end, the handset will be kitted with all manner of, including Vertu's own Concierge service which puts you on the line with a customer service representative directly -- no hold required. Users will also get access to Vertu Select -- which, as we said before, will help you out and tell you where all the cool people are in whatever one horse you happen to be in at the moment. It's got 3G and a micros SD slot for up to 8GB of storage, plus a 3.0 megapixel cam with integrated flash (which is always nice), but other than that it's pretty unimpressive. The Constellation Ayxta is available in Europe now, and for a very affordable €4,900 to €6,500 -- somewhere in the neighborhood of $7,000 - $10,500. [Via T3]

  • Your Shape determines your shape with a camera

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Ubisoft has revealed a camera-based fitness game, coming this holiday season for the Wii. Your Shape comes with a custom USB camera that plugs right into your Wii, and will use the visual input to determine whether you're slim or sloppy, and then give you a trainer-based workout designed to send you in the right direction.It's a good thing Ubisoft is being so innovative here -- the Wii fitness market is virtually untapped so far. Could a game with a casual interface designed with the promise of a more healthier lifestyle actually sell? We'll have to wait and see -- the bundle is due out sometime this year.

  • Dell dumps Della, just wants to be friends

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Looks like someone's gonna have to explain why there's a "no longer in a relationship" status update on her Facebook profile. Just ten or so days after Dell officially hooked up with its female counterpart Della, helping real womenfolk find computers that meet their recipe-finding, calorie-counting ways, she's now been thrown the wayside and all mentions of her have been replaced with (or redirected to) the similar, yet decidedly more androgynous "Lifestyle." Last we heard, Della was sitting on the couch watching Notting Hill with a pint of Ben and Jerry's, crying softly to herself and wondering what other female stereotypes she can best beat with a dead horse.

  • NV's Lifestyle does free-to-air TV, is inspired by the cosmos

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    While Australia's NV might not win awards for website with fewest flashing stars and streaking comets, they seem to have a pretty feature-packed handset in the Lifestyle. This flip's screen rotates for the built-in digital free-to-air TV receiver, can record said programming -- though we've no idea about quality or limits -- triple-band GSM, FM stereo radio, 3.1 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, and a host of software apps. The Lifestyle also touts itself as 3G / Next G compatible, while we've no clue if that means it does, can, or will support 3G, we do see it's ringing in at $549 (roughly $350) and are almost willing to throw caution to the wind to find out. That's right, almost.[Via PC Authority]

  • Packard Bell looks to reposition self as 'trendy' lifestyle brand (no, really)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Packard Bell, what a wild ride it's been... you've gone to Europe, you've been bought out by Acer,and you've hit back stateside with some truly gnarly gaming PCs. But this latest scheme of yours is really a stretch: you intend to reposition yourself as a "lifestyle brand." Long gone, you say, are the days of bizarre case designs, with their peripherals jutting out of the machine at odd angles. You will have new designs -- designs that exemplify the elegance and "alchemy" of your company. And alchemy, you say, is "a mixture of science and magic, to generate emotion." We expect great things.

  • Panasonic looking to grow its HD collective

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    Panasonic has big plans to grow the current roster of 30 families in its "Living in HD" program to 60 by 2009, with plans to ultimately hit 100 (or convert everyone on the planet). The program loads up entire families with all manner of Panasonic gear, HD-Santa style and has them document the results after the initial smash-and-grab (pictured above) with Panasonic HD camcorders. Our pitchman tells us it's like a tech-laden reality show, but without that entertaining ugly competitive element; because -- you know -- when it's about HD, everyone's a winner. There's some seriously sweet gear involved in the program, including a 50-inch plasma TV, Blu-ray player, HT setup, HD camcorder and a Wii, so head on over to the program website and apply. C'mon -- we can't think of any more qualified candidates, and you know you're going to buy that gear anyways!

  • Player vs. Everything: Why won't you just take a break?

    Cameron Sorden
    Cameron Sorden

    Everyone plays MMOGs at different speeds. Some people spend just a few hours a week playing, and some of us spend altogether far too much time on these games. I submit, for evidence, that 4-hour raids three nights per week is considered a "light raiding schedule" by most raiding standards. That's almost a part-time job, when you count the time you spend farming for mats and doing random other runs on top of that! Still, it doesn't matter how much time you actually spend playing -- anyone can get pretty wrapped up in their favorite game. Even a "casual" player can get to the point where they're just playing because it's what they do, instead of playing because they're having fun. Whether you play for 5 hours each week or 50 hours each week, sometimes it's good to step back, take a breather, and get off the game for a while. Right? It seems so simple, so obvious. "Yes, of course it's good to take a break," you say, nodding along with me. "Just as soon as I get my Tier 9 Sword, Epic Firetruck, and Gleeful Gnome Pet, I'll do that. Though, I should really wait until my Tier 10 Sword and Mega-Epic Firetruck... and then help my guildies get theirs." Meanwhile, there's that nagging feeling in the back of your mind: Is this actually fun?

  • Winners of Panasonic's Live in HD contest are... living in HD

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Way back in August of last year, Panasonic opened the gates to its Live in HD contest -- which would gift winning families with $20,000 in HD gear along with free HD service for a year -- and needless to say, the entries came flooding in. Now, the first of the victorious families are getting to enjoy the spoils, which means playing with a completely free Wii, Blu-ray player, 50-inch HDTV, camcorder, digital camera and whatever else makes up $20k worth of wares. In exchange, Panny is extracting answers about "how they use the equipment and what they like or dislike about the products so the company can make improvements." For one particular family, their newly furnished home has become quite the hang out, but we've all ideas they have absolutely no qualms with that.

  • Iwata: We aren't planning a next-gen DS

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    During a recent financial briefing, Iwata spoke about some concerns over a possible revision to the DS or a possible next-gen successor to the dual-screened handheld. Turns out, Iwata isn't so keen on a new handheld device coming from Nintendo right now, or anytime in the future. Instead, he plans on extending the functionality of the DS.Iwata wants your DS to become a companion so deeply in touch with your life that you'll find it useful in everyday situations. Sure, you can enhance your life with your DS at the baseball game, museum or when you're studying hard at school. Until the DS can't do that anymore, we imagine it'll be sitting pretty in the driving seat.[Via Game Informer]

  • Playboy teams with Quattro Wireless for mobile venture

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Thankfully, the previous rumors of a Playboy MVNO have been laid to rest (at least momentarily), but that hasn't stopped Playboy Enterprises from teaming up with Quattro Wireless "to provide Playboy content on mobile phones." Reportedly, "users of the mobile site will be able to view non-nude photos of Playboy playmates and read their personal interviews," and the phone-friendly site will also lead to music, game and book reviews along with access to the Playboy Advisor advice column. The content from the standard website is synced regularly to the mobile outlet through Quattro's GetMobile platform, and as expected, you'll find lots of targeted advertisements cluttering your diminutive screen should you chose to visit.[Via SlashPhone]

  • Panasonic to reward 30 families with HD overload

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you've found yourself fantasizing about an HD lifestyle you simply can't afford right now, buck up, as Panasonic is out to find 30 deserving families yearning for a plethora of high-definition equipment. The newly instituted "Live in HD" contest is handing out over $20,000 in Panny gear including a 50-inch 1080p plasma, HD camcorder, digital camera, Blu-ray player, surround sound system, and a laptop for entrants who display the "most innovative ideas" to use the aforementioned goodies. C'mon, we're confident you've got it in you, but if you're facing the oh-so-crippling writer's block at the moment, be sure and take a peek at other well appointed homes to get those juices flowin'.[Via Electronic House, thanks Rachel]

  • Kensington launches Ci Lifestyle Collection of input peripherals

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just months after Philips went nuts and introduced a plethora of new input peripherals, Kensington is pulling a similar move by launching its colorful Ci Lifestyle Collection of wireless mice and keyboards. Each device was designed to be as thin as comfortably possible, sport advanced power saving abilities, and easily fit into the road warrior's bag of choice. Kicking things off is the $34.99 Ci70 wireless mouse, which comes in around 35-percent slimmer than common competitors and touts an automatic sleep mode to save those batteries. The $39.99 Ci70LE simply adds a dash of colorful (and bubbly) design, while the $34.99 Ci75m gets even smaller for the mobile crowd. The $39.99 Ci85m sports a QuickStart feature that powers the mouse up as soon as the PC turns on, and opts for an ExpressCard receiver instead of the USB dongle that its less expensive siblings rely on. For those looking for a keyboard / mouse combination, the Ci70 Wireless Desktop Set throws a Ci70 and a low-profile keyboard together in a convenient $79.99 package, and those who've already warmed to the cutesy allure will be delighted to know that all of the aforementioned devices are currently available for pre-ordering.

  • DS Daily: Life and style

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    So maybe you're not really into the idea of a cookbook, and you haven't got much of an urge to learn yoga or French. But we're willing to bet there's something you'd like to use your DS for beyond gaming. What kind of apps or non-games might appeal to you? With the new internet browser, one potential function of the DS is fulfilled, but what might appeal to you? Something that's already available (just not in the US), or at least something that's already in development? Or would you want to design some other non-game or edutainment title?

  • Opoona's website does not require the Nunchuk

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Koei has opened the official website for their adorable Wii "Lifestyle RPG" Opoona, and the site is as colorful and, well, round as everything else we've seen about the Nunchuk-only game. There's not much English to be found, but the links all have English labels, allowing you to navigate with ease and find visual content. Clicking around will get you plenty of screenshots, and the "dark rogue" link takes you to a gallery of enemy creatures. They are mostly-- that's right-- colorful and round. It's kind of a major theme in the design.

  • Square Enix brings lifestyle titles to DS

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Continuing its praiseworthy support for the Nintendo DS, Square Enix has announced DS Style, a new line of software for the casual gaming audience. According to the latest issue of Famitsu, the company is venturing away from its RPG franchises for a moment, focusing instead on leisure activities like yoga, classical music, and gardening. It might not sound as exciting as SRPG battles or Chocobo mini-games, but different strokes for different folks.Square Enix will also be releasing DS travel guides based on the popular World Walking tour book series in Japan. These guides will provide maps and other useful information for sightseers visiting countries like France or Thailand. Check past the post break for the full list of destination guides and verbose titles from Square Enix's DS Style lineup. [Via NeoGAF]

  • Shocker: Americans spend more time with PC than spouse

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While one may argue that a computer doesn't talk back, disagree, or rub one the wrong way as we're sure just about everyone's spouse / SO definitely can, you must have somehow avoided the BSOD, kernel error, 404, clicking HDD, invalid drivers, and the host of other "cyber stresses" that can elicit all sorts of rage and frustration. A recent survey conducted by Kelton Research discovered that a majority of Americans (52-percent) said their "most recent experience with a computer problem provoked emotions such as anger, sadness or alienation," yet a whopping 65-percent of these same folks spend more time with their beloved computer than their own spouse. Adding even more fuel to the computer addict fire, 84-percent of responders stated that they were "more dependent on their home computer now than they were just three years ago." Interestingly enough, rather than founding some sort of rehab facility to coax folks away from the keyboard and back into reality, SupportSoft is looking to provide loving, caring advice to help folks suffering from "cyber stress" solve their PC troubles without tearing down the house. Essentially, the service actually encourages folks glued to their computer to stay that way, as the new startup looks to provide answers to the issues that could eventually run even the most loyal computer user back to their oft forgotten spouse, but the company does insinuate that by solving PC quandaries, folks will have more time to spend when the ones they love. Nevertheless, we can't say these figures are entirely shocking, especially when you consider that folks would take an iPod over booze and nearly anything trendy for an SO.[Via TGDaily]

  • Life/Style IPTV content jumps to WNBC New York

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    New York's WNBC is well-known for its pioneering attitude towards high definition, and just like it broke new ground by delivering the local news to viewers in crisp HD, the channel is making waves again by offering up made-for-IPTV content on one of its digital channels. Not too long after seeing made-for-mobile content heading to the tube, Life/Style Television, an IPTV channel that caters to "affluent consumers," will soon be making the leap to broadcast television as well. The channel's original series, "LX.TV 1ST/LOOK: NYC," will be beamed out OTA on WNBC 4.4; additionally, cable customers will be able to catch the daily half hour show by tuning in on Time Warner, Comcast, or Cablevision. The program, which will introduce completely new episodes on a weekly basis, will take viewers around various NYC hotspots, and include first-hand experience with "nightlife, restaurants, shopping, kids activities, and fitness and wellness destinations." So if you're anxious to take on the city, but don't exactly feel like fighting the bustling crowds, you can tune in at 8:00AM, 11:00PM, or 2:00AM to catch the fresh programming.