lightning returns final fantasy xiii


  • Lightning Returns: Carrying the adventure solo as Final Fantasy's 'first female protagonist'

    Kat Bailey
    Kat Bailey

    Lightning is Final Fantasy's first female lead, at least according to Square Enix.This may come as a surprise to fans of Final Fantasy VI, which ostensibly starred Terra, the amnesiac magic user who gradually discovers her roots as an esper. But Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII director and series veteran Motomu Toriyama (who came in on Final Fantasy VII, it should be mentioned) has an explanation."We feel that every person within the party [in Final Fantasy VI] is a main character, but we feel Lightning is very impactful as the main female protagonist in the Final Fantasy series." Toriyama says. "Not only is she the first female protagonist, she is very powerful, cool, calm, and collected. So we believe that is another attractive feature of hers."Toriyama says the goal is to flesh Lightning out and make her more than a high-flying Cloud expy: "Upon considering the development of Lightning Returns, throughout this Lightning Saga she has been depicted as this cool and powerful woman, but by the same measure she's been so cool that she's also come off as aloof. We want to expand on her character some so we can have everyone fall in love with her even more.""Love" might be a bit strong in this instance. She was certainly one of Final Fantasy XIII's more successful elements, but her overall lack of depth made it too difficult to really become attached to her as a character. Still, when Final Fantasy XIII-2 arrived last year, Toriyama says that Square Enix heard from fans who wondered when Lightning would be back in a starring role. Hence, Lightning Returns.%Gallery-176713%

  • Here's the 'real' Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII debut trailer

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Remember that trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII that leaked out a few days ago? Forget that happened, since Square Enix slightly altered and re-launched it. Disregard all the parts of it that are identical, or all the footage that you swear you've seen before.One of the only differences that stands out in the remixed trailer is the music, really. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is heading to Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2013.

  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII trailer leaks out

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Last night, GameTrailers released the first gameplay trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, the third and (supposedly) final game to bear the Final Fantasy XIII name. The release seems to have been early, as the trailer was quickly pulled – but not before popping up on a bunch of different YouTube channels.We've embedded one such rip above for your viewing pleasure. Highlights include a glimpse at the combat system, big courtyards and ravishing, hugely impractical outfits.

  • Pressure's off: What Square can accomplish with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Kat Bailey
    Kat Bailey

    This is a column by Kat Bailey dedicated to the analysis of the once beloved Japanese RPG sub-genre. Tune in every Wednesday for thoughts on white-haired villains, giant robots, Infinity+1 swords, and everything else the wonderful world of JRPGs has to offer. It's been a long, strange ride for Final Fantasy XIII. From long delays and substantial disappointment, it has lately seen its stock fluctuate wildly between the improved reception afforded Final Fantasy XIII-2 and the rumors of Final Fantasy Versus XIII's demise. Now Square Enix has a chance to make its definitive statement on the series with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – an ambitious sequel that defies the accusations that Square is only out to squeeze a few more dollars out of its expensive engine.As 1UP's extensive preview points out, this is pretty much Lightning's show now. The battle system has been completely rebuilt to showcase her specific talents. The rest of the cast is out, and so are the battle menus. Lightning Returns isn't quite a full-on action RPG, but it looks pretty close. The only real holdovers are the omnipresent Active Time Battle gauges that moderate the use of each of Lightning's moves, which are mapped to the face buttons on the controller.It's a move that will prove divisive as always, but I can't hate the reasoning behind it. The pressure's off. Final Fantasy XIII is very much a known quantity. If this is truly to be the grand finale for an already controversial set of games, why not be as experimental as possible?

  • Details about the 'world driven' Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII takes place over 13 days, according to a leaked interview from Famitsu (via Andriasang). Each day runs the equivalent of one or two real hours, though the scale can change. You can also increase and decrease the "life" of the world by helping people or clearing quests. The "world driven" game has players consider how their actions will affect this time-limited world, as opposed to the "story driven" FFXIII and the "player driven" FFXIII-2. Because of the relatively short time limit in the game, it's meant to be replayed and cleared repeatedly. But that's not the only time-related weirdness: aging has stopped, so that nobody from FFXIII-2 has gotten older or died.Mechanically, Lightning Returns now uses an Active Time-style battle system, with new elements like free movement and attacks based on abilities mapped to buttons.Meanwhile, in official media, Square Enix has opened its American site for Lightning Returns, featuring multiple subtitled videos from last week's presentation. Above, design director Yuji Abe describes the time-based concepts.

  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII introduced by producer Yoshinori Kitase

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Itching to know more about the third entry in the Final Fantasy XIII series, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII? So are we, but unfortunately all Square Enix is giving out for now is this video from producer Yoshinori Kitase introducing the new game.

  • 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII' headed to 360/PS3 in 2013

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    The "new direction" Square Enix is taking the story of Lightning is ... almost the same direction as before. As in, it's another sequel to Final Fantasy XIII. "Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII" was unveiled at tonight's Final Fantasy 25th anniversary events.According to the game's Japanese website, Motomu Toriyama is heading up the third game in the Final Fantasy XIII series (yes, we seriously just wrote that) – a game that's said to end Lightning's story. A video was shown during tonight's event that we're expecting to see pop up any time now, but we've got a concept art gallery below for you to check out in the meantime.Update: Andriasang's liveblog of the Japanese event shares a variety of details on the upcoming game, including Lightning's customizable gear (said to be many and varied), the setting ("Navus Partus"), and more. Check it out!%Gallery-164099%