

  • Luke Skywalker's lightsaber heading into space

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    According to recent news out of NASA, the next time the Discovery crew take their ship into orbit, the "force" will be with them -- because they're taking Luke Skywalker's lightsaber along for the ride. That's right, for the film's 30th anniversary, the original lightsaber prop from the first Star Wars film is taking a ride into actual space... but that's not all. Apparently, Chewbacca will be on hand to pass the saber to officials from the Houston Space Center, and then together with Jango and Boba Fett, he will help push a plane back on the tarmac (for reasons unknown to us). But wait, there's more. When the Discovery lands in Houston returns after its space travels, the crew will be greeted by a group of Stormtroopers and other "Star Wars notables," including the much-loved R2-D2, who will then deliver the lightsaber to a waiting line of Hummers. Afterwards, there will be a party at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes will play a set of their greatest hits.[Via Slashdot]

  • Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga gameplay demo

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A new gameplay trailer for Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga has emerged on the net. In said trailer, we're shown all of the wonderful waggle that is sure to cause many a wrist to ache once the game releases. Maybe it's just us, but using the Force to assemble blocks looks kind of annoying. Using the lightsaber looks fun, though.Check out the video past the post break.

  • LucasArts has Wii lightsabers, expect games this fall

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    LucasArts' Jim Ward at yesterday's Hollywood & Games Summit panel said they have internal prototypes of lightsaber games using the Wiimote and that "there'll be some stuff out this fall -- it's going to be a lot of fun." Now, before we blow our collective geek minds, the only thing we are aware of at this point is Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Although that's nice, it's not really the Wiimote game we're looking for. That doesn't mean something isn't going to be revealed in two weeks at E3, and boy are people being tight-lipped about what's going on, but the conservative side of us thinks that the Lego Star Wars product is what Ward was referring to -- we so hope we're wrong.Even if Ward was referring to the Lego game as the "stuff" for this fall, we're hoping to see some lighsaber Wiimote titles announced at Min-E3, or at least get a try at these "internal prototypes." If it works even slightly better than Red Steel we'll be more than happy. If it works really well, we'll keep a shot of insulin handy from the immaculately conceived sugar rush of joy that will occur. Two weeks till we have some lightsaber Wiimote answers.

  • An elegant announcement for a more civilized age

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This is yet another confirmation of what every gamer has been waiting for since the first time we saw the Wii controller. At the Hollywood & Games Summit, panel moderator N'Gai Croal asked LucasArts president Jim Ward about the possibility of a Wii lightsaber game. Ward's response was very encouraging. "We're all over that, and internally we have already played a lightsaber game on the Wii. It's a lot of fun, and we'll get there." He went on to say that "some stuff" would be out this fall. Start practicing your blind Force-guided waggling now.[Via NeoGAF]

  • Star Wars game confirmed, lightsabers and all?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We'll call it "mostly confirmed," but according to this article on the Wii's financial success, George Lucas has said that a game that turns our trusty Wii remotes into lightsabers is on the horizon. Unfortunately, there's no quote to back up the assertion, so we remain partially skeptical, but it's one of those things that we just know is going to happen, whether we want it or not. Anyone else just as interested, if not more so, in using the Wiimote and nunchuk for Force abilities in a Star Wars game? The upcoming sandbox-style Harry Potter includes motion controls that simply make us drool for similar applications in a Star Wars title ....[Via NeoGAF]

  • Lego Star Wars brings the Force to your Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Codename Revolution is reporting that one of their distributor contacts has confirmed a compilation title consisting of Lego Star Wars I and Lego Star Wars II will be headed to the Wii this holiday season. Nothing more than a port of both titles on the GameCube, the game will now feature Wiimote controls, bringing us all one step closer to actually wielding a lightsaber. Of course, we'd like to point out that the Wii doesn't need any more GameCube ports, but we feel kind of like a Storm Trooper in Mos Eisley. Kind of like these aren't the grievances we're looking for. Plus, lightsabers, man ... lightsabers.Are you looking forward to wielding the Force on your Wii?

  • A Wii, a Mac, and a lightsaber walk into a bar

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    The following idea was birthed from what could only be described as a drunken orgy between a Wii-mote, a Mac, and a Star Wars geek. The program's creator took his existing app that uses the MacBook's built-in tilt sensor to transform your computer into a lightsaber, and took it one step further. Coupling that functionality with the data retrieved by the recently released DarwiinRemote, WiiSaber was born. Pair your Wii-mote with your Bluetooth-enabled Mac and swing it around to make authentic lightsaber sounds so you can finally live out your Star Wars kid Stephen Colbert Yeah, we tried it. It works great ... just be sure you're alone.[Via]

  • A smorgasbord of mini-rumors

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    A recent IGN Podcast has unveiled some interesting tidbits related to the Wii. Now, we all know IGN's information comes from the shadiest of places...scarred men whispering secrets in dank alleyways, unnatural seances with souls departed...but if they're willing to dive into hell's inferno to obtain some info, then we're certainly willing to take all the credit relate it to you, the faithful reader. So, without further ado: Nintendo may decide to move Super Paper Mario directly to the Wii, as the Gamecube is essentially dead in the water. This would not only make financial sense, but finally allow us at Wii Fanboy to cover this excellent looking game. We want to believe it. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption may not make the Wii launch after all. This is directly contradicting several months' worth of continuous confirmations by Nintendo and Retro Studios, and would take a lot of steam out of the superlative launch lineup. We doubt it. Dragon's Quest: Swords also may not make the launch window. We see no reason to disbelieve such a thing; Square-Enix loves their delays. Excite Truck has been confirmed as a launch title. Why not? LucasArts has indeed been developing a lightsaber game for the Wii. Yeah. We know. Publisher THQ has 6 to 8 titles in development for the Wii. Seeing as how they're handling the more lighthearted affairs (Cars, Spongebob), it seems plausible, but none too exciting. At the Leipzig Games Convention (coming soon!), Nintendo and third parties will reveal exactly how they intend to port more traditional game fare from the PS3 and Xbox 360 over to the Wii. Uhhh...sure. And, there you have it. As a special bonus gift from us at the Fanboy, here are some complimentary grains of salt.

  • Confirmed: lightsaber-on-lightsaber action for Wii

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Oh yes, young padawan -- a LucasArts rep confirmed the development of a Star Wars game for Wii (and some other next-gen platforms, but who cares?). We were pretty sure this was coming (we figured someone at LucasArts had seen the Wiimote, after all), but it's always nice to be proven right.The Wiire reports the good news breaking during a Q&A session at San Diego's Comic-Con, and the Wiimote was specifically mentioned, so it follows that the game will incorporate the controller in some sweet saber-swingin' action. Let's hope it's actually designed to work with the hypersensitive Wiimote and not just some lame patch they work up for Nintendo. Now the real question is: will the Wiimote speaker churn out the zippy lightsaber sound effects? Anything less would be shenanigans.

  • EGM Rumor Mill: stolen support and Star Wars sabers

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    The latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly has some interesting bits of information for us Wii fanatics. First, it seems as though several developers have actually turned from PS3 development over to the Wii, in reaction to Nintendo's strong E3 showing. Many appear to be frightened of the high cost of development and consumer price point of Sony's behemoth, and the Wii's familiar Gamecube-like architecture is surely a sight for sore programming eyes. Secondly, LucasArts seem to have finally heard Nintendo fans' cries for a lightsaber game; word on the street is that they're already on their way with a new exclusive Star Wars game for the Wii, based heavily on lightsaber mechanics. Thank the Force.

  • Star Wars Kid revisited with MacBook

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I'm finally done being in pain from laughter to post this hilarious revisit of the Star Wars Kid using that MacSaber app we found over the weekend. Great work, YouTube user mathowie.[via]

  • MacSaber

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    MacSaber might be the coolest use of motion sensor in some Mac portables ever. Simply install this beta, and swing your MacBook (or other laptop) around. Suddenly your laptop is a laptop no longer, nay, it is a light saber!I must admit that I almost threw my MacBook across the room fooling around with this, but boy is it fun.[via Kottke]Update: To clarify, to the right is a screenshot of the program running. Swing your MacBook around, and make sure your speakers aren't muted.