

  • inFamous costume hitting LittleBigPlanet on August 6

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    inFamous may be two months old at this point, but it's never too late to reignite the flame with some LittleBigPlanet downloadable content. That's exactly what you'll be seeing next week, August 6, when two new costumes will be made available on the PSN store. Both of the costumes allow you to recreate the likeness of inFamous' Cole MacGrath though, just like in the game, you'll be able to decide whether your Sackboy will be good or evil. You can check out the good costume after the break. With this DLC already having been pushed back, it doesn't look like we'll be getting any new LBP content this week. There's also no pricing info for this inFamous costume, but we're expecting it to cost as much as other similar packs.

  • Adorable Marvel superheroes coming to LittleBigPlanet

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    What does the future of Marvel video games hold? According to the aptly titled "The Next Generation of Marvel Video Games" panel at San Diego Comic Con, the future holds ... LittleBigPlanet costumes! Kotaku nabbed pictures of concept art for three different superheroic costumes that were previewed: Captain America, who is pictured above, and Wolverine and Iron Man, who can be viewed after the jump.Marvel was non-committal about when the costume pack would be released, or even whether these three heroes would be the ones that would receive the DLC treatment. We've contacted Media Molecule to try and discern some concrete details. Personally, we've got our stuffed burlap fingers crossed for an appearance by Howard the Duck.

  • Reenact Amadeus with the LBP History Pack on Aug. 13

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The Japanese LittleBigPlanet website has revealed that some new historical DLC is scheduled for August 13. According to the above image, there will be both a History Kit (¥300) -- which looks to include some new stickers and decorations -- and a History Costume Pack (¥400). The costumes available include Ghengis Khan, Boudica, Countess of Lovelace and Mozart. Each costume will be availalbe individually for ¥100.Not available in the pack: Antonio Salieri. Now, if you'll excuse us, it's time to design a level about God laughing at him.[Via EU forums]

  • LittleBigPlanet hits one million user-created levels

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Awww, little Sackboy, you've come so far! Running, jumping and, um, grabbing your way through over one million user-created LittleBigPlanet levels in under a year -- why that's like, 20 million miles! In fact, according to the PlayStation Blog's calculations, that's about one new level being published every 21 seconds since the game released.In celebration of the game's benchmark achievement, the game's developer, Media Molecule, has created the video you see above -- basically, a montage of various user-created levels, though we're more inclined to point you to LittleBigContra if you're really looking to be impressed. Furthermore, the post teases an August 18 reveal of "something interesting" from Media Molecule. Could it be more downloadable levels for the game? A new game entirely? A brand new car? We'll just have to wait until the 18th of August to see.

  • LittleBigPlanet, Media Molecule sweep Develop Awards

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We piled our accolades atop LittleBigPlanet back in January -- now, nearly six months later, the Develop Industry Excellence Awards are doing the same thing. LBP, and the minds at Media Molecule who created it, won all five awards they were nominated for: Best New Studio, Best Independent Developer, Best New IP and Achievements in Visual Arts and Technical Innovation.Other big winners included Rockstar (both Leeds and North took home one award each) and Phil Harrison, who was bestowed the Development Legend Award, and finally given the Shinest Head in Europe Award. A full list of the winners is listed after the break.

  • Ghostbusters LittleBigPlanet DLC coming this week

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    As the Japanese website suggested, the Ghostbusters LittleBigPlanet DLC will be available this week. As you can see above, the costumes have been fully revealed. They, along with the accompanying stickers, will be available on Thursday during the normal PSN update. The pack will cost you $5.99, or you can grab individual costumes for $1.99. They're great costumes, but we're still hankering for some more levels. It's been over six months since the MGS4 pack came out, you know.

  • Behold the LittleBigPlanet Ghostbusters DLC

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    And there they are. Via the Japanese LittleBigPlanet website, Sony has announced the LittleBigPlanet Ghostbusters DLC will be arriving in Japan next week, July 16. We're sure that no one really needs us to explain what will be available (it's all right up there, folks!), but here we go. Obviously, there is a Ghostbuster costume, along with a nifty trap item. There's also the "no ghosts' costume, the Staypuft Marshmallow Man costume and a Slimer hat.Each costume will be ¥200 (~$2.17), or players can nab the whole pack for ¥600 (~$6.50). Hopefully, Sony will bust out the details for other regions soon.[Via Siliconera]

  • Report: LittleBigPlanet GOTY edition comes with DLC

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    MCV reports that a LittleBigPlanet "Game of the Year" edition will release for the PlayStation 3 later this year. The new version will allegedly feature much of the game's (large wealth of) DLC previously released over the PlayStation Network.This information is currently being reported by a UK site, so this may be Europe only -- which has been known to happen with situations involving big DLC bundles. We're currently checking with Sony America to see if the GOTY edition is expected to arrive in the land of the buffalo.Update: "SCEA does not comment on rumors or speculation."

  • Left 4 Thread: Sackperson Infected make us squeal ... with glee!

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    "Hey, you got your hideous zombies in my cute platformer!" "Hey, you got your cuddly mascot in my zombie apocalypse!" Harmonix employee Milo (Could it be him? Probably not, but we have to wonder!) has crafted a set of custom Sackpeople fashioned after the Infected from Valve's Left 4 Dead. You've got the Witch, the Hunter, the Boomer, the Smoker and the Tank. Not pictured, but evident in the photo: Pure genius. Please, MediaMolecule, make these happen as in-game costumes. Ghostbusters just isn't scary enough. Hit Milo's site for more photos![Via Offworld]

  • Media Molecule: New levels for LittleBigPlanet are a high priority

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've seen some pretty remarkable creations come out of the LittleBigPlanet community hive mind -- still, it's difficult to beat the handiwork of the game's creators at Media Molecule. We haven't seen a glut of new levels from the developer since the game's launch -- fortunately, MM's David Smith recently explained that creating new levels for the game is "high on our list of priorities" during an interview with Play Magazine.The lack of new levels stems from a tricky balancing act the developer is forced to maintain -- should the LBP dev team focus on creating new stages to explore, or add new tools to the game for the community to sink their teeth into? Doing the latter means better community levels, which in turn inspires Media Molecule to create even better downloadable levels which attempt to "outdo the best of the community." It's the circle of adorable platforming life!

  • Alex Evans wants LittleBigPlanet 2 with backwards compatible levels

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Media Molecule's Alex Evans told recently that he would "love there to be a sequel" to LittleBigPlanet. "If you look at online distribution for LBP, when the sequel comes along, what do we do with all that content? We can give [consumers] backwards compatibility with those levels." It looks like Evans sees a sequel as inevitable, though he's keen to say that currently everyone at Mm is still working on LBP. Evans also mentions that a demo for LittleBigPlanet will be released soon, allowing people who still haven't picked it up a chance to try it out. It's unclear whether any of the almost 2 million user generated levels will be playable in the demo, but it should "capture [the game's] essence." More additions to the game are also on the way, such as one that was originally planned for the game, but axed along the way -- sharing objects in a similar way to sharing levels. More features -- "changing the tools themselves, and changing how you share -- are coming."

  • Bustin' makes Sackboy wear a hood

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sony has finally revealed the answer to its LittleBigPlanet-related teaser question, "Who ya gonna call?" It turns out that it was the Ghostbusters. You are gonna call the Ghostbusters. The PlayStation Blog revealed a poster of a Sackboy wearing a white, hooded sweatshirt, which makes the LBP avatar resemble the ghost character from the Ghostbusters logo. While it doesn't answer all the questions we have (is this a downloadable costume? Is it free? Will there be Ghostbusters-related levels? Is the "no" symbol part of the costume?) the latest update on LittleBigPlanet suggests that some Ghostbusters-related content is on the way. We think.

  • We're ready to believe in Ghostbusters LittleBigPlanet costumes

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    No, Sony hasn't actually confirmed that Ghostbusters costumes are headed to LittleBigPlanet, but it has certainly hinted at the possibility. In a recent post on Playstation.Blog highlighting the new Sacktue of Liberty costume, the company dropped a not so subtle hint. Following the words "Future LittleBigPlanet DLC?" was the image to the right.Everyone and their dog knows who they're gonna call, and that's the Ghostbusters, so we're pretty sure that related costumes are on the way. Who knows, maybe they'll throw in a Slimer costume while they're at it.

  • Best Buy selling 80GB PS3 with LittleBigPlanet and Wall-E

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Best. Bundle. Ever.Seriously, if you haven't picked up a PS3 yet, there's no need to wait for an oft-rumored price cut. For $399, Best Buy's offering an 80GB PS3 bundled with a copy of Media Molecule's DIY platformer, LittleBigPlanet, and Pixar's cautionary environmental tale, Wall-E. That's about $90 worth of complimentary adorability -- an offer that we find difficult to pass up. Just look at those big button/robot eyes. How can you say no? Awwww.

  • Download a free Sacktue of Liberty costume for LittleBigPlanet

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The free DLC continues! Make sure you log on to the PlayStation Store soon, so you can pick up the free Druid costume. It'll only be available for a few more days ...Then, you'll be able to download this free Sacktue of Liberty costume, in celebration of the upcoming Independence Day holiday weekend. This too will be a limited time offer, so don't get too drunk over the weekend and forget to download it. This costume will be available during this Thursday's (July 2nd) PlayStation Store update.

  • Sackboy tees on sale at Hot Topic

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    While you'll have to fight through tweens at your local mall, you'll want to check out Hot Topic to get your hands on this brand new LittleBigPlanet shirt. The shirt, which retails for $19 ($21 for XXL size), features a hidden code. Didn't figure it out? "Sackboy means "LOVE." How clever.For a store listing, you can click here. Or just buy the shirt online.[Via PlayStation.Blog]

  • Free Druid costume coming to LittleBigPlanet

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    If you're like us, you like free costumes in LittleBigPlanet -- primarily because it's hard to resist free stuff. Media Molecule's next gratis offering is this "Druid" costume, created to celebrate the summer solstice. As with many of the game's free costumes, this costume will only be available for a week. Europeans will want to hit the PlayStation Store tomorrow (June 18th), while North American PS3 owners will have to wait until next week, June 25th.The long white robe should help -- as noted by Takorii -- create some excellent Assassin's Creed costumes. We'll certainly be using the beard whenever we cross a bridge in the game, screaming "You shall not pass!"

  • LittleBigPlanet Shadow of the Colossus DLC, in pictures

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    So you saw images from the upcoming Ico costume pack for LittleBigPlanet. But what about Shadow of the Colossus? Ueda's creations are being given the Sack treatment this week as premium DLC for Media Molecule's platformer. Yes, we all lament the lack of new levels inspired by the PS2 classics, but that probably won't stop many of you from rushing out to buy these new costumes.[Via Offworld]

  • Hands-on: LittleBigPlanet PSP

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Perhaps Sony and Media Molecule could have thought up a more clever title: LittleBigPlanet: Portable Sized Platforming ... or Pint-sized Super Playfield. Ignoring the fact that these are terrible title suggestions, we'd have to say LittleBigPlanet PSP works so well because it captures the simple essence of what this game is all about. This is without a doubt LittleBigPlanet on-the-go, nuts, bolts and stickers included.The colorful world of Sackboy and friends translates very well on the PSP screen. Sure, the game is missing many of the lighting and particle effects that make the PS3 game look so good, but considering PSP's limitations, this is an incredibly good fascimile of the original. Even in its early state, the framerate holds up surprisingly well. Even more surprising: it appears the game's use of physics has been largely retained.If the demonstration level at E3 is any indication, it appears PSP owners will be able to create levels of equal complexity as on the PS3. The level we played showcased the requisite spins, swings and grabbable sponges so integral to the LBP experience.%Gallery-64980%

  • Ico costumes for LittleBigPlanet revealed

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    This week's DLC pack for LittleBigPlanet is, as teased, related to Team Ico's first two games, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. The pack will contain costumes, stickers and sound effects and the Ico costumes have already been revealed, with Shadow of the Colossus costumes being shown off tomorrow. You can see Ico himself in the image above and Yorda after the break. It's slightly disappointing that this pack doesn't include new levels a la the Metal Gear Solid 4 DLC, but we'll still take it. Who knows, maybe one of the stickers will show the Kitty Dragon from the Last Guardian trailer.