

  • Indie Royale Xmas Bundle 2.0: Offspring Fling, Colour Bind, Serious Sams

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    The Indie Royale Xmas Bundle 2.0 is live today for one week, offering the following six games for the "minimum" price possible, or whatever you want to pay above that: Colour Bind, Offspring Fling, Serious Sam Double D, Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, Puzzle Bots and Little Kingdom.The bundle includes a free, award-winning game from Offspring Fling developer Kyle Pulver, called Namiko, and pay $8 or more to snag the Rhythm 'n' Bits album from Yoann Turpin. All of the games are available on Steam, except for Little Kingdom and Namiko, while Offspring Fling is the only game available for Mac and Linux as well as PC. Get bundlin'!