

  • The Engadget Podcast, live at 5:15PM EST!

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It was a quiet week in tech news, but we popped the lid off some big things today, so we'll have plenty to talk about on the podcast -- won't you join us? We'll be live at 5:15PM EST, but the chat's open below, so get comfy. P.S.- And hey, don't forget that Ustream has Android and iPhone apps if you're out and about and can't join in on the Flash-based fun below. Is that deeply ironic today? Yes, it is. Update: It's over, but don't worry if you missed it -- the regular podcast post will be up tomorrow.

  • The Engadget Podcast, live... um, tomorrow.

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Hey podcast fans -- Josh is flying back from SF right now, so we'll be recording early tomorrow morning instead, but we'll try to get it up and posted as soon as we can after that. Any thoughts on what we should talk about?

  • The Engadget Podcast is live... NOW!

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    It's been a crazy week in tech, and we're coming at you live to break it all down. We'll be on at 5:30PM EST, but the chat below is open, so settle on in and get comfy. Update: It's over! Watch for it to be posted this weekend, and expect some wild times when Nilay returns next week. He was missed.

  • The Engadget Podcast, live at 4:15PM EST!

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Hey, what do you think we'll be talking about this week? We'll be live at 4:15PM EST, get cozy in the chat below! Update: It's over! We'll have the recording up in 20 minutes. Kidding. But soon, really soon.

  • The Engadget Podcast, live at 2:45PM EST!

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We've got a couple special guests joining us live on the Engadget Podcast today: Michael Gartenberg and Chris Ziegler will be on hand to talk about Nokia's present and future products and strategy. On top of that, we've got a ton of tablet talk coming at you -- everything from the CrunchPad to the next-generation of magazines. It's going to be a wild one -- we'll be live around 2:45PM EST, but the chat below is open now, so settle on in! Update: It's all over, but check back tomorrow for the regular podcast post if you missed it!

  • The Engadget Podcast, live at 3:30PM EST!

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's been a relatively quiet week -- at least compared to the past month of chaos -- but there's still an awful lot of news to talk about, and the Engadget Podcast soldiers on. We're also planning to kick back and answer some questions from the audience -- won't you join us? We'll be starting at 3:30PM EST, but the chat below is open now. Update: Thanks to everyone who joined us -- we had a blast as usual. Be on the lookout tomorrow for the regular podcast post if you missed it!

  • Engadget Podcast, live -- now!

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's been a crazy week of news, so get ready for an equally-crazy live podcast. We're getting things ready to start broadcasting at 3PM EST, so settle into the chat below!Update: And... it's over! As always, our great listeners helped make that super fun -- and if you missed it, the archive podcast post will be up tomorrow.

  • on TNB and elsewhere

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    If you're around this evening and want to listen in to some extra podcast discussion, head on over to the Twisted Nether Blogcast page around 9:30 pm PST this evening -- our friends Fimlys and Nibuca of TNB have asked me to join them on their podcast, and it's sure to be a good time. We'll be chatting live with listeners, too, so if you've ever had questions about how we do things on the site or haven't been able to listen in to our own podcast, now's your chance.And speaking of the Twisted Nether Blogcast, they're also holding their own meetup at BlizzCon, just a few weeks away. Ours is on Thursday, but if you're around on Friday night, you'll be able to stop on by the Anabella again, and say hi to lots of great folks from the WoW community. Both Turpster and I will be there for sure, and there'll probably be at least a few other staff members in attendance as well, so it should be a really fun night.And even that's not all -- our very own Turpster is also set to make an appearance on Rawrcast's live BlizzCon show on Saturday night of that weekend, where he'll likely be talking about everything we've seen at the convention, as well as helping out with some quality giveaways. Lots of great events and shows are being put on by the community around BlizzCon, and of course we're really happy to be a part of them.