

  • Addon Spotlight: Ace in the Hole? (Updated)

    Welcome to the reality that is 2.4 addon pandemonium! It is a time of great sorrow, confusion and frustration. With the new patch, we've seen even the most crucial addon go up in flames. A large percentage of you count Ace addons on your list of must-haves, so you may be wondering why the Ace sites are slow or unresponsive since the patch.I've been checking in on the Ace sites to see what I can find and have been regularly running my AceUpdater for Mac to keep myself current. Here is the current verdict (as of 1:45pm EST) WoW Ace Wiki: unresponsive WoW Ace Files: page loads but addons are up and down WoW Ace Updater page: unresponsive Ace Updater: Works sporadically, but normally showing no installed or available addons For the most part, many of your Ace addons are probably working if you select "Load Out of Date Addons" from your Addons Interface.

    Sean Forsgren