

  • macDazzle: magic tricks for your Mac

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    I'll cop to being a magic trick geek. I'm no good at performing them, but I love the mechanisms, and used to try to create new tricks and presentations as a kid (and, OK, later in life as well). I'm surprised it's taken this long for there to be a software-based trick for the Mac, or at least, one that really was worth using. But macDazzle is offering one trick now, and another that looks even more promising later.iPick, available now, is a classic card reading trick. A spectator picks from three distinct cards and you guess their pick. What's neat about this is that the spectator can download the app on their machine, and you can do the trick via iChat (or Adium, but the presentation isn't nearly as cool).iMath, available "soon," looks just like the calculator widget from Apple, but it again allows you to divine the numbers provided by a spectator. To further enhance the trick, the spectator can perform calculations with the calculator, and you'll still be able to read the number, without ever touching their machine.

  • E3 booth tours: Magic the Gathering

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    These guys were almost hidden in the West Hall near our blogging setup on the show floor. But as you can see, Magic the Gathering has quite an interesting setup. During the time I checked it out, they were having a tournament for their multiplayer game.

  • DS releases for the week of April 24

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    This week's titles include the long-awaited Lost Magic, a game that's equal parts role-playing and real-time strategy. Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers has a lot of doubt surrounding it from those wondering if the frenetic action of its console cousins can be accurately transported to the dual-screened brilliance of the DS. As for Top Gun, anyone excited for this game? Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers Lost Magic Top Gun As always, availability subject to manufacturer delivery.