

  • Manhunt 2 wallpapers bring the violence to your desktop

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    If you happen to use your computer near someone who fancies themselves a Jack Thompson-alike, then boy have we got something for you: freakalicious Manhunt 2 wallpapers to dress up that desktop. There's nothing like a giant glaring eyeball of death to get you through the workday. Our spiffy new galleries balk at anything over 800px wide, so you'll have to hit the source for the bigger, better versions. To make up for it, we added some screenshots as well. Enjoy!%Gallery-3148%

  • Jack Thompson goes after Wendy's

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The ever-antagonistic Jack Thompson is up to his usual business of publicly decrying anything remotely connected to video games. It doesn't get much more remote than Wendy's. According to GamePolitics, Jack sent an angry email to the CEO of the company about their association with the Wii.As we know, Manhunt 2 will be released on the Wii. And as we also know, Wendy's has begun giving away promotional Wii-themed toys. It might be kind of hard to tell from the picture, but look closely and you'll see that the toys have nothing to do with Manhunt 2.We may only be amateur logicians, but in addition to the inaccurate claim that the promotion of the Wii is an indirect endorsement of Manhunt 2, we think we see a hasty generalization here: one violent game doesn't mean that the entire set of Wii games (which contains the games promoted here) is violent, or that the Wii is a violent platform. Feel free to correct our analysis in the comments. We could always use more logic in our discussions of Mr. Thompson.

  • Manhunt 2: new screens & first look

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Rockstar's Manhunt was a game you either enjoyed, or hated. But have you really "experienced" Manhunt? Playing with the lights out in an empty apartment intensifies the experience tenfold (as a certain PSP Fanboy contributor would attest). Well boys and girls, Manhunt 2 is on the way and looking markedly better, with sharper textures, an all new plot line, stealthier character moves and more intelligent AI. We can't wait for the sequel, but we do often question Rockstar's love for flowing newspapers. Do they not have any trashcans laying around? Nevertheless, feast your looking balls on these new screens and prepare for round 2.

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 15

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via Save all movie and thumbnail files to the VIDEO folder. These high resolution 480x272 videos require firmware 3.30 or above. (Note: OE custom firmware will also play these videos.) Manhunt 2Download MP4 (6.8MB) | Download JPG The following videos are featured after the break: Blue Dragon, Gene Simmons - Guitar Hero II Tournament, God of War II: Mythology, Guitar Hero II [360]

  • New Manhunt 2 trailer a great way to start the day

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We love the smell of post-stabbing eyeball goo in the morning. It smells like Manhunt 2. There's no finer way to wake up than a strong cup of coffee, your favorite morning paper and the creepy, disembodied laughter of children.The trailer's about what you'd expect, with lots of quick cuts, murders and shouting. There don't seem to be a lot of plot reveals here, but there is at least one hanging, one bludgeoning and one stabbing with an unconventional object, so it seems like all is well aboard the HMS Manhunt.

  • Manhunt 2 gets experimental in new trailer

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Rockstar's latest, Manhunt 2, is striking three platforms: PSP, PS2 and Wii. While a true next-gen version would provide a greater deal of visual flair, this new trailer shows that style still goes a long way in visual storytelling. This "experiment" trailer certainly has us quite intrigued--this could be the moodiest portable adventure yet. For some PSP-formatted downloads, check out the game's newly updated official website.

  • Gamestop visits the future and brings back a list

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Feel like planning your game purchases for the rest of the year? We can help, with this list of release dates and prices from EB/Gamestop's point-of-sale system. There's some reasonably exciting stuff on there, like Manhunt 2 (August 1st), Dewy's Adventure (September 3rd), and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (October 1st), as well as stuff that is slightly less mass-appeal, like Escape from Bug Island and CSI 4: Hard Evidence. There's a large cluster of EA stuff marked as being released on November 1st, but we suspect that date is a placeholder. For that matter, don't take any of these release dates as ironclad.The full list is available for browsing after the break. It's still useful even if you don't plan to go into Gamestop for some reason.

  • Manhunt 2's crazy story revealed

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Occasionally, game details slip out of Gamestop's website, like drool from a bulldog's mouth. This is such an occasion. Visiting Gamestop's Manhunt 2 page reveals story details on the mysterious Manhunt 2. What do PSP gamer's have to look forward to in this macabre title? Let's have the game description itself tell us. "An experiment at a secret research facility has gone catastrophically wrong. Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper are the only surviving subjects. The Pickman Project will stop at nothing to hunt them down and stop the truth from getting out. Demented screams echo around the dank asylum that has caged you for the last six years. You open your eyes. A white-coated body slumps to the floor through your shaking hands. A bloody syringe slips from your arm. Waves of confusion and paranoia crash over you. You have no idea who you are or how you got here. The door to your cell is open. One choice. One chance. They took your life. Time to take it back." Pickman Project? I wonder if Miyamoto is behind this. [Via Kotaku]

  • Jack Thompson responds biblically to Take-Two

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Last weekend we reported that Jack Thompson plans to sue Take-Two over concerns about the release of Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. A few days ago Take-Two countered saying that Thompson was simply bringing another nuisance suit to the courts. Thus, the circle of Jack Thompson life continues. We could attempt to ignore Jack Thompson the same way the Associated Press attempted to ignore Paris Hilton, but then we couldn't tell you about Jack's latest email to the press (full text after the break).Thompson begins by saying that he has been "praying" for Take-Two to sue him and that this "misstep would enable [him] to destroy Take-Two" and his "prayers are finally answered." He then goes on to quote scripture. He closes with, "Amen, and Praise be to God Almighty, maker of Heaven, Earth, and yes, the maker even video games." This is a whole new level for Jack Thompson. Get ready to experience Thompson v2.0.

  • Take-Two counters lawyer's 'nuisance' threat

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Take-Two Interactive has filed a preemptive suit against attorney Jack Thompson. This past Saturday, Thompson hatched plans to meddle in the sales of future Take-Two and Rockstar titles Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Take-Two claims that if Thompson were to succeed in having the games declared public nuisances (under Florida law), the action would violate the publisher's First Amendment rights. Take-Two hopes its petition to the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida will crush Thompson's proposed suit before it grows wings. Plan B? Drop a DDT-bomb on his dome.Last fall, Florida courts rejected a similar suit filed by Thompson that sought to restrict sales of Take-Two's "Sim Columbine" Bully.Update: Read the lawsuit.

  • Ball ripping action in Manhunt 2?

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    The first Manhunt received some mixed reactions and with good reason, it was vile and disgusting and showcased the worst about humanity, making the gamer feel dirty just playing it. That's precisely why I enjoyed Manhunt since that was the aim and I can't say I've ever felt the way Manhunt made me feel before or since. Lucky for me Manhunt 2 is coming to PSP. Some may wonder if Rockstar is going to tone the violence down in the sequel since they've gotten so much negative attention and legal issues lately. I think the fact that the main character can rip off a victim's testicles with pliers should answer that question. In addition to that, players can also stab someone in the eye with a syringe, push someones face into a live fuse or if you're time restrained, shoot them. There are also finally some story details. Manhunt 2 has a new main character, Dr. Daniel Lamb who is a scientist locked in an asylum called The Project. They use the asylum to test a top secret drug that Lamb was working on and was to be used as a weapon. Lamb breaks out of the asylum and goes on the run with a psychotic inmate named Leo Kasper. Mr. Kasper teaches Lamb how to use violence to his advantage. Other than the name Lamb sounding brutally cliche, Manhunt 2 sounds promising to fans of the first game. [Via Games Radar]

  • Jack Thompson at it again, wants Manhunt 2 pulled from UK

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    According to online reports, Jack Thomspon allegedly made a post on a Manhunt forum (we're unsure as to which forum) where he once again called Rockstar Games into question and implicated the original Manhunt as being responsible for the murder of one Stefan Pakeerah, who was murdered in the UK in 2004 by supposed friend Warren LeBlanc. The police, however, could not find sufficient evidence linking the game to the murder.We've included this entire post, which Thompson allegedly made in the forum, after the post break.[Thanks, Andrew; via WiiPals]

  • Manhunt 2 marketing aims to scare

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Fellow blogger (and the brunt of many Sony-based jokes here at the Fanboy) Andrew Yoon recently received a mysterious letter from the "Dixmor Hospital for the Criminally Insane." Now, mind-in-the-gutter jokes aside, Andrew was really scared because he had not only never heard of such an institution, he also never gives out his address (trust us on this one, we keep trying to mail him a better handheld system). Inside this mysterious letter were two bloodied bracelets featuring the logo for Manhunt 2, as well as a letter explaining a bit about the game's supposed protagonists, Danny Lamb and Leo Kasper.Picture of the letter and bracelets have been embedded past the post break.

  • Mail from Rockstar terrifies blogger

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I received a mysterious letter in the mail today. As the lead blogger of PSP Fanboy, it's not unusual for game companies to try to contact me through the post. But, I was puzzled ... no, scared about what could be from the "Dixmor Hospital for the Criminally Insane." Questions started buzzing in my head: How did they get my address? Did I accidentally leak it on the Internet? I was terrified that some creepy Internet-stalker-fan had somehow illegally referred me to a mental institute. And trust me, I keep on telling the voices that I don't need to go to one!

  • Manhunt 2 Wii box art more interesting than teaser

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    After yesterday's announcement stabbed us in the face with a shard of glass, we've had some time to get used to the idea that Rockstar's Manhunt series is making its new-gen debut on Nintendo's heretofore soft and cuddly Wii console (alongside current-gen PSP and PS2 releases). The mind is a scary place to get stuck, as we did last night while trying (unsuccessfully we might add) to fall asleep. You see, we were preoccupied with all the horribly grotesque ways we imagined killing people (virtually, of course!) with the Wiimote. Hallucinations set in around 3am and we saw (did we?) rows of bespectacled Canadian programmers sitting in a crowded conference room, surrounded by empty pizza boxes and whiteboards covered with poorly spelled ideas. Ideas like: stabbing, bludgeoning, cleaving, slitting, choking (with optional nunchuk assist), and nunchuck ... ing. There were other ideas scribbled out: purple nurpling, hugging, arm wrestling ...If those visions of horror didn't whet your appetite, try Rockstar's Manhunt 2 teaser, embedded after the break. Yeah, our favorite part is when the announcer says "This product is not yet rated" too. Something tells us this one's not getting a T.%Gallery-1512%

  • Poll: how did the Manhunt 2 news strike you?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Whether you're a fan of the company or its games, you have to admit that Rockstar Games jumping onboard the Wii is a pretty big announcement. With the website launching and gamers getting to see a glimpse of the game, there's a little more to comment on. So we figured we'd poll the people, you fine readers, and see how the news was being received. Go ahead and vote, the poll doesn't bite, we promise (polls are a vegetarian species). How did the Manhunt 2 news strike you? I enjoyed the first game and am looking forward to this I need to see more on the controls before I'm sold Meh, I could care less, the first game sucked and this probably will too I never played the first game Free polls from

  • Manhunt 2 site goes live, offers small glimpse

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Hot on the heels of revealing a sequel to Manhunt, Rockstar Games have launched the website for the game. Now, the website isn't really filled with anything all too revealing about possible controls or Wii-specific features, except that the game will release this year, however it does offer a small glimpse into the game's story. Head on over here and check it out, but be advised that you must be 18 or older to view the content.

  • Manhunt 2 trailer online! [Update 1]

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    It's only been a few hours since Manhunt 2 was announced for PSP, but there is already a trailer online. It seems like the game has a different main character and the story is quite unclear from the trailer, but then again, what Rockstar Games teaser trailer ever really gives away too much? Either way, I can't help but be psyched by what is shown. Check out the official Manhunt 2 site to see the trailer now. [Update 1: Changed link to official site]

  • Rockstar reveals Manhunt 2 for the Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It looks like Reggie was somewhat successful as Rockstar Games announced today that a sequel to Manhunt, which could be summed up (by Jack Thompson) as a murder simulator, is going to grace the Wii (and some other Sony systems, we don't know, we weren't paying attention to that). The game is being developed by Rockstar Toronto, who recently did The Warriors. In the first game, you could kill your opponents in three differing ways, each progressively more sinister and violent, with any given weapon. Weapons ranged from plastic bags to shards of glass and, considering the Wii's control scheme, could we expect to have to mimic slicing someone's throat with a broken bottle or some such other object using the Wiimote? See also: Will Wii see L.A. Noire?

  • Rockstar reveals Manhunt 2 for the PS2, PSP, and ... Wii

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Get ready to wave goodbye one last time to all those specious misconceptions that the Wii -- thanks to its unique name, diminutive size, and first-party mascot -- is a children's system. Rockstar Games, who've always had a penchant for controversy, just added a gasoline-soaked two by four (with nails in it) to the "do video games teach kids to kill" bonfire, announcing that Manhunt 2, the sequel to last generation's ultraviolent snuff film-slash-video game, will be released on the PlayStation 2, the PSP and the Wii -- with nary an Xbox 360 or PS3 announcement in sight.The PS2 and PSP versions are being developed by Rockstar London, their newest studio, in conjunction with Manhunt series creator Rockstar North (Grand Theft Auto) while the Wii version is being handled independently by Rockstar Toronto (The Warriors). We're going to be hearing a lot more about this one.