

  • Reminder: Mario Kart Wii has voice chat, it's called XBL, PSN, Skype, etc.

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We thought it'd be best to reprint our advice from the Super Smash Bros. Brawl release: if you want to chat up your friends while doing laps in Mario Kart Wii, here are five options we found -- harnessing the power of other consoles or a com-pu-ter -- for chatting up your friends. (Looking for a place to share your Kart friend codes? We'll set up a über-list post closer to tonight's US release. Here's a link to the über-list.) Xbox Live: Or as we've come to know it -- Kart LIVE®. Just set up private chat and off you go. Got more than one friend? Go into a Halo 3 lobby (you do have Halo 3, right?). PSN: Start up a new chat under the "friends" section of the XMB. Invite all the friends you want and wait for them to join. Works and sounds exceptional! USB and Bluetooth compatible. Skype: Set up a conference call. TeamSpeak or Ventrilo: Guilds, clans and other computer types know these services. Perfect for guildies racing together. Nintendo DS: Use Metroid Prime Hunters or Pokémon Diamond or Pearl. Warning: More inane codes required to pull this option off. There are also homebrew options. Of course, if none of these options are viable, might we suggest using a classic: The phone. Need a Kart fix? Check out all our coverage of Mario Kart Wii!

  • Another Week in Europe

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Featuring charts from across the region, Another Week in Europe documents the buying habits and quirky tastes of a whole continent of Wii lovers. While yours truly had trouble tracking down a copy of Mario Kart Wii on the high street (for our review), it appears plenty of others around Europe had no such problem.Bar Denmark (where it has now dropped to fifth), the title sits at the top of every European chart, and we suspect it might even be influencing the sales of other games. Surely the rise of Mario Kart DS to 8th in Ireland, 8th in France, and 7th in Germany can't all be a mere coincidence? By our reckoning, Mario Kart Wii has ramped up Europe's interest in Mario Kart generally. Fortunately, Mario Kart DS is the bee's knees!Finally, this week's overachiever award goes to Sega Superstars Tennis -- despite the Wii version's lack of online play, Sega's tennis/blue skies extravaganza climbed to fourth in the UK. Head beyond the break for more European chartage, and please accept our humble apologies for the lack of a Spanish top ten -- that should be back next week.

  • Metareview (US Edition) -- Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Yes, Europe. It's shocking, but Mario Kart Wii comes out in North America tomorrow. But, y'all are probably over the latest real kart simulator and have moved on to enjoying Wii Fit. The continent where the history comes from already reviewed Mario Kart Wii many moons ago and rated it a perfectly competent experience. What do the American outlets think? Pretty much the same thing. IGN (85/100): "Every player is going to have their own love/hate relationship with Mario Kart Wii, but in the end the game does so many things right that it'd be foolish not to give credit where due. Online seriously raises the bar for Nintendo, trumping even Smash in a big, big way. ... It isn't the best Mario Kart in the series, but it's a must-play experience on Wii, and standard-setting offering as far as online, channel support, and connectivity are concerned. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got some online stats to obsess over. " GameTrailers (84/100): "Generally, video game franchises move forward with each successive release. In this case, Mario Kart for the Wii has taken a few steps forward, and one huge step back. This is the first case of Nintendo not finding a happy medium between accessibility and servicing hardcore players. Yet if you get a group of people together on a Saturday night to play you'll be the only one complaining. While the competitive spirit may be quelled, there's no denying that the foundation here is solid, and the addition of bikes, tricks, and online play are all positives that no one can deny." GameTap (80/100): "Mario Kart makes a good case for connecting the Wii online, too. Via the Mario Kart Channel, you race other gamers from around the world in an eight-driver contest; you can even see which countries they represent. This is the way to go for multiplayer karting. ... But online or off, you can't go wrong with Mario Kart. If this is your first experience or you've been absent for a while you're in for a treat. If you're a grizzled MK vet at least you can pit your skills with racers around the world--and still have something to grumble about. " %Gallery-16165% Need a Kart fix? Check out all our coverage of Mario Kart Wii!

  • Wii Warm Up: Getting shelled

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Since Mario Kart Wii is coming out soon, we wanted to know what some of your favorite (and least favorite) items are from the series. The one we're most curious about is the controversial blue shell. Do you hate it? Love it? What other items do you covet, or hope that you don't get stuck with?%Gallery-4772%

  • This Week in Review isn't snaking either way

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We've had our hands full today mulling over what we should play -- Mario Kart Wii or Metal Gear Online, both titles we weren't expecting until the weekend. We were going to use the snaking joke regardless of the headlining game, but then we realized that you will not be snaking in either game. We've got a rather hefty This Week in Review today. Check out all of our hands-on impressions and reviews from the Joystiq Network this week:Nintendo Wii Mario Kart Wii (Review, Impressions, Controller) Deca Sports (hands-on) River City Ransom (Virtual Console) Phantasy Star III (Virtual Console) Brawl Stage of the Week: Super Mario World

  • Joystiq goes all out with Mario Kart Wii controller comparison

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    As we're all too well aware, Mario Kart can be serious business for some folks, and Mario Kart Wii will certainly be no exception, which makes the right choice of controller all the more important. Thankfully, our pals at Joystiq have now come through with a meticulous comparison of all five driving options at your disposal. That includes the Wiimote on its own, the Wiimote with Wii Wheel, the Wiimote / nunchuck combo, the Classic Controller, and the tried and true GameCube controller. Somewhat surprisingly, while the GameCube Controller and Classic Controller each helped to put in some solid times, Joystiq actually found the Wiimote / nunchuck combo to the best all around option, with it faring particularly well when using a bike. Lagging far behind, however, was the solo Wiimote (which they recommend to avoid at all costs), although the addition of the Wii Wheel did apparently did help to make things a bit more manageable. Hit up the link below for the full rundown.

  • Another Week in Japan: Hardware and software numbers 4/14-4/20

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    The Wii had a good week in Japan, as far as sales are concerned. With Mario Kart Wii continuing to champion the cause, the little white console almost nabbed second place in hardware: PSP: 85,421 Nintendo DS: 44,551 Wii: 44,241 PlayStation 3: 7,438 PlayStation 2: 6,545 Xbox 360: 1,076 Even in software, five of the top ten games were Wii titles. Wii Sports found its way back into the coveted ten once again, managing to coexist peacefully with Hudson's Deca Sports. Wii Play, meanwhile, performed the worst in relation to the rest of the Wii games in the top thirty, but still ended up in spot twelve.Check after the break to see just how well Mario Kart Wii did last week in Japan.

  • Wii Fanboy Review: Mario Kart Wii

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    With its inclusion of bikes, stunts, and the Wii Wheel, Mario Kart Wii is an almost note-perfect riposte to all of those accusations that Nintendo is reluctant to innovate in its first-party games. In fact, in its bid to simultaneously please both newcomers and veteran players, Mario Kart Wii ends up feeling like the biggest deviation for the series since its inception sixteen years ago. And, on the whole, that turns out to be a good thing.%Gallery-4772%

  • Joystiq goes wheels-on with Mario Kart Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Click to read their control scheme analysis var digg_url = ''; After unboxing the game last night, Joystiq has been running on no sleep to bring you massive amounts of coverage on the game. Just about the only thing they're missing is, well ... uh, we can't think of anything! Seriously, they're covering all bases here. We'd like to bring your attention to their analysis of the several control schemes available in the game.If you're looking for more, they've set up a nice little page that is home to all of their coverage of the new game. They've got a retrospective, a hands-on write-up of their initial impressions on the game, and more! What are you waiting for? Get over there already!

  • The Mario Kart Wii controller showdown

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; There are five ways to handle your racer in Mario Kart Wii: Wii Remote solo, Wii Remote embedded in Wii Wheel, Wii Remote with Nunchuk, Classic Controller, and GameCube controller. But, removing all other variables, which control method is the best? Are there really limitations to not using the Wii Wheel? We decided to pull out the ever-trusty "scientific method" and determine, once and for all, the best kart controller.

  • First impressions: Mario Kart Wii

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; We've been tailing Mario Kart Wii since its announcement at E3 last year, but now that we have an actual retail copy to play at home, we're finally able to share with you some quick impressions of the game. Click through to read our thoughts on the Wii Wheel, online multiplayer, the Mario Kart channel and more:

  • Keep on Kartin': A Mario Kart Retrospective

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    var digg_url = ''; Nintendo has said it considers Mario Kart Wii a "bridge game" -- a title that converts casual, Wii Sports-playing Wii owners into a more hardcore, game-buying type. For those bridge gamers, this quick retrospective will help fill you in on the history that has made the Mario Kart series one of the most beloved in gaming. For everyone else, it's a stroll down memory lane and a starting point for discussion about your hopes and fears for the impending Mario Kart Wii. Let's roll! -->

  • Jason Priestley is helping to promote Mario Kart

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    When you think celebrity, racing and Mario Kart, only one name really comes to mind: Jason Priestley. That's why the actor is a perfect choice to be the final boss of sorts for tomorrow's Mario Kart Wii tournament at the Nintendo World Store in NYC. You should know though that when we think Jason Priestley, we also think August 11, 2002, when he plowed his Indy Pro Series car into a wall at 180 miles an hour at the Kentucky Speedway before making a speedy and complete recovery. So try to remember that when he's dropping the 90210wnage -- he's also loco and possibly the T-1000.%Gallery-16165%

  • Watch Mario give tourists and disgruntled New Yorkers a cab ride

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    In preparation of the upcoming release of Mario Kart Wii, Nintendo held a rather quirky promotion in front of the Sheraton New York hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Confused tourists and businesspeople walked by as a giant costumed Mario, Wii Wheel in hand, gave away free cab rides for the willing.Many, afraid of a potential scam, simply ignored Mario's kind offer. Others, however, were far more willing to jump in a cab hailed by the Italian gaming icon. Nintendo's offer of $10 to the cab drivers, while generous, would probably get most riders down to Times Square, before the gridlock of traffic consumed Nintendo's free fare. Ouch.%Gallery-21478%

  • Joystiq unboxes Mario Kart Wii, our jealousy is immeasurable

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    var digg_url = ''; Sad to say, this isn't us unboxing the game, but our cruel overlords. They just got it into the office their giant oil tanker they operate from in the Atlantic Ocean and have put together a nice gallery showing the game being unboxed. If you want to know what we think about it all, know this: we peed our pants. Just a little.Head on in and prepare to become as jealous as we are.

  • Mario Kart Wii: The Unboxing

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; We got home this afternoon to find a rather large shoebox at our doorstep. Contained within: our very own Mario Kart Wii. We can't simply enjoy our excitement alone, of course, so check out our unboxing gallery. We'll have full impressions of the anticipated racer soon.

  • Toys R Us to have Wii this Sunday

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Well now, it looks like almost all retailers will have the Wii in stock this weekend, as following up on Circuit City's "deal" is Toys R Us with an ad of their own. You see, Toys R Us is advertising (see image above) that they'll also have the console in stock, alongside Mario Kart Wii, which releases this Sunday. There is a catch with the Toys R Us deal, however.You'll have to put some legwork in, as securing yourself a console means you have to go down to your local Toys R Us and plunk down a $200 deposit. Once done, show up on Sunday with your receipt and you'll be one happy camper. But, hey, as annoying as it is to make two trips, it's far less annoying than having to buy a ridiculously overpriced bundle from Circuit City.[Via Joystiq]

  • Jason Priestley wants to throw down in some Mario Kart with you

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Following up the kind gesture of offering you a free lift, Nintendo has informed us that one and all are invited to the Nintendo World Store in New York City for fun and games this Saturday from 2 - 6pm, one day before the game releases here in North America. But, Nintendo, we have to ask: why not just hold the event on Sunday or let folks pick up the game then, on Saturday? Seems like it wouldn't be too fun to head on down for the festivities, try the game out then have to return back to your life for 24 hours before you can buy it.Still, it should be a fun shindig going down at the Nintendo World Store. They're going to give out personalized Mario Kart licenses, as well as hold a tournament where the winner can take on (and, we assume, whip the ass of) actor and driving enthusiast Jason Priestley. Just, uh, don't ask him what Dylan is up to these days.See also: Fanswag: Mario Kart Extravaganza%Gallery-4772%[Via press release]

  • Wii Fanboy Weekly: Apr. 17 - Apr. 21

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    What a week to be a Wii Fanboy. In case you might have neglected to check out the site over the last week (and why is that, hmm?), we're celebrating the week up to the release of Mario Kart Wii with a new feature each and every day. On Sunday, we spoke about the franchise's history. On Monday, we talked about the alternate kart universe and what the racers could be ripping through turns in. Yesterday, we talked about substitute Wii Wheels. Today, it's all about who else we would like to see make an appearance in a Mario Kart game. Oh, and don't forget we're giving away 5 copies of Mario Kart Wii!!!Features: Revolutionary: Wii can has hard drive?Columnist Mike Sylvester highlights the Wii and its need for a HDD Wii Fanboy Review: BaroqueIt's not as bad as the other reviews say! Wii Fanboy hands-on: Deca SportsVideo walkthrough and write-up of 4 of the game's 10 sports VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 4/21/08Our direct-feed video walkthrough of the Virtual Console games this week (River City Ransom!) Brawl Stage of the Week: Super Mario WorldA recreation of the opening scene from the game in Smash Bros. Brawl Virtually Overlooked: The Three StoogesWe tell you why it needs to be on the Virtual Console Videos: Gyrostarr for WiiWare announced, no relation to GyromiteIt's kind of like a blend between Wipeout and Audiosurf Nintendo ditches 'Wii would like to play' for Cowboy JedPretty good advertisement, if we may say so Grand Theft Auto NESWhat if the game was on NES? Okami got a face lift (comparison video)Comparing the graphics of the PS2 and Wii versions Other Items of Interest: This is what a coin-operated NES looks likeWeird Wii Warm Up: Say goodnight to the bad guyClue us in to your favorite boss battles! The first (somewhat) decent Wii Wheel cloneNot too shabby

  • Wii Fanboy Weekly: Apr. 17 - Apr. 23

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    What a week to be a Wii Fanboy. Not only are we giving away 5, count 'em, 5 copies of Mario Kart Wii, but we're also paying homage to the game by contributing a new feature every day up until its release. On Sunday, we spoke about the franchise's history. On Monday, we talked about the alternate kart universe and what the racers could be ripping through turns in. Yesterday, we talked about substitute Wii Wheels. Today, it's all about who else we would like to see make an appearance in a Mario Kart game. Oh, and did we mention we're giving away 5 copies of Mario Kart Wii?Features: Revolutionary: Wii can has hard drive?Columnist Mike Sylvester highlights the Wii and its need for a HDD Wii Fanboy Review: BaroqueIt's not as bad as the other reviews say! Wii Fanboy hands-on: Deca SportsVideo walkthrough and write-up of 4 of the game's 10 sports VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 4/21/08Our direct-feed video walkthrough of the Virtual Console games this week (River City Ransom!) Brawl Stage of the Week: Super Mario WorldA recreation of the opening scene from Super Mario World in Smash Bros. Brawl Virtually Overlooked: The Three StoogesWe tell you why it needs to be on the Virtual Console Videos: Gyrostarr for WiiWare announced, no relation to GyromiteIt's kind of like a blend between Wipeout and Audiosurf Nintendo ditches 'Wii would like to play' for Cowboy JedPretty good advertisement, if we may say so Grand Theft Auto NESWhat if the game was on NES? Okami got a face lift (comparison video)Comparing the graphics of the PS2 and Wii versions Other Items of Interest: This is what a coin-operated NES looks likeWeird Wii Warm Up: Say goodnight to the bad guyClue us in to your favorite boss battles! The first (somewhat) decent Wii Wheel cloneNot too shabby