
  • Halo 3 to finally push Xbox into the black?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Looks like Robbie Bach was right. Remember when we reported a few weeks back that Halo 3 pre-orders had topped 4 million at GameStop? It looks like analysts are paying close attention to that number and are now saying that Halo 3 is shaping up to do some very nice business for Microsoft. While this isn't exactly a shock, we didn't realize just how nice that business is expected to be. GameSpot reports that Goldman-Sachs expects Halo 3 to reach $170 million in sales during its first week of availability, with more than 4.2 million copies shipped to retail. Given Goldman-Sachs estimate that there will be 13.2 million Xbox 360s sold by September, that's 1 copy of Halo 3 for every 3 Xbox 360s in the world. Furthermore, the group notes that the $170 million estimate may be as much as $50 million too low, depending on the actual Xbox 360 install base. Finally, if these estimates prove true, Halo 3 could very likely propel the Xbox into its first profitable quarter ever (it just so happens that Halo 3 debuts right at the end of Microsoft's first fiscal quarter for 2008). After nearly 6 years in the red, we imagine the Xbox Division has a mighty big circle around September 25 on the office calendar.[Via GameStooge]

  • Halo 2 Vista ships May 31 in US, Europe June 8

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Having already been pushed back from its original release date of May 8 and subsequently not showing up on the new date of May 22, Halo 2 Vista is finally set to land on store shelves May 31. European Halo fans can grab their copies on June 8. Among the reasons readers have given us for purchasing the game (assuming most of you already have it on Xbox), our favorite is that it's the perfect game to play on your work PC during lunch. Indeed.For those of you who need your Games for Windows Live fix as soon as possible, don't forget that Shadowrun is set to release on the 29th for both the Xbox 360 and PC.

  • Blue Dragon now available in English, sort of

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you've been waiting for a version of Blue Dragon with English subtitles and you happen to live in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, or Singapore, then you are in luck! Siliconera reports that Microsoft has officially released Blue Dragon to Asian territories outside of Japan. This version of Blue Dragon features Japanese or Korean voice acting and both Chinese and English subtitles. Before you start getting your importing hopes up though, we must inform you that the game is region locked, unlike many Asian Xbox 360 games. However, if you just so happen to have a Japanese Xbox 360, more power to you.The rest of us, unfortunately, will be waiting until the English version's official August release.[Via Joystiq]%Gallery-3400%

  • Fanswag: Halo 3 beta T-shirt Giveaway Day 2

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update: This giveaway is now closed. To see the winner, click here. To enter the latest giveaway, click here.The Xbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 beta T-Shirt Giveaway now rolls into its second glorious day. Before we move on to today's giveaway, let's get yesterday's winner squared away. The winner of the Day 1 giveaway, who will receive an Extra Large green Halo 3 beta T-shirt is ... Kejoriv! Congratulations, Kejoriv, we'll be contacting you soon.Now on to today's giveaway. Today we'll be giving a away a brown beta shirt, size Large. For your chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Just for fun, why not tell us what your favorite Halo multiplayer fuel is? Is it tacos? Red Bull? Taco shells filled with frozen Red Bull? Of course, you can leave any kind of comment you want -- the winner is completely random, after all -- but you might as well make it interesting, right? Get to commenting and good luck! (Limit one entry per person. Limited to U.S. residents 18 and older.)Click here for the Official Halo 3 beta T-shirt Giveaway rules

  • First Fable 2 video diary now available

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, Fable fans of all ages, the first Lionhead Video Diary is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace. You can also grab it from Lionhead's website. Of course, if you're not too picky about fancy res-molutions, you can watch it right here in this post. If you kept track of Fable 2 during GDC, then you won't find too much new information here, although you will get a few cursory glances at the game in development and a high resolution fly-through of some of the environments. Give it a watch and tell us what you think.Note to Lionhead: let's put more gameplay into the next video diary, hmm?%Gallery-3398%

  • Bungie wants your Halo 3 beta questions

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With the Halo 3 beta finally in full swing, many of our burning Halo 3 questions have been answered. Of course, there are always more questions. For instance, the Banshee flier was recently unlocked in Valhalla. Does this mean we might see other vehicles unlocked? What about weapons, or equipment? If you have questions you'd like answered, Bungie want's 'em. All you have to do is submit them to this forum thread on Bungie will then select some questions to answer in the forthcoming weekly update. So, ask away fanboys. You might just get lucky. Since you're already at it, why not post your question right here as well?Check out all the X3F Halo 3 beta coverage

  • Fanswag: Halo 3 beta T-shirt Giveaway Day 1

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update: This giveaway is now closed. To see the winner, click here. To enter the latest giveaway, click here.In celebration of the ongoing Halo 3 beta, Xbox 360 Fanboy will be giving away limited edition Halo 3 beta T-shirts every weekday from now until the end of May. You may have seen shirts like these in the Bungie store, but let us assure you that these are way cooler. How? First of all, our shirts come with that oh-so-trendy distressed look. Second, our shirts simply say "beta" instead of "beta tester." Finally, our shirts have green Spartans, which are unavailable for sale. So, how do you get your hands on one? Easy, all you have to do is comment on this post! Simply leave a comment (limit one comment per entry period, limited to U.S. residents 18 and up) and we'll pick a random winner tomorrow. Don't worry if you don't win though, we'll be giving one away every weekday until the end of May. Keep your eyes out for a new giveaway post every day at 12 Noon EDT.Today's shirt is green and Extra Large, for the manliest of Halo fanatics. Leave a comment and good luck!Click here for the Official Halo 3 beta T-shirt Giveaway rules

  • Modders uncover flamethrower in Halo 3, more

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    var digg_url = ''; It seems that a group of crafty modders have uncovered what could be new content from Halo 3. Apparently, some modders have dug into the Halo 3 beta code and found mention of several new weapons, vehicles, and new names for medals (Double Kill, etc). While some of this information is likely to be placeholder or possibly even trash that has yet to be deleted from the final code, it does add some interesting ideas to what we already know. See a list of what was found after the break.

  • Bungie drops bannhammer on beta miscreants

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A little something to remember if you're participating in the much-ballyhooed Halo 3 multiplayer beta: Bungie is watching. And listening. In the latest Bungie Weekly Update, Multiplayer Producer Joseph Tung lets us all know that many Bungie employees are playing the beta and keeping their eyes and ears peeled for trouble makers. He reminds us that normal trash talk and the occasional teabagging are expected, but racial epithets and offensive language could get you banned for an indeterminate amount of time. So, all the jerks out there may want to straighten up their act for the length of the beta, as its limited population and expanded Bungie presence make them that much easier to find. Us, well, we'll stick to politely shouting "Thank you!!!" when we get killed and "It was nice to make your acquaintance!!!" every time we kill someone else.Check out all the X3F Halo 3 beta coverage

  • Halo Wars already a blast to play

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Buried under the massive weight of the Halo 3 beta, a new Halo Wars update has been quietly released by the folks at Ensemble Studios. The update focuses on the ongoing multiplayer playtests of Halo Wars, and apparently things are moving along swimmingly. It looks like Ensemble is happy with the control scheme now, so they can spend more time actually playing the game. The game's placeholder features (such as plain, rectangular buildings) are slowly being replaced by more detailed assets. Finally, artists are spending a lot of time tuning the game's scale. In other words, you want your infantry units big enough to see, but not so big that they look like giants compared to buildings and vehicles. Hit the "read" link to check out the update. [Via Arrogantics. Thanks, zizzy]

  • The X3F Halo 3 beta code winners are ...

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We have dipped our hand into the proverbial hat and plucked out two lucky winners of our Halo 3 beta code giveaway. These two winners will receive their beta code via email, at which point they are free to do with it whatever they wish. Our suggestion: use it to download the Halo 3 beta, silly! Without further ado, our first winner is ... Laurence, with his amusing comment that makes fun of our contest post. And, the second winner is ... That Guy Greg, who wisely asks us to forsake all others and pick him. Congratulations to both our winners, and a big thank you to murph for donating our second code.We'll be seeing you online!

  • Uncle Gamer giving away Halo 3 beta codes

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you don't like the odds of winning our solitary Halo 3 beta code, you might try your luck over at Uncle Gamer. They're giving away two codes, effectively doubling your chances. Hell, if you entered our giveaway and Uncle Gamer's, you can triple the infinitesimal chance that you'll actually win! Uncle Gamer will make you work a little harder than we do though. You'll actually have to answer a question. We're just asking you to leave a comment. Still, if you think your up to the challenge of answering a simple question, head over to Uncle Gamer for your chance to win.Check out all the X3F Halo 3 beta coverage

  • Win a Halo 3 beta code from X3F! [update 2]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update 2: The winners of the giveaway have been chosen and the giveaway is now closed.. Follow this link to see the winners.Okay, so we know that not everyone has made it into the Halo 3 beta. Maybe you didn't have enough time to make into the Rule of Three. Maybe Crackdown isn't your thing. Who knows. The point is, we know that many of you aren't in the beta and you want in. Well, now is your chance. We have precisely one two Halo 3 beta code to give away. If you want it, all you have to do is leave a comment below. At 4:45 PM EDT today we'll choose two random winners and post the results at 5:00 PM EDT, just in time to download the beta after east coasters get off work.Leave your comment and good luck!Update 1: A very generous X3F reader by the name of murph has donated an extra code, so we now have two codes to give away!General giveaway stuff: winners will be contacted via email. Only one entry per person. Winners will be chosen using a random number generator from

  • Crackdown beta invites not working

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It seems that Crackdown still isn't allowing users to access the Halo 3 beta. We checked our own copy and sure enough, the beta option is still unavailable. Bungie is aware of the issue and Frankie has commented on it, saying it should be a short delay (hopefully). Those entering by other means shouldn't have any problems. We'll let you know as soon as we hear anything different.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in.]

  • Halo 3 beta already updated, films erased

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Frankie has let us know that the Halo 3 beta has already received its first update. He informs us that this update will unfortunately erase any saved films as well as those on your file share. The update was something of a test to see how dramatically and quickly Bungie could alter the game if need be (important for changes that have to be made to the retail release). Some good news: the occurrence of Team Slayer on the Team Skirmish playlist has been greatly reduced, thus opening up the way for more objective games.We're going to miss our saved films though, particularly the one where a teammate Man Cannoned a trip mine directly onto a Warthog. That moment is now lost in the ether, never to be seen again. Sigh ....Check out all of the X3F Halo 3 beta coverage

  • BMG to distribute Konami's music online

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The place may be overrun with deadly monstrosities and the overwhelming powers of darkness, but the tunes that echo throughout the hallways of Dracula's castle usually make the vampire killing ordeal worth it. Sensing that others might share the dark lord's fine taste in orchestral compositions, Konami has announced an agreement with Sony BMG Music to distribute its library of tunes through mobile service providers and online music retailers, including iTunes and Rhapsody. The deal encompasses soundtracks beyond those belonging to the obvious Dance Dance Revolution franchise, even catering to those that find the clanging pipes and grating gears of Silent Hill preferable to the latest Ashlee Simpson squealfest.Konami also promises to make its vast history of music available for purchase on its official website, though specific release dates have yet to be announced. [Via Konami press release]

  • Hayter, voice of Snake, not involved in Metal Gear movie

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    While he'll be reprising the role of world-weary genetically altered supersoldier-cum-poet, Solid Snake, in Metal Gear Solid 4, David Hayter will not be playing a role -- either in front of or behind the camera -- in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid movie.According to an exclusive report by IGN, the screenwriter slash actor pitched his treatment to the fat cats at Konami who, in their infinite and no doubt genetically enhanced wisdom, decided to pass. His take: "Metal Gear as the Apocalypse Now of the digital age, with Snake at the center of a swirling whirlpool of Genomic/military madness." Toss in a couple large-breasted villainesses, some gun-twirling cold war relics, and the requisite long-winded exposition on the swirling whirpool of genomic and military madness and it smells like ... victory.[Thanks, Paul; via MGS: TM]

  • Rumor: Metal Gear Solid 4 goes stealth until 2008

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Gamestop customers who requested to be informed of any changes to the projected retail release date of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for PS3 have received unsettling news that the game's new expected release isn't until March of 2008. The PS3 could really use a big blockbuster like this for its second holiday season -- somebody put a bee in God of War 3's bonnet already and start some buzz because third-party developers are flaking out.Remember to keep hope alive though, like Jack Tretton says, Sony didn't make the system for the first six months (or year for that matter) of its life, but for ten years. It'll all work itself out. We mean, look, there's still some exclusives left, there's Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy XIII, Lair, Super Rub a Dub, Heavenly Sword and, um, Little Big Planet. What's the Xbox 360 and Wii got? Halo 3, Mario and maybe Metroid, pffffft. Like those are going to sell systems.[Via PS3 Fanboy][Update: Made post more explicit and concise.]

  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops multiplayer demo

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Hope you have friends with PSPs. Now, you and all your friends can join in on Ad-Hoc Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops multiplayer ... for free! This downloadable demo is multiplayer only, so make sure you grab your friends and get ready to play.1. Download the demo zip file.2. Extract the contents of the zip file.3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable. 4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.5. Copy ULED90040 folder into the GAME directory. Check out our new demos

  • Halo 3 beta reminder: check your Bungie box!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Alright, we take it back. During a little What Are You Playing diatribe this morning, we called all those with early "Friends and Family" access to the Halo 3 beta jerks. It turns out you can stick us in the jerk tank now (well, you can at least stick me in there), because we just found our invite tucked away in our message box. Let this be a reminder to dedicated Halo fans that have not yet done so: check your message box! You might just find a happy little surprise. Now if you'll excuse us, it's time for some beta mayhem. [Thanks, Stephen]