Michael Jackson


  • Details for Aion's new Veteran Rewards Program

    We probably don't need to point out the glaring congruity that each month you play Aion will soon be rewarded with four XP boost amulets; but we will. NCsoft just spilled the beans on their new Veteran Rewards Program. This seems slightly ironic because the game has only been out for a month. We suppose it's probably a good strategy to entice players to stick around; especially after an MMO's first month, which is arguably the rockiest. Players will now receive special items for each month they remain subscribed to Aion. Months one to six award four Lodas Amulets (20% bonus XP for one hour) and four Revival Stones (self/player resurrection). Additionally, month one gives a cube expansion ticket (+1 free row) and a special Michael Jackson dance emote. Month three grants an extra title (Adept of Aion ) and another Forbidden Dance emote. Month six gives players special level 40 Black Cloud wings. The disclaimer states that NCsoft can expand, revise, or end the Veteran Rewards Program at any time. With the first six months plotted out, it seems likely they will continue as the game soars ahead. Check out the official description page for full details on how to qualify.

    Brooke Pilley
  • This is it: a dancing Michael Jackson cat game for iPhone

    When Robot Symphony alerted us to its upcoming iPhone debut, MeowWalker, we were prepared to dismiss it out of hand based only on the premise of combining Michael Jackson with the staple of lazy internet humor, cats. But instead of a tasteless cash-in, the trailer for the dance game (after the break) reveals what could turn out to be our, well, third favorite Michael Jackson-based game, right after the Genesis Moonwalker and the arcade Moonwalker. Sha-meow!The gameplay is simple: tilt and swipe the phone to make a lanky, Thriller-jacketed feline perform MJ's signature dance moves to the tune of the Michael Jackson songs already on your phone. The addition of quirky animation and (especially) sound effects, which reimagine Michael's weird vocal tics as cat noises, result in something that we can't get enough of. Which means, according to the MJ canon, we haven't stopped watching the trailer.

    JC Fletcher
  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Bearded Snuggle Bunny

    Last week's Funnies had quite the commenter turnout! To add my two cents (sorry, Canadian money), I would like to point out that despite the name of this column, web comics do not actually have to be funny to be included. Serious submissions, especially when coupled with stellar artwork, are always welcome. Incidentally, the name of this column was probably created just to confuse you.I'd also like to know when everybody allegedly started to prefer one-shot comics to those with a story arc? Personally, I love both types. I also enjoy recurring themes and "inside" jokes. I do try to feature comics that stand well on their own, but I'm not going to omit something good just because it doesn't appeal to everyone. Cru the Dwarf: Bedsheet Bump in the Night and the rather comical Brain Freeze that ensues. Experience Points: Vincent has his hands full with gear disputes, an overactive imagination, and the new iPhone Armory app that's acting a bit strangely. Flintlocke vs. the Horde: The Showdown, part 22. LFG: #270. Monkey Punchers: Turning Point. Kuo: Chapter 3, Kobold's Ambition 6. WoW eh: Milk: It'll Do Your Body Good. I love that last frame especially! Teh Gladiators: Fight it, Papa! NPC: Speciesists. The cats write a forum post in to Blizzard with some, er, suggestions, and Blizz Responds. I love these kitties! NoObz: NoobyNoob. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Hail the One True King. Thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read this! In fact, I think I've learned instinctively to put the cup down before I start reading this one. I recommend reading it over a few times, because the awesomeness doesn't fade. Side Note: Not WoW related, but totally kitty and MJ related, from The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch. Next, I will include a link to something that we've been tipped off to all week.

    Amanda Miller
  • (Another) Michael Jackson video game on the way, scheduled for a 'holiday release'

    After the King of Pop's passing last week, Joystiq has had an inordinately high volume of Michael Jackson-related stories. Day after day, the video game industry honored his passing -- free "Thriller" downloads on Xbox Live, Battlefield Heroes costumes, and a full on recreation of "Smooth Criminal" using Rag Doll Kung Fu's engine. Today, less than a full week after the singer's death, his production company (MJJ Productions) confirmed to MCVUK that a game starring Jackson and featuring his music has been in production at MJJ for "several months" and is purportedly on schedule to release "this holiday season." Though no definitive "yes" or "no" has been given on the game's release (or any info on the developer, publisher, or the game itself), reports say the game contains recent voice recordings by the singer. The closest we get to actual information on the game's release window is, "I am sure it will still be released ... Michael loved games," by way of an MJJ Productions rep. Here's hoping it's more Moonwalker and less Space Channel 5 -- but then, that's just how we get down.[Via Industry Gamers]

    Ben Gilbert
  • The Beatles: Rock Band set list not compromised by Michael Jackson's death

    One of the more profitable items in the late King of Pop's idiosyncratic collection of odds and ends was his ownership of ATV, a music publisher that owned the rights to over 200 songs from the Beatles' repertoire. Years after this acquisition, Jackson agreed to a merger with Sony, forming Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Jackson retained 50 percent of the publishing rights to the Beatles tracks until his recent untimely death -- despite rumors to the contrary, he never sold his stake in the merged company.Why is this news relevant to you, dear reader? Well, many faux-rockers have been worried that Jackson's passing would affect the final set list for The Beatles: Rock Band. Fortunately, Harmonix recently confirmed to IGN that the game's tracks won't be compromised by MJ's death, or the dispersal of his assets -- including the Sony/ATV stake -- that will take place in the coming weeks. However, we expect that Elephant Man Bone Collector 3 will miss its fall launch window by a sizable margin.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Michael Jackson memorial service gets HDTV broadcasts around the globe by 1 p.m.

    Today's broadcasts of Michael Jackson's memorial services have become s big of a television event as there has ever been, with networks domestically planning to cover the proceedings in high definition, but Sky News HD is following up on its broadcast of the Obama Inauguration by taking of the Sky Arts 1 HD channel again, and Cinedigm flicks on its digital distribution network, though not in 3D, it will air the memorial starting at 1 p.m. EST for free at theaters around the country. If not for anything else, this should extend even beyond Presidential Address' ability to compare the audio/video delivery capabilities of different networks, with CNN, Fox, ABC, Fox News, CBS, E! and more broadcasting, plus internet streams available from most (CNN, Sky, CBS, ABC are confirmed), plus Hulu and the StaplesCenter.com website itself. So let us know, which network will you be tuning to / avoiding this afternoon, or are you already switching back and forth with one gloved hand on the remote, comparing camera angles and contrast levels in detail?Update: A live HD stream from Microsoft & Canada's Inmusic.com is available and apparently not subject to geographic restrictions for those tuning in via desktop (Thanks, Aaron) Read - Jackson memorial live in high definition in movie theaters and on TV Read - World will watch Jackson memorial Read - Michael Jackson Memorial In High Definition Read - Media is all about Michael Jackson Read - Michael Jackson Memorial Coverage times / networks

    Richard Lawler
  • Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal, recreated in Rag Doll Kung Fu

    Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be enjoying the holiday weekend? (Also known as plain ol' "Saturday" to our friends in Europe.) Our Michael Jackson-related coverage has been -- for better or worse -- rather lacking. For those of you who haven't tired of the media surrounding the late pop star, you may want to entertain yourself with this rather creative recreation of the singer's classic "Smooth Criminal." This time, the action is recreated in PSN game Rag-Doll Kung Fu.Check it out after the break and enjoy the holiday!

    Andrew Yoon
  • Michael Jackson honored in Battlefield Heroes, kind of [update: Costumes will be free]

    Update: Electronic Arts has contacted us to let us know that the outfits will be free. Multiplayer has updated its own story, noting that the prices mentioned were seen on the Battlefield Heroes test servers. Upon release to the actual public, they will be offered at the consumer-friendly price of no dollars. Original post is below.In a touching display of respect for the recently deceased King of Pop, Electronic Arts has uploaded a pair of the music legend's iconic outfits to Battlefield Heroes -- one for each of the game's two factions. Members of the Royal Army can now drape themselves in the white suit worn by Michael Jackson in the "Smooth Criminal" music video, while National Army recruits can don the black leather apparel featured in "Bad." This is a really neat way for EA to show -- wait a sec, you have to pay for them?You're telling us that EA is charging 420 Battlefunds (about $3) for these outfits? Well, surely, they're donating the money to sick kids or something, right? No? They're just ... keeping it? That's sorta messed up, guys.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Microsoft honoring MJ with free Thriller video download (update)

    We're all still reeling from the passing of the King of Pop, but fortunately, Microsoft's got a nice (albeit brief) memorial for Michael Jackson up on Xbox Live. This weekend only, the Video Marketplace is giving away the full, ten-minute version of MJ's classic "Thriller" music video for your viewing pleasure. Yep, the greatest music video of all time is free to download until the end of the day today.It's a nice gesture -- but why not just make the video permanently free? We're not sure these wounds will heal in such a short period of time.Update: Looks like they've already take the deal down. If you don't feel like paying two dollars to watch a music video (and you shouldn't), you can just watch it on YouTube for free.[Xbox Live Marketplace link - US only (and no longer free)]

    Griffin McElroy
  • Moonwalker: the video game legacy of Michael Jackson

    Unless you've been competing in a Starcraft lock-in all week, or living under a rock in the sub-Saharan desert somewhere, then you heard the news that Michael Jackson died yesterday in Los Angeles. As strange as the guy was in his later years, he made an indelible mark on the world of music which carried over into the world of gaming. If you were an arcade rat back in 1990, then you probably spent time playing, or at least listening to Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, which featured the singer doing battle against baddies and rescuing children by performing dance moves and using "Dance Magic" powers, i.e. spinning around and screaming "HOOOO!". Yes, for real. The game featured simultaneous three-player action, and includes a robotic MJ that appears when Jackson meets up with Bubbles the Chimpanzee.True story -- and there's more. Read on after the break for more about Moonwalker and a video clip of vintage arcade play, along with the other video games Jackson appeared in.[Thanks for suggesting this, Judd and Niko]

    Kevin Kelly
  • Video: Polish students take building light shows to the next level

    Our friends at Engadget Polska caught this video of a giant lightshow -- a nerdworks, if you will -- put on by a group of students at Wrocław University of Technology. This is not the first time we've seen such a display, nor is it a first for this particular group, who call themselves Projekt P.I.W.O. -- but it is one of the best (and longest). The ten minute show includes much classic geekery -- Pong, Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Michael Jackson. Yes, that's right: Michael Jackson. Check the video after the break.[Via Engadget Polska]

  • Who's bad? Whoever buys Michael Jackson's arcade collection!

    Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch has been foreclosed is no longer occupied by the singer, and Jackson is auctioning off many of the items contained within. That includes the deposed King of Pop's rather massive arcade game collection. If you were wondering where all the arcades in the US went, now you know: Michael Jackson's house. The collection includes somewhere in the area of one hundred video game machines, including store demo units of game consoles from the Genesis up to the Dreamcast, and dedicated arcade units including a Guitar Freaks unit, Sega's impressive R-360 machine and Galaxy Force II. In fact, the collection seems rather Sega-heavy, which is no surprise since Jackson was, himself, the star of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (whose arcade machine is not part of the auction!) and a guest star in Space Channel 5.The only acknowledgment we'd like to make to the controversy surrounding Michael Jackson is this -- the fact that he is a ruined, disgraced pop star means that you can get a bunch of arcade games at rock bottom prices. As far as we're concerned, he sang Thriller, then he was in some video games, and then nothing else happened ever.[Thanks, rengifo!]

    JC Fletcher
  • DS Daily: Last game you finished?

    Simple enough question, right? We're looking to hear about the last game you finished. Was it something you received for the holidays, or has it been awhile since you completed a game? What was it and, more importantly, how was it?

    David Hinkle
  • Cinemassively: Thriller in Second Life

    You've seen the prison version of Michael Jackson's Thriller, but have you seen the old Second Life version? We're digging into the archives again to bring you a YouTube favorite. SL videos rarely break 100,000 views, but this one has managed to amass almost 225,000 in just over two years.This video was made before the popularity of machinima in SL. It required a handful of actors, multiple scripters, an animator, as well as custom skins and costumes. It was preserved as part of an early collection of works from residents by stampshady Grimm, who went on to work on the wildly successful DiVAS series.If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.

    Moo Money
  • Rumor: Space Waggle 5?

    ... or so the Germans would have us believe. According to an article posted on German gaming magazine N-Zone's website, UGA's swingin' music adventure, Space Channel 5, is returning. The article states that the new Wii game will be a remake of the 1999 Dreamcast original.One detail leads us to believe that the remade version is going to include some new content: the article mentions that Sega has licensed Michael Jackson's music for the new game. While Space Michael appeared in both Space Channel 5 games, his music did not. Could Space Michael have a more prominent role in the new game? ... Is that a good idea?Troublingly, unless he was being cryptic, recent comments from Space Channel 5 creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi make it sound like he isn't involved with any Space Channel 5 projects. We hope Sega does the smart thing and hires the currently independent producer to oversee this new game. If it exists.[Via NeoGAF]

    JC Fletcher
  • Virtually Overlooked Week: JC's picks

    Virtually Overlooked has taken over Wii Fanboy! All this week, members of the staff will be outlining their personal picks for future Virtual Console releases.Everyone can guess how my childhood was spent, since I talk about old games constantly. So, instead of relating a nostalgic anecdote for you, I'm going to use this intro space to tell you about the last week or so.When I'm not personally advancing the cause of random old games on next-generation consoles, I'm a full-time grad student at the University of North Texas, working on a master's degree in library science. From last Thursday until yesterday, I was in the midst of my capstone-- a seven-day marathon paper-writing session meant to be the final test of my suitability as a librarian. My wife and I were also preparing to move from Texas to Washington, which happened this Saturday. Add my regular coursework and job responsibilities to that, and, as you can imagine, I've been a complete wreck. My Fanboy colleagues are probably rolling their eyes right now as I complain again about my workload, but I feel like it was a pretty significant experience, one I hope never to repeat.I am now safely ensconced in a Washingtonian apartment, and I turned in my last essay in the early hours of Thursday morning. Getting a chance to write about a bunch of old games is like a vacation. I've been looking forward to this all week.Since this is a VO special week, I'm taking the opportunity to talk about more mainstream games than I usually cover. So there's a better chance that you guys have played this stuff, and we can all share in some retro-euphoria.

    JC Fletcher
  • WoW Moviewatch: So that's where that dance came from!

    We've all seen the videos of different dances. We've had ones where they all dance together, ones where the original source is cited. We've even seen video of a guy dancing like a Night Elf Female. Now we have another dance movie. There's one thing about this one that sets it apart, however. This is the first one I've seen that does a really good job of putting the dances side-by-side with their inspirations. As Bowzerblack on the WoW LJ said: "I didn't know that about ogres!" All I can say is that I didn't either. And yes, I know it's the Boomkin dance too, but you don't see a lot of (completely-bare) topless Boomkins running about. Which, now that I think about it, is probably a good thing.Previously, on MovieWatch...[via the WoW LJ community]

  • Michael Jackson may erect 50-foot 'Jackobot' in Vegas desert

    We almost wouldn't believe it were it not in an esteemed publication like the New York Daily News, but the hard-hitting investigative journalists of Page Six are reporting that the one and only King of Pop, Michael Jackson himself, may attempt to erect a 50-foot, robotic likeness of himself in the Las Vegas desert in full view of incoming planes. According to entertainment company consultant Mike Luckman, his business partner Andre Van Pier has already designed what we'll refer to as the massive Jackobot, complete with -- and we'll stifle the urge to break out that tired old cliché -- laser beams shooting up into the sky. The plan will only go into motion if Jackson decides to launch a show in Sin City, for which Van Pier has also contributed sketches of a "stage set of a giant audience-interactive video game with human cyborgs controlled by the audience," whatever the hell that means. Perhaps aware that a Jackobot fiasco could be the straw that breaks the camel's back and forces Jackson to finally sell him that tasty share of the Beatles catalog, Sir Paul McCartney is said to be interested in investing in what we can only imagine will be a gaudy spectacle even for Vegas standards. We'll also forgo the slew of robot Jacko jokes we could close with and instead implore you all to please, oh please, help us find some pics / drawings of this alleged monstrosity...[Via Gearlog]

    Evan Blass
  • What Sega Genesis Collection is missing

    The Sega Genesis Collection has been earning some good reviews from critics. Featuring 28 games at a bargain price, it's certainly a steal (especially compared to the insane prices of Sega's Virtual Console offerings). However, Modojo points out the titles that could've been part of this collection to make quite possibly the greatest game anthology ever. Here's but a sampling of their suggestions: