

  • DS as tour guide

    Not for the first time, the DS is helping out at museums in Japan by offering patrons a chance to hold fine art in their hands. This time, visitors to the M.C. Escher show at Shibuya's Bunkamura entertainment complex were handed customized DS Lites that offered interactive content only a touch away. The DS content included floor maps, audio tours, and actual reproductions of the artworks themselves, so that patrons could zoom in for the fine details. Escher's unusual works probably don't need any help when it comes to being interesting, but the inclusion of a DS would certainly make any art exhibit more fun -- and more personalized, which is something trips to the museum often lack.

  • Playing PSP, as art

    Are games art? Sony wants you to think so. They've commissioned a new project that highlight PSP players as pieces of art. Seriously. "Six students from Design Products, Industrial Design Engineering and Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art have designed a landscape of concept furniture derived from the statue-like forms of people sitting, standing or leaning against walls engaged in playing the PlayStation Portable (PSP)."How do you play? Do you look like you belong in a museum?[Via PSP Vault]

    Andrew Yoon
  • DS as a tour guide documented

    Remember back when we reported that different Japanese museums would be using the DS as a guide for their attendees? Well, one fine blogger recently went to one of said museums and documented the efficiency of the communion between museum and DS. With access points set up in every room, the DS automatically downloads data pertaining to all of the exhibits in the room, allowing the user to go through the menus to find information on whichever piece excites them the most. Seeing how well this has worked for one blogger, we'd like to see this make its way out of Japan to other territories, as well.

    David Hinkle
  • DS Lite used to guide museum denizens

    While not featuring games for attendees, the DS Lite is still helping mankind by acting as a tour guide for those attending select museums in Japan. A good move for Nintendo, the console is now able to get into the hands of more people and increase exposure, however we're not sure they can even increase exposure that much in Japan due to the country's rabid obsession with the handheld. [Via QJ]

    David Hinkle
  • Newton Museum going-out-of-business sale

    If this large vintage collection of Macs made its way into Dave's basement, I'm sure all the Newton-related items being offered up in this eBay auction will also end up there. The complete collection of The Newton Museum's stock is up for grabs and it's nothing if not a thorough collection. I mean, they even have an eMate. Anyway, everyone else is digging this, so I thought we should too. If you win it, let us know.