My Account


  • Google simplifies security and privacy with new account hub

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Many of us are dependent on Google apps like Gmail and Photos, but Google has a rep for being less than transparent on security and privacy, especially in Europe. Now, the search giant has put all the ways you can protect yourself into one big hub in an attempt to give you more control. The new "Accounts" page shows sign-in, device, ad and personal settings at a glance, and also has a pair of new wizards to help you review the whole shebang. Even if you don't have a Google account, it's now easier to personalize search on the net and in YouTube, how you see ads, and other settings.

  • T-Mobile launches 'My Account' app for tracking minutes, sweating bills

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Tired of logging into your T-Mobile account in order to check your G1 usage figures, existing bill status and plan information? Just too lazy to even do it? If you've somehow managed to remain on the carrier as a customer despite your lackadaisical approach to paying up on a monthly basis, you just might want to give the 'My Account' app a look. Freshly loosed on the Android Market, the app gives G1 users easy access to current activity, bill summary, plan information, online payment, help guides, forums, battery info, storage info, etc. Anyone sucked it down yet? Is it amazing?