

  • X3F hands-on: Eternal Sonata

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you're crafty enough to find it, an Eternal Sonata demo is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace. We downloaded the demo yesterday and took it for a spin. First thing's first, the game is very pretty. While the geometry is actually very simple, the art style and the cel shaded characters are just jaw-dropping. The animation is well done and even the voice acting is decent (the demo features full English dialogue and menus). The big question is: how does it play? Read on to find out.

  • Japanese Eternal Sonata demo works in U.S.

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Find yourself hankering for a whimsical, musical adventure? If so, we hope you didn't delete all those incredibly legitimate foreign Xbox Live accounts from your beloved 360. You see, a demo for Trusty Bell (Eternal Sonata in the States) has landed on the Japanese Marketplace. Now, considering Microsoft's recent crackdown (no, not that Crackdown) on foreign content downloading, this shouldn't really be big news. That's all well and good, but it turns out that the demo works just fine on U.S. consoles. Even better, it features full English dialogue and menus. Why does it work? Why isn't it blocked by Microsoft's newfangled security measures? Our guess is that the security measures are mostly a one-way affair. In other words, they are for keeping U.S. content in, and not for keeping non-U.S. content out. Whatever the reason is, we suggest all of our RPG-starved readers get to downloading. Any luck downloading this for our European friends? [Via Joystiq]

  • 'Japan-only' Eternal Sonata demo works in U.S.

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Let's say, just for kicks, that you were the type that really wanted to play the demo for the upcoming RPG Eternal Sonata. Let's say, again, that you hear that the demo was now on Xbox Live, but it was only for gamers in Japan. Now you have, well, let's call him a Japanese friend that will let you use his Xbox Live account for things like this, only you heard that scam arrangement wouldn't work anymore. Well, call your "friend" and get his permission: U.S. gamers have been playing the thing all morning. What's more? The demo offers full English menus and dialog. Far be it from us to look a gift demo in the mouth, but isn't this the sort of thing that was supposed to not happen anymore? Was there some part of "you will find that these new security measures will only allow you to purchase and download content that is licensed in the country where you are located" that we misunderstood? Again, we're not complaining, we're all about one planet united under games. We're just curious what changed along the way.

  • Namco not happy about PS3 sales, states new plan

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Namco Bandai shot out a statement recently that went over their latest software plans for the next-gen consoles. Citing slower sales than expected from the PS3, they imagine their Gundam Musou title (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam outside of Japan) will only sell 300,000 copies instead of their previously estimated 500,000.From their statement: "PS3 did not make a good start, which will make the transition from the old game console to the next generation system more prolonged than we had earlier thought. This will keep a lid on sales of our video games in the first half, although we believe that sales of PS3 will increase in the second half (to March 2008)."Namco Bandai announced a total of 23 PlayStation 3 titles in that time frame (24 for the 360) and the Nintendo Wii gets the majority of 37 titles. This translates to one thing: multi-platform. If the PS3 sales are slow, which they are, then Namco Bandai isn't going to stick around and keep making exclusive titles on Sony's platform. Why else would there be more for the 360 than the PS3? They've got one exclusive, we think, and most of the others will be multi-platform. Whatever the case, let's hope sales pick up so Namco Bandai can make a fantastic game utlizing the full potential of the PS3.

  • Eat this! You never had a chance against my swords!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We love the gameplay of Tales games: the real-time battles certainly make for some intense clashes. Tales of the World looks to be just as fun as its console counterparts, but we're concerned about one thing: voice acting. The new videos posted on IGN might look good, but they certainly don't sound too pleasing. The one-liners that the characters spew every time they say an attack became tiresome even within this tiny clip. Please, Namco Bandai: let us turn off the voices, okay?

  • Namco Bandai present incredible earnings

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    It's no secret that Namco Bandai is a huge advocate of Sony and the PlayStation 3 -- just like how Capcom might be a huge advocate for Microsoft and the XBox 360. There's no shame in it. Every developer and publisher might find their niche in certain hardware and dev kits. That's why when Namco Bandai (hereafter known as NamBan for the heck of it) released their earning statements for the period ending March 31st, we must rejoice at their success.First up, NamBan's full year profits were in the green with a 71% growth, despite slower-than-expected sales of the PS3 and its games. The last quarter ending saw an increase of 1.8% in net sales (about $3.83 billion). Most game sales were generated in Japan, with heavy hitters including Gundam, Tamagotchi (seriously?), and Power Rangers (seriously!).They're doing well and expect to increase further next year. They propose a 4.5% increase to net sales, operating income to rise 6.6%, and net income to go up by about 9.3%. None of this matters, though, unless we go out and buy their games. So, everyone together now, let's say that tired line we know and love: Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer! Break!

  • Some nice concept art for Soul Calibur Legends

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    1UP has got a pair of different pieces of concept art for the recently announced title from Namco Bandai in Soul Calibur Legends. Revealing that the game will revolve around Seigfried, it's also made known to us that the game will include many of the franchise's characters, as well as introduce a few new ones. Nothing else is really known about the game, other than the controls will include both the Wiimote and nunchuk. Head on past the post break for the concept art.

  • Gundam comes to America, gets a silly title

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    According to IGN, Namco Bandai confirmed today that Gundam Musou will be released in North America under the new moniker Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. It is scheduled to come out towards the end of summer on both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 platforms. The game sold well in Japan, but not up to Namco Bandai's expectations. They had expected it to have an attach rate of over 50% though, which seems a tad high for this game. So maybe they were being a bit overly optimistic. Regardless though, it makes sense that they would expand the release market to increase their revenue return. Hopefully this will be better than their previous PS3 Gundam attempt. The Japanese reviews were favorable, and the Dynasty Warrior games have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, but the graphics don't look real hot and the DW formula has grown a little stale. Also that new name bugs the hell out of me. It's descriptive sure, but it makes me think of this guy.

  • New Gundam Musou: Lightning Strike video

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    For those diehard Gundam fans that enjoyed the first go-round on the PS3, Namco-Bandai recently released another title in the series in Japan. Judging from the video here, it looks a lot more promising. Mobile Suit Gundam: Lightning Strike is currently enjoying great success overseas in Japan. There is no word on a North American release yet, probably because Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire reviews were pretty dismal. At any rate, judge for yourself. Take a look at the video and determine if North American gamers should deserve another crack at the Gundam franchise.

  • Soul Calibur Legends adventures onto Wii

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Soul Calibur Legends, an action-adventure spin-off of the Namco Bandai fighting series, has been confirmed by Famitsu. First hinted at by IGN earlier this week, 1UP explains that Legends will be a Wii-exclusive "diversion," perhaps occupying the idle time between its release and the next 'real' Soul Calibur sequel. Legends will apparently focus on Siegfried, taking it back to the 16th century, but expect many of the franchise faces to pop up and compete for playing time. Namco Bandai has little else to reveal at this stage in development, aside from vague confirmation that the control scheme will use both the Wiimote and Nunchuk -- so be careful not to get tangled while swingin' your "Snake Sword." Will Legends successfully spin off from its fighting roots as Shaolin Monks managed to do? Or might it eventually be tucked inside the closet next to Death by Degrees? Too early to call. At least we won't be playing dress-up at a beach resort. [Via Nintendo Wii Fanboy]

  • Confirmed: Soul Calibur Legends coming

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You can stop holding your breath. The rumor is true! The latest issue of Famitsu proves that Soul Calibur Legends is heading to the Wii, bringing everyone here at Wii Fanboy Manor down to their knees as tears of joy erupt from our face with the force of a bursting dam. Obviously, the game will not be the spitting image of the franchise's 3D fighter norm, offering up fans of the universe a taste of something different. Let's hope it doesn't turn into another Death by Degrees though.

  • 1UP previews Eternal Sonata

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    1UP has posted a video discussion about Eternal Sonata, the upcoming RPG from Namco Bandai. Not too many new details are revealed, though we do learn a few things about the game's plot and a few tidbits about the combat engine. The plot revolves around a group of young heroes trying to put a stop to the machinations of one Count Waltz (waltz, get it?). The local forest is being destroyed by a mining operation digging for mineral powder. It seems that this powder is a miracle cure, similar to a floral powder already in use. However, Waltz has decreed that mineral powder shall be exempt from taxation, effectively killing the market for floral powder. The catch is that mineral powder actually makes people dangerously psychotic. Naturally, our heroes are out to get to the bottom of things.

  • Keep up the neighbours with four player Drum Master

    James Konik
    James Konik

    Namco Bandai have announced that Taiko: Drum Master will feature a four player mode in its forthcoming DS incarnation. Previously popular in the arcades and on PS2, the rhythm action title is based on Taiko, the Japanese drum. The game will support download play from one cart, so maybe you'll want to start persuading a friend to head down to your local import shop. Players can drum along to a variety of musical styles, ranging from Jpop to classical via the theme from Super Mario Brothers. You'll also be able to customise your drum with a selection of cute costumes. With this due out in summer, and Ouendan 2 on its way soon, it looks like rhythm action fans are in for a treat over the coming weeks.Screens after the break.

  • New Tekken 6 scans

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    A handful of new Tekken 6 scans have popped up online for your perusal. Taken from a Japanese magazine, the quality of the scans isn't fantastic, but they are good enough to show off some nice lighting and texture detail. We also get a peek at Yoshimitsu's new design. Everybody's philanthropic robot is looking a lot more dark and evil these days. Maybe he didn't like getting shot in the face in Bryan's Tekken 5 end-game cinematic...

  • Giant stompy Gundam scans

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    These may not be the newest Mobile Suit Gundam MS Front 0079 scans, but they are big and beautiful ... much like the mecha themselves. In fact, it seems to be the full set from last week, but now that we can get the full picture, along with the gameplay footage we've seen, we're starting to get a little excited. We feel a powerful need to slice and dice, and not in the Cooking Mama-sort of way.

  • Eternal Sonata trailer to please... if it really goes to PS3

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    We here at PS3 Fanboy remain cautiously optimistic about the ESRB website's listing of Eternal Sonata as both a 360 and PS3 title -- timed exclusive or simultaneous release, we don't care. Since the Sony consoles are stereotypically dubbed the role-playing, platformer, action, sports, strategy, experimental genre, whatever system (hmm, something seems off), this game would make a great addition to what's historically helped Sony succeed. Check out the trailer -- it's not entirely new, but a few gameplay snippets are more recent. Anyone speak Japanese and care to translate? In any case, the game looks great. Super smooth. Let's keep our fingers crossed. [via Joystiq]

  • Today's most on-tempo video: Eternal Sonata trailer

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    The RPG all the cool kids are talking about, Eternal Sonata, has a new Japanese trailer that's our pick for tonight's video. Called Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream in its home country, the video doesn't show too much more than we've seen, especially for those of us who don't understand Japanese. Still, the possibly multiplatform game should sound sweet to its fans. See the video after the break, or visit GameTrailers for the HD version. %Gallery-2144%

  • X3F has more Pac-Man to give away

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update: This contest is now over. For a list of winners, click here.Were your hopes dashed earlier today when we revealed the winner of yesterday's Pac-Man giveaway? Were your spirits crushed? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then we have a nice fat ray of sunshine for you! We've scored 6 additional copies of Pac-Man to give away and we're not wasting any time. The rules are the same as yesterday. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Tomorrow, we'll select 6 winners at random. We'd like to thank Gamerscore Blog and Uncle Gamer for hooking us up with these fresh download codes. Also, if you're still not happy with the improved odds that 6 copies bring to the table, you can hit up Xbox MVP, Mordeux, who has three copies to give away. There's so much free Pac-Man floating around, it's insane.What are you waiting for? Get commenting!General contest stuff: Only one entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random using a number generator at Winners will be contacted via email with individual download codes.

  • Smash Court Tennis: for boys and girls

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Namco is promoting their new PSP exclusive tennis game, Smash Court Tennis, with a strange emphasis on gender. The game allows you to create your own tennis star, male or female. As these videos show, the character customization looks to be rather deep, something that can be easily appreciated in games. The graphics certainly represent the sport quite well; let's hope the gameplay can do the same.

  • Taiko Drum Master headed to DS

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Poor Sony. First we stole Crash Bandicoot, and now it's Taiko Drum Master, which previously appeared (outside of the arcade) on the PS2. But the move only makes sense, for a number of reasons; in 2004, the PS2 was on top. Now it's the DS, and publishers can't fit their popular properties on the dual-screened handheld quickly enough. Second of all ... it's a rhythm game, and as we've seen, there's really no better platform for rhythm games. Namco Bandai is trying to be all secretive about the controls, but let's see ... rhythm game ... DS ... anyone out there have any idea how this might work? If you said "touch screen," you're probably correct. If you said something else, like "donkey face" or "mudpie," you might want to check for, uh, insanity. Or something.Game|Life's Chris Kohler has a translation of the partial songlist from the Japanese version (including the Mario theme!), which is set for this summer. There are also a couple of scans, and you can check those out after the jump.