

  • Wings Over Atreia: Rant powers activate!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    So there I was, with another topic planned and article well on its way to completion when fate intervened and thrust a new subject upon me. And not in a happy-Fed-Ex-guy-handing-it-over kinda way either, but a growling, grumbling, grit-my-teeth-and-try-not-to-speak-in-asterisks (%#$**!) kind of way. Oh yes, this is a topic of great rantiness for me. I freely admit that I rarely reach the heights of true frustration within Aion (not counting launch queues where I simply chose to stop logging in altogether), especially to the point of actually tossing aside another column to express and share said frustrations with you. But now, you have a second opportunity to witness my small yet developing rant lobe -- placed, I believe, somewhere behind the occipital lobe judging by the fact that when it revs up people tend to see red. And the truth of it is, I am going to derive great pleasure from venting about this topic. So what has me so fired up right now? The venerable AP harvesting grounds of the truly lazy: AFK Dredgions. Queue up then enter past the break for a discourse on the evils of this practice and what NCsoft should do about it.

  • Wings Over Atreia: In the summer of 2.6

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Dear NCsoft, You have missed me! Why else would you tempt me with the announcement a few days ago that patch 2.6 will be hitting Aion's live servers on August 3rd but to lure me back indoors? It is true that we haven't spent as much time together lately; I have strayed a bit, seduced by the sunshine, sunblock, and sand between my toes that goes with a summer outdoors. Can you really blame me? I certainly haven't wanted it to end, but a body simply needs more than the same old, same old to keep a long-term relationship fresh. And we are talking sunshine! I am heartened that you seem more serious about combating staleness in our relationship. After all, you aren't leaving me hanging in anticipation for months on end as you did with your last update, Empyrean Calling. Truly, smaller and more frequent gestures are better appreciated than one large one once in a blue moon. And I am sure the events preceding the patch will offer some diversion as I await Aion's newest content. Hmmm, heatstroke or heat wave? Alright, you have convinced me; I am willing to forgo the great outdoors and dedicate more time to us! However, as we renew this commitment, I feel I must be open with you -- even as I look forward to our new times together, I have a few questions I would be remiss not to ask. Surely you can put my mind at ease past the cut?

  • Wings Over Atreia: Class builds -- Cleric

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week we discussed how personality influences class choice, so after some deep reflection, you have decided that it is time to reveal your true nature and be reborn as a cleric in Aion! Either that, or maybe you just wanted to solo some dungeons to horde all the loot. *cha-ching* Perhaps you already became one to impress that really cute voice in vent who is always looking for a healer. Whatever your reason, the life of servitude is for you. Now what? Welcome to Build-a-Cleric. While some Daevas are content to just play with what they get from drops or quests, a number actually want to outfit their characters the best they can. Even if leveling too quickly to worry about uber gear thanks to mentoring and an easier grind, it is never a bad idea to keep an eye on endgame. And with the plethora of manastones, armor sets, weapons, and stigmas available -- not to mention advice, both solicited and unsolicited -- it can be a daunting task to maximize your potential. So to help you wade through the possibilities, Wings Over Atreia will be exploring each class individually and highlighting popular and effective builds. With any luck, some advance knowledge will help you make informed decisions and avoid the catastrophes of expending all of your energies in obtaining the wrong gear for your needs. Nothing shouts broke like having to re-socket entire sets or enchant new ones! Roll up your sleeves and explore various builds for Aion's Cleric class after the cut.

  • Wings Over Atreia: You are what you play

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Have you ever noticed how some people just gravitate toward certain archetypes when it comes to choosing a class to play in-game? That some players just seem to really fit their role? It doesn't matter if it is the first class they dive into the moment that character selection screen pops up or the one they always end up with no matter how many times they try something different. Not only have I seen this play out repeatedly in Aion, but I have experienced it firsthand. It's quite fascinating, really -- certain personality traits are simply drawn to certain classes. More so than any other aspect of gaming, character class is a reflection of some of our core traits and beliefs; character creation is rarely just random but rather is guided by conscious and unconscious desires. Don't believe me? Take a look around Atreia -- it is demonstrated time and time again. Warriors, scouts, mages, priests... each has idiosyncrasies that are unique to the archetype and are fitting for the gamers who play them. And don't think others' opinions aren't colored by your class; each also subtly alludes to these specific traits. So what does your class say about you (or your legionmates)? Step past the cut into my office and we can delve into these personality profiles within Aion.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Bribing for Balance

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Nope, this isn't a new game show on a cable network but rather the idea behind the latest program from NCsoft to help increase and balance the populations of the servers in Aion. In a game heralded for its PvPvE, keeping enough enemies around to ensure PvP is more than just a passing fancy -- it's vital to the welfare of the game. And of late, on some servers it almost seems as if Asmodians are just mythical creatures that Elyos tell stories about. Although I won't speculate (here at least) on the decline, Asmodian populations have dwindled across many servers as has their participation in PvP. Besides the universal events that celebrated the release of patch 2.5, Aion has aimed some new (or revamped) events specifically at reversing this population trend. The basic premise is this: If you bribe them, they will come. The plan, unveiled in May, would encourage players to return to their furry-backed roots or even try some claws on for the first time by offering special faction incentives. Couple this with the free trial and the hope was that servers would see an influx of Asmodians and a return to the days of faction warfare glory. Just what exactly are the incentives and -- more importantly -- how well are they working? Glide past the cut for details and to join in a discussion on the matter.

  • Wings Over Atreia: One, two, craft my shoe

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Three, four, scream some more. Welcome to the world of Aion crafting, where frustration and despair are produced right alongside daggers, hauberks, and frillneck sausage. Where more than one Deava has left the crafting station and flung himself from the Sky Canal in Sanctum to the depths below... wait, maybe that was just me. Between more attempts at a hot heart of magic craft and scrambling to gather enough material to inch my way up the skill ladder towards mastery, crafting has consumed my hours and thoughts over the past couple of weeks. It has also left me questioning my sanity and losing just about every kinah I had saved up. So why craft? It is true what they say: Some players live for crafting, while others have crafting forced upon them. Prior to Aion I leaned toward the former, but tales of the cost and woes of failed crafts squelched any desires to craft early on. Then the fates conspired against me and I there I was, pan in hand. Somehow the pain of that experience must have dulled because I started another. Why, oh why? Love it or hate it but have to do it, if you are considering delving into a crafting profession in Aion, check past the break for a guide to getting started and a glance at the journey ahead.

  • Wings Over Atreia: It's just a game...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Or is it? I am sure many of you have on occasion heard quips about spending more of your life within a virtual world instead of the one your corporeal form inhabits. It happens. As gamers, we can become very attached -- dare I say addicted -- to our lives in the pixel realm. From scheduling appointments around Dredgion or Beshmundir Temple groups to skipping meals and sleep in a drive to meet that last goal (AP grind, anyone?), aficionados of Aion have had game commitments dictate real life. I am sure everyone here can admit to such an occurrence once in a while, if not more often. But what happens when the worlds overlap -- when the world of pixels invades the rest of your life? After some poignant experiences in my own life, I became interested in this topic and wondered whether other folks had similar happenings in their lives or I was just that weird (hush now!). So over the past few months, I have asked readers to share their experiences of how Aion has affected their lives by completing the phrase, "You know you have played Aion too much when..." Fold your wings, grab some popcorn, and settle in past the cut to chuckle over some of these interesting experiences and -- if you are brave enough -- share some of your own!

  • Wings Over Atreia: Mentors, schmentors

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Ahhh, the unadulterated bliss of traipsing about the promised land of milk and honey -- otherwise known as Atreia post 2.5. The siren call of the Empyrean Crucible, the plink of new tokens in the cube, the sounds of laughter as Daevas play with their newest cuddly little companions... what's that, you say? It is not all fluffy kittens and rainbows and sparkle ponies? *Gasp* How can that be?! Last week, we touched on a number of the additions and improvements brought to Aion with the latest patch, Empyrean Calling. However, after the novelty of the the new features had worn off a bit, the negative impact of some of these improvements became apparent; no matter how much is put into a system, there will always be pros and cons. Such can be said of the new mentoring system. Even while adding more to the gameplay of some, this system is taking away from it for others. Some were heard to be cursing mentoring from day one. Additionally, I venture to raise some concerns about long-term consequences that may not be considered in the rush to take advantage of the short-term gains. Sure, there are the benefits, but nothing comes without a cost. Nothing. So what could be so bad about mentoring in Aion? Slip past the cut and I'll fill you in.

  • Wings Over Atreia: First impressions of Empyrean Calling

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    IT'S HERE!!11! OMZG *cue altered cheer emote* The wait is over. Yes folks, Aion 2.5 Empyrean Calling has finally arrived on the North American servers. And just as they did when 2.0 (Assault on Balaurea) launched, Daevas have been flocking back to check out a shiny new Atreia. My friends list is lighting up with names I haven't seen in... well, longer than I can actually recall! Only the second Aion update to warrant an actual name, this patch certainly brings some new goodies to the table. While not as extensive as its predecessor, it still offers substance enough for Daevas to really sink their teeth into. But after so much anticipation, did it live up to expectations? Does the fact that I have lost track of my week since last Wednesday say anything? From the new instances to the mentoring system, there is certainly more to do in-game, especially for those who have made it to level cap and endgame. But don't just take my word for it! In honor of the release, NCsoft is offering another reactivation celebration: For 10 days (beginning at 11:00 a.m. EDT on Friday, June 3rd and running until the same time on Monday, June 13th) any player with an Aion account can log in and experience the changes for herself. Can't wait until the 3rd for a taste? Barrel roll past the cut to check out my first impressions of Empyrean Calling.%Gallery-123657%

  • Wings Over Atreia: This is only a test...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    BEEEEP! The message you are about to hear is from your local public test server. This is only a test. Had this been an actual server, your XP would have been sliced, your loot drops diced, and your AP slashed. In the event of an actual server, the message you would receive would assure you that your characters would be safe from wipes and safer from bugs and glitches. This is the Aion PTS. Remember, this is only a test... server. BEEEEP! Public test servers. Just three small words. What thoughts and feelings do these words invoke in MMO gamers? Much like the words "open beta," PTS seems to represent more of a sneak-peek playground for upcoming gaming goodness instead of a place to test and tweak said upcoming features before they go live. Come on, let's admit it: In an age when the philosophy of instant gratification seduces new acolytes by the hour, who can truly deny that desire to see all that is new and shiny? Who doesn't want to take a stroll through new instances, test out new weapons, and try on new gear? New equals exciting. And we test-drive cars, so why not games? And if we test-drive games, then why not game patches? With this in mind, I think it would not be far-fetched to believe that Daevas flocked to New Atreia (as I have dubbed it, seeing as this world certainly could not be confused with the Atreia I already know) when NCsoft opened Aion's test server to the public on May 12th. After all, many players are eagerly anticipating the features offered in the 2.5 patch. So in order to bring you a taste of what's to come, yours truly ventured forth onto the realm of the PTS. What I found was exciting, fun... and a bit surprising. Vicariously live the crazy whirlwind life of a PTSian after the break.

  • Wings Over Atreia: 2.5 -- Going live on 25!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The wait is nearly over! Before long, we... oh... pardon me a moment while I grab the door... Ah, it was just the grammar police. Yes, I know that technically it should be the 25th, but that really doesn't have the catchy ring to it. And who doesn't want a catchy title? Luckily, I was let off with just a warning this time. So back to our topic at hand! This past week, before Aion's public test server reopened its doors to the masses, Massively had the opportunity to explore patch 2.5 right at NCsoft's PR offices in San Francisco (*cries for having moved to the East Coast*) -- diving into the new content, enjoying the graphical upgrades, and even asking a few questions about what's still to come. Our very own Bree Royce donned some leather, grabbed a bow, and descended upon the new instances -- Esoterrace and Empyrean Crucible -- to get a taste and share some hints about these new fights. Catch a windstream past the break to check out her impressions as well as some other interesting tidbits about what is in store for Daevas in Aion's upcoming patch, Empyrean Calling.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Drop -n- shop

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Hot topic! Hot topic! Fresh outta the community oven! In a much-hyped announcement a while back, NCsoft proclaimed that drop rates in Aion were being significantly increased in the 2.1 patch. The company even employed a certain wide-eyed Shugo named Victor to outline his experiments and prove that drops now rained from the skies. For a while, there was much rejoicing in the lands of Atreia. *cue Monty Python soundtrack* Oh, there were some naysayers who cried that an end to the economy as we knew it was at hand (not totally incorrect), but for the most part, Elyos and Asmodians alike flocked back to Aion with the promise of more wealth and gold loot. I even found that my bags could not hold everything that dropped during Taloc's Hollow runs, forcing me to to delete items in order to pick more up. Alas -- that was then, and this is now. The pendulum has quietly swung back the other way to the what-exactly-does-a-loot-drop-look-like side. From personal experience, I can attest that getting drops now is about like pulling Stormwing's teeth... with only your bare hands and maybe some dental floss. The change is obvious, so why all the hush-hush? Currently it feels like a classic bait and switch: Market an enticing feature loudly to get players then remove it with equal secrecy and stealth. And to top that off, there are murmurs that the devs plan to implement changes that put a halt to the popular selling of loot rights. Aw, don't kick us while we are down! Make sure you aren't on cool-down and zone past the cut to explore this bane of many a Daeva's life (drop rates) as well as the practice of selling loot rights within Aion.

  • Wings Over Atreia: As the Forts Turn

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Today's episode is brought to you by the letter QQ. The remnants of battle could be seen wafting in the currents of the Abyss -- feathers both dark and light tumbling about. The victors shouted, drunk on the energy of conquest. The defeated limped off the battlefield, returning home to mend their wounds. Meanwhile, safely back in town, eyes glance at the chat box... "OMG!1! We lost our fort! The world is ending, there is nothing for me to live for -- I am canceling my subscription!" Speedylips throws herself to the floor, body convulsing with sobs as she cries out in utter agony at the unfairness, the pure torture of it all, while all around her others are kicking and screaming. "WAAHHHHHH!"* Not to be confused with Warhammer Online's trademark cry of battle "Waaaaaaggghhh," this cry* is the sound of desperation among the Daevas of Aion. Or -- in truer words -- infantile tantrums. Yes, tantrums. What else would you call it when people bemoan the change of fort ownership with vicious verbal attacks on others, excessive blame-placing, and numerous announcements of quitting that scroll by in LFG so quickly your head spins trying to catch the actual snippets of relevant chat? Yet this is the common sight whenever one faction starts losing some Abyss real estate to the enemy. And to be perfectly honest, I don't get it. In a game that is built on the give and take of battle, why do people get so put out when they suffer a setback? This is exactly what Aion needs to thrive. I will admit, I cheer when the opposing faction turns out and succeeds in conquering a fortress. Why? Before you brand me a traitor, cut a swath past the cut and I will explain.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Let's get personal, personal...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Come on let's get personaaaaaaaal. Let me hear your... OK, maybe that song is a bit beyond some of you folks, but for others, you simply won't be able to get it out of your head all day! I cannot help it if 98% of my thoughts are all in music: old, new, classical, show tunes, or Disney ballads. Even MMO theme music and scores. It doesn't matter -- they all swirl around my head. So you will just have to suffer along with me once in a while. But I digress -- let's get back to the topic at hand. What? I haven't shared the topic yet? Sure I have! This week, Wings Over Atreia is all about getting personal. Or rather, making it personal. Even though our favorite MMOs host a multitude of players and have to lay out a general canvas for all, who doesn't long for a more personalized experience? We express it through names, character customization, fashion, and even roleplay. We buy cash shop items to achieve it. Another way is by customizing our UI. After all, even moreso than your characters, the UI is the one piece of Aion that you have to look at constantly (unless you play with the UI off, which must be an interesting feat!). Mods pepper the net for many games, giving a more unique touch to the games we love to play. So why not for Atreia? Load on past the cut to explore this aspect of personalizing your Aion experience. Or more accurately, the way you can't.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Milking the cash cow

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although it is so far out on the scale of probability that it is tipping into impossibility, there is a remote chance that some player in Aion does not know about NCsoft's cash shop. After all, we are often assaulted with advertisements for new goodies offered at the NCsoft Store front-and-center on the launchpad; if you have logged into the game any time in the last couple of months, you have seen offerings of cosmetic clothing, exclusive pets, and weapon skins. Now I can understand ponying-up for a character name-change since the user is asking for a smidgen of change in code. Changing gender -- sure, why not? Server transfers definitely involve a bit of work, so making this a paid service also makes sense. Cosmetic surgery, however, is harder for me to accept since I have played a game that offered it in-game as a service performed by a specific class. But what about all of the extra items? The little perks, the fluff, and limited-time deals? Grab your wallet and join me past the break for a discussion on fleecing customers (I mean offering deals, really) and to see some items that I personally would like to implement.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Boss world tour -- Inggison

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back in January, Wings Over Atreia brought you the first installment of a series highlighting the who, where, what, and even some how of Aion's world bosses. At that time, we took a tour around the land of Heiron and met up with those tough (and some not-so-tough) bosses who taunt players with their juicy, coveted loot. But Heiron is for youngins; this week, we will focus our tour on the playground of the highest levels, the lands of Balaurea -- specifically, Inggison. It never fails -- the best goodies are never the easy-to-get goodies. As much as Daevas may want to get their hot little hands on some of the weapons, armor, and crafting materials dropped by these world bosses, they have to first find these giants and second actually defeat them. So much easier said than done. On the bright side, some of the mobs are easier to kill and can even be soloed (although they are also well-camped). On the not-bright side, others don't seem to show their faces as often as hungry loot-hunters would like, or they take a friend or 20 to take down. So what's a Daeva to do? Soar past the cut for some tips, tricks, and a handy map for seeking out those Inggison bosses and convincing them to give up their loot.

  • Wings Over Atreia: What's in it for me?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    That does it. No more Ms. Nice Wings. This time I am just going to unleash! Let my rant all hang out. Admittedly, I am not normally one to complain; I can see the good in most every situation, and I can roll with the punches like it's an Olympic event. But even my feathers get ruffled sometimes. It's true! And sometimes you just can't bite your tongue anymore or all you will have is a very sore tongue. Now I know I am not a rant-master like Jef, but even fledgling ranters must begin somewhere. And this week, I found just such a place: immature, self-serving, can't-pull-their-thumbs-outta-their-ears-unless-there-is-something-in-it-for-them-gamers in Aion. You know the type -- those who think the world revolves around them. Those whose spoiled-rotten antics ruin groups and legions alike and who are the reason why many a block list is so full. They without whom drama would die a quick death and be a forgotten plague. They're the bane of chat channels everywhere -- they are the trolls. Throw yourself past the cut for a look at some recent Aion tantrums and sure-fire ways to minimize the effects of blatant immaturity. Careful, though -- I cannot be held responsible for any resemblance to gamers near you.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Endgame = end of game?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It happens. All good things must come to an end... except (hopefully) your favorite MMORPG. After all, the whole idea of the MMO is to keep going endlessly, right? To supposedly ever-evolve -- there is no final "win" that concludes the story as in single-player RPGs. However, what do you do when you hit the level cap and have "been there and done that" with everything in game? I guess that's the disadvantage of not having a sandbox; as much I love the graphics and my friends in NCsoft's Aion, there really is just a finite list of things to do. Now before anyone gets up-in-arms or sneers "I told you so," no, I am not quitting and I haven't given up on the game. I still enjoy it. It just so happens that my mind zeroed in on the topic this week as I logged in over the course a few days and just stared at my screen, wondering what I wanted to do. While I was feeling under the weather a bit (which dampened my endurance and enthusiasm to complete any major dungeons), I started wondering about what there actually is to do in Aion after you reach and sit at maximum level for a while. For me, the two things that keep me interested in my virtual worlds are the community and friends that I find in game as well as exploring and experiencing new things. One involves the company providing regular content updates; the other allows for player-created content. But once there is nothing left to explore or experience, friends can drift away... so what does that leave? Pondering this subject and watching the community around me actually brought up some expected -- and some not quite expected -- answers. Join me past the cut to look at different ways Daevas spend their time in Atreia and how they keep their interest sparked.

  • MMO Roundup: PAX East in review, RIFT account security, and more

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Sometimes you'd like to know that there are other MMOs out there, right? It's not all WoW, all the time! Our sister site Massively can provide you with everything you need to know about all of the other MMOs around -- past, present and future. PAX East 2011: One Massive(ly) roundup PAX East has already begun fading into memory, but there was a lot to see and do over the three days of the convention. Even if you disregard the numerous fan gatherings and community events taking place, there were an awful lot of games on the floor, with showings from MMOs that dwarfed last year's offerings. Head over to Massively to check out all of their coverage of the event. NCsoft makes multi-million-dollar Japanese relief donation NCsoft is throwing a considerable contribution into the relief drive for victims of the recent disaster in Japan in the form of 500 million Yen (or 4.5 million Euros/6.3 million USD, for those of you counting along at home). NCsoft's Sung Joon Park explained that the sum equals a month's worth of sales. Trion responds to RIFT account hacks Trion World's Scott Hartsman responded to the hacker attempts, reassuring fans curious about what steps were being taken to secure their accounts. Citing "constant attacks" since the launch of RIFT that have impacted 1% of accounts, Hartsman said that the team is blocking hackers and botnets as quickly as they are identified but that this will also be an ongoing process. World of Warcraft bloggers fight back against RIFT While RIFT is certainly a four-letter word, it's becoming that kind of four-letter word for certain bloggers in the World of Warcraft community. Reala of Click the Lightwell went so far as to whip up a graphical badge certifying WoW blogs as RIFT-free zones in response to the amount of virtual ink devoted to Trion's title on Azeroth-centric websites. Massively Speaking Episode 141: PAX East wrap-up Massively Speaking is back this week with a special PAX East wrap-up episode. Eliot Lefebvre, Larry Everett, and Karen Bryan join Shawn to talk about their experiences at the event, including panels, interviews, and an exciting hands-on demo of SWTOR. Massively's Week in Review: New promise for an Old Republic Don't let WoW Insider do all of the talking when it comes to Massively's best content of the week. The Massively staff themselves have picked out what they think is the best content their site has to offer in their own weekly roundup.

  • Wings Over Atreia: AP bakery

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Get yer hot, fresh, AP cookies folks, right here! MMmm mm. For those who are not as familiar with Aion or haven't participated in much PvP combat, AP (Abyss Points) are the currency by which special gear and items can be bought. AP can be gathered a number of ways, through both PvP and PvE. This week, Wings Over Atreia takes a stroll through the AP bakery to share with you many of the tasty morsels available. While I had already planned on discussing AP this week, NCsoft's introduction of two new events (For War and Glory and Behind Enemy Lines) brought a new angle to it -- specifically, more enthusiasm and enjoyment! I've got to say that of all the recent events that have been held, these two more fully capture the essence of Aion and encourage participation in core elements of the game; small-scale skirmishes are cropping up all over. This is what the game is about -- clashes of light and dark wings throughout all of Atreia. I haven't had more fun in PvP in a very long time, and I am not even a PvPer! How can you, too, take advantage of these great events and fill up your AP coffers? Grab a plate, join me past the cut to check out the selection, and prepare to gorge on some yummy AP goodness!