

  • Create a superhero - offline

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Accompanying NCsoft's launch of City of Heroes in Asia, the game's character creator is now free to download for Korean players. One of the most fun toys in the game, the character creator in City of Heroes differs from most other MMOs in the fact that you can create pretty much any superhero costume you can think of, rather than sticking to one or two hairstyles and faces.With games like The Sims 2 offering up their character creation module as a teaser before the game's release, we're surprised City of Heroes didn't pursue a similar tactic. The downloadable creator is in Korean, but 1up points to a site with instructions on how to run it in English.

  • Best selling PC games: AoE 3 and Civ IV battle for top spot

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    For the week ending November 13th, here's the best sellers list for PC games in the U.S. 1. Age Of Empires III 2. Civilization IV 3. Call Of Duty 2 4. Star Wars Battlefront II 5. World Of Warcraft 6. The Sims 2 7. City Of Villains 8. The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack 9. Battlefield 2 10. Call Of Duty 2 Collectors Edition As is obvious from the list, Civilization IV and Age of Empires 3 are deeply involved in a strategic battle for getting the most cash out of gamer's wallets. Age of Empires 3 has been out over a month now but is still topping the chart. With Civ IV being out just under a two weeks, has it already lost the momentum required to knock AoE 3 off the top spot?

  • City of Heroes Halloween HDTV contest

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Do you play City of Heroes, want the City of Villains expansion pack, an HDTV, and an iPod nano? Man is this your lucky day, just surrender all self respect, enter this contest and you could win all three of those, as well as Tivo Series2 DVR's or iPod nanos for the runner-ups.The rules below:Before November 7th (a week after Halloween), send us an in-game screenshot of your hero, and a no more than 250 word description of your hero’s Archvillain (who they are and why they’re the Archvillain, plus any other info you want to provide). Along with the screenshot and description, send us a couple digital pictures of the unique Archvillain costume you created for this contest and wore out on Halloween. Those that submit the best descriptions and Archvillain costumes will be handsomely rewarded!Now, where did I put those Spiderman pajamas.......