New Year


  • A red yoga mat on white hardwood floor in a domestic living room at home. Ready to be used in some home exercises.

    Tech that can help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions

    Valentina Palladino
    Valentina Palladino

    Here's a list of gadgets and services that can help you stick to your New Year's Resolutions.

  • LiveLifeTraveling via Getty Images

    Bali plans to shut down mobile internet for its New Year

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    You might turn off your home internet or cell network on occasion to disconnect and have some down time, but it's likely that your country isn't doing it for you. According to The Guardian and the BBC, Bali is shutting off the net country wide for 24 hours this coming Saturday in recognition of Nyepi, or Balinese New Year.

  • TERA puts the wraps on 2014

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Even though we're well into the new year, there are some who have yet to finish saying goodbye to the old one. One of these people is TERA Community Manager Tonka, who introduces a two-minute video tribute to 2014 in the game. And the above picture is misleading, by the way: He doesn't want to punch the year in the face so much as praise it. You can get Tonka and a musical tribute to TERA's previous year after the break!

  • Final Fantasy XI laps the Year of the Sheep

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Here's a fun Final Fantasy XI fact: When the game launched in the west in 2003, it was the Year of the Sheep on the Chinese zodiac calendar. Now it's 2015, and the Year of the Sheep has arrived once more, putting the team in an interesting position. "When we first created the new year's event, we never imagined that it would ever come full circle, and thus the festivities are especially moving for me," writes Producer Akihiko Matsui. To celebrate the new year, the team posted a short story on the site and is in the midst of a sheep-related new year's event. Players are encouraged to "consort and cavort" with sheep for prizes until the event ends on January 14th.

  • The Queue: New Year's Eve

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today. I'm writing today's edition of The Queue at 5:00 a.m. Central time. It's already 2015 in New Zealand. Timezones are weird. Beztoko asked: I have a timeline question it has been said that WOD Gul'dan is on the phone with a very angry kil'jaeden, am I wrong to assume that this is a different kil'jaeden than the one we fought in BC?

  • The Daily Grind: What MMOs will you be playing in 2015?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    This is it, folks, the end of 2014. As we count down the final hours and minutes of the year, 2015 looms ahead of us full of possibilities and potential. So we might as well ask, what MMOs will you be playing next year? Maybe you'll continue your journeys in your current favorite games. Maybe you'll be looking at accomplishing goals in other MMOs. Or maybe you'll be anticipating diving into one of the newer titles that are on the way. What do you think you'll be doing come 2015? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Final Fantasy XIV prepares for a sheep-filled year

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Every year, Final Fantasy XIV rings in the new year with a new animal-themed kabuto, and this year is no exception. With the Year of the Ram swiftly approaching, it's time for that most humble of Eorzean denizens to grace the helm, the diminutive sheep dotting the landscape and bleating all over. That means a new sheep-themed hat, a new sheep minion, and the usual assortment of housing decorations for those who want them. Coming hot on the heels of the rather involved Starlight Celebration, this event has a quest chain which kicks off in Limsa Lominsa to unlock the various seasonal rewards. Players will also be able to purchase additional decorations and the like through seasonal vendors, as is tradition. So ring in the new year with visitors from the Far East and get ready for your own personal woolgathering sessions.

  • The Mog Log: Final Fantasy XIV's horse year

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As I steadily collect another set of holiday hats for little reason other than an inexplicable need to collect these things (and I'd really like to be able to store my Usagi Kabuto while I'm at it, thanks), it's a fair time to look at the next year for Final Fantasy XIV's development. The game launched well, has made some missteps, and the next year is really going to determine how well it can manage over the long term. I'm not pretending that I have a picture-perfect roadmap for the game over the next year, but I do think there are some pretty obvious things to be addressed. There are gaps to be filled in, systems that could stand to be improved, and more systems that would have a positive effect on retention and play. So let's look at what the next year will hopefully bring other than equine headpieces.

  • GameStop rings in the new year with savings on GTA 5, more

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Did you make it through the holidays with some spare cash? Well, GameStop wants it, and kicked off a new sale to celebrate the new year to get it. The retailer's deals, which stretch from January 3 to January 5, include $50 savings on both the Wii U Skylanders console bundle ($249.99) and the 250 GB Xbox 360 Holiday console bundle, which includes both Halo 4 and Tomb Raider for $249.99. The games on sale for the next few days, some of which carry over from GameStop's last sale, are as follows: Grand Theft Auto 5 and NBA 2K14 for $39.99 each, Gears of War: Judgment ($19.99), the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Lego Marvel Super Heroes for $49.99 and Wii U, Xbox 360 and PS3 versions for $39.99 as well as the 3DS version of Angry Birds: Star Wars for $19.99 and the DS, Xbox 360 and PS3 versions for $29.99.

  • Celebrating the New Year in World of Warcraft

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We're sure you already have New Year's Eve plans, but if you plan to use the holiday to catch up on some WoW time, you should definitely check out the fireworks displays in the skies over Azeroth that are happening hourly. To find the celebrations, head to the nearest major city -- and look for a crowd revelers standing around tables of holiday booze to help ring in the New Year. And if you're planning to celebrate in Booty Bay, take care -- the guards may be taking the holiday off. For those of you who haven't finished Winter Veil achievements, you still have until Thursday morning to get them wrapped up -- so don't get too caught up in holiday cheer that you can't make time to stomp on the Greench. And as always, have a fun and happy New Year!

  • The Daily Grind: What are your gaming resolutions for 2014?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Finally, 2013 is almost over. It feels like it went on for, like, a dozen months. And that means we all have a chance to look back at the past year, assess what we've done, and ask ourselves how we can make the next year even better. At least in terms of gaming; we can't really help you on the usual string of resolutions meant to make you a better person that wind up discarded by 8:00 p.m. on January 2nd. Maybe you spent most of 2013 hopping through games and want to settle down more firmly this year. Maybe you want 2014 to be the year that you finally give World of Warcraft or EVE Online a decent shot at catching your interest. Heck, maybe your major resolution is figuring out how you're going to balance four or five different games at the same time. So what are your gaming resolutions for 2014? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • TERA is making alliances in its second year

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You're going to need allies in TERA. The game is looking forward to its second year of operation, and it's kicking off the second year with plenty of reasons to get together with people you like (or at least tolerate). That starts with the Corsairs' Stronghold on July 2nd, which will give groups of 20 players a chance to storm a castle with cannons, airships, and tanks. It's not a battleground limited to just 20 players, however, as even lower-level people get a chance to take part in the festivities with normalized gear. Players can also expect the new Alliances system to debut in August, meaning that the political system will be reworked entirely to give more player control. There are also quality-of-life improvements due for players of all levels, class adjustments, and several events running through June to keep everyone invested and interested. To sum up, it's going to be an exciting summer in TERA, and like we said above, you're going to need allies.

  • Entropia Universe raises a glass to its 10th anniversary

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Entropia Universe, the "massively multiplayer online real cash economy," typically has been best known for its ludicrously expensive sales of virtual property and structure. Now it has another reason to be in the spotlight: The MMO(sigh)RCE has made it to its 10th anniversary. The title launched on February 1st, 2003, and has generated loads of money through the creation, sale, and purchase of its online worlds. According to MindArk, Entropia Universe is a favorite of the Guinness Book of World Records when it comes to the most valuable virtual items ever sold. MindArk recently released a mobile app for Entropia Universe and outlined a 2013 roadmap through the anniversary and beyond. [Source: MindArk press release]

  • Naoki Yoshida discusses the upcoming beta for Final Fantasy XIV

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It won't be long now until long-time Final Fantasy XIV players and eager test applicants can experience the beta of the game's new version. Producer Naoki Yoshida has understandably been busy with the ramp-up, but he's taken the time to pen a new letter for the game's players that starts off by displaying all of the racial creation screens for the revamped creator. That includes showing off genders that had previously been unavailable, including female Highlanders and Roegadyns. Beyond that, the letter talks about some of the restrictions in place from the beta that are still being developed, acknowledging that some character creation options will be held back until later in testing (the team is working to vastly improve hair color and style selections, for example). Yoshida goes on to talk about the production staff's New Year festivities and a visit from some of the Mythic staff members involved with Ultima Online. There are only a few more weeks until the beta stats, but Yoshida and the rest of the staff seems to believe that it's the first step to a better new year.

  • The Daily Grind: How do you want to improve your gaming in 2013?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's the start of a new year! That means it's the traditional time for everyone to start making plans to improve, plans that will probably last only until next Tuesday at the outside. But the spirit is there, and today we want to know about your plans to improve your gaming in 2013. Maybe you're a competitive player, and your big goal is to spend 2013 honing your craft in your game of choice. Maybe you like being at the high end of progression in your game, and you want to really push for server firsts or cleaner dungeon runs. Maybe you just want to stop playing so many alts, or you want to start playing more alts. The point is that players in every game from Star Wars: The Old Republic to EverQuest to Xsyon have all got points in our play that we want to improve. So what are you hoping to improve over the next year? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Entropia lays out a roadmap for development in 2013

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Did you know that Entropia Universe will be 10 years old next year? Possibly not, but if you did, you probably also know how much the team at MindArk has done to improve the game over the past year. That team is looking to make 2013 even better, and to that end they've put out a roadmap for 2013's development. Aside from the obvious anniversary celebration, the developers are hard at work fixing up areas for veteran players, trying to improve the return on several activities and making the game easier to get started with. There are also plans for new server infrastructure and an entirely new taming system, both of which should make existing players happier with the game as a whole. Beyond even that, the team has plans for shoring up the game's financial transactions in several ways. New functionality with PayPal and improved starter packs are in the works. Players can also expect to see a full rollout of the Calypso Land Deed system and accompanying political mechanics within the next year. So here's to a decade of development, and let's hope the team can manage another one. [Source: MindArk press release]

  • PSA: iPhone alarm clock not working again? Time to update

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Hey, remember that madcap time last year when iPhone alarms didn't work on January 1st or 2nd? Still having the same issue this year? Well, you might want to think about updating. We're seeing a flood of reports from users whose alarm clocks are not working again this year, but from what we're able to tell that's because the affected users haven't updated their devices past iOS 4.2.1. If that includes you, dear reader, now would be a great time to tether yourself and click your way through whatever iTunes recommends. There's a whole new major version out there waiting for you! That said, if you're still enjoying your iPhone 3G, we're sorry to say 4.2.1 is as high as you can go on the iOS food chain. Maybe 2012 is a good year for a new phone? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your WoW New Year's resolution?

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Happy New Year, WoW Insider! The new year is a great time to set some personal goals. In real life, last year I wanted to eat healthier and get engaged to my long-time girlfriend. Did both of those, so yay! This year, I think it'll probably be not to spend so much damn money all the time or at least have a tighter budget. (We'll revisit this next year and see how unsuccessful I am.) In WoW, my New Year's resolution last year was to raid more. I had taken a break of regular raiding because of the demands of the site here, so I (in my mind, at least) had a good excuse. I didn't immediately return to raiding last year, but I eventually did find a group in October, landing in a great guild on a low-pop server. We're not a top 100 guild or anything, but we know how to raid heroic modes, and I'm pretty happy. This year, I think my New Year's resolution will be to get all the tier sets on my warlock, if for no other reason than to say that I have them for myself and my obsessive transmogging. I bet that'll take me just about a year. What's your WoW New Year's resolution? Early morning edit: Ghostcrawler posted this in the forums early this morning. What better way to ring in the new year than with WoW's resident crustacean making his first non-standard forum appearance in well over a year: Ghostcrawler Quote: I am not going to discuss the positives and negatives of the MoP expansion. I dont think that given the current leadership of the WoW dev team, any expansion can save WoW. I think the only thing that will save wow is new leadership on the WoW dev team. A fresh perspective, vision and direction is needed for the WoW dev team. Troll. - GC source Could this mean a return of Ghostcrawler to the forums and a daily dose of designer insight? We don't know, but that could certainly make for an interesting 2012!

  • WRUP: WoW Insider's rockin' New Year's Eve eve

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW Insider staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" -- otherwise known as: WRUP. Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game, and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too! Ah, New Year's Eve -- a magical evening when you get annoyed by Ryan Seacrest for a few hours, watch some bands (who will be entirely irrelevant by 2013) perform, and suffer through an unsettling attempt by a stroke victim to accurately rattle off a countdown. And it's all followed up with a sad, post-midnight attempt to recreate the magic by watching Chicago celebrate the Central Time Zone's version of the New Year. Silly Chicago -- your New Year's doesn't count. Only New York's does. But, of course, New Year's Eve is about more than just traditional network programming. New Year's Eve also affords us all the chance to make New Year's resolutions. That's what today's WRUP is all about -- New Year's resolutions. What's your New Year's resolution? And ... of course ... what are you playing?

  • Gameloft puts all Android titles on sale to kick off 2012

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Most developers on the iOS and Android stores decided to put their titles on sale during the Christmas holiday, but not Gameloft. That rascally developer has announced it will have all of its Android catalog on sale this week instead, starting Thursday through January 5, for just 99 cents. From Modern Combat 3 to Asphalt 6: Adrenaline, Halo-alike N.O.V.A. 2 HD, and WoW-alike Order & Chaos Online, every Gameloft title for Android will be just a buck. iOS users have seen similar sales like this before from Gameloft, but now it's time for Android users to take a turn, and load up all of those newly unwrapped smartphones with all that Gameloft has to offer for just 99 cents each.