

  • Lord of the Rings Online to revamp North Downs and more

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With its focus shifting from expansions to regular content in 2014, Turbine has announced that one of its upcoming projects is a revamp of Lord of the Rings Online's North Downs. During a recent in-game event, Community Manager Rick Heaton said that North Downs will be one of several zones to receive love in a future update: "Update 13 will see a few zones revamped. A few of have been asked for by many people. You will get some more information in the 20 questions, but I'll spill the beans since you going to read it next week. North Downs will be getting a once-over." North Downs was widely rumored to be the next zone to be reworked several years ago following the major revamps of Evendim and Lone-lands.

  • In the beginning: Tester reminisces about LotRO's beta

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's always fun to sit back and recount the days of yore in video game land, especially when the MMOs of yore are yorely different than how those games are today. Haakon Stormbrow over at A Casual Stroll to Mordor has an interesting retrospective piece up about his time in Lord of the Rings Online's beta. He takes us back to September 2006, when the game world was still being shaped by Turbine and many of the features and locales that we've come to know and love had yet to be implemented. Apart from old animations and cloak designs, the biggest difference in LotRO from today's version was how rough and unfinished the landscape looked. Stormbrow recounts his exploration through Bree, Lone-lands, North Downs and even Angmar, noting how empty it was without mobs and how the devs had artificial walls to keep the testers from exploring where they shouldn't. By exploiting a few bugs, he and his friend were able to view the zones from heights that players today are simply unable to see: Exploring a little further north, we found an area [that] had all sorts of buildings and statues and ruins and a waterplane about 100 feet in the air. When you walked under the water plane, you flew very quickly up to the plane and began swimming. Then when you swam off the edge, you floated back down to the ground. If you're fascinated by the shaping of currently established MMO worlds, then do yourself a favor and give this article a read!

  • The Road to Mordor: Echo... echo... echo...

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Last night before I drifted off to sleep, I was idly wondering what it would be like to actually live in Middle-earth. Apart from the extremely high mortality rate due to wandering wolves, bold bandits, and orchestrating orcs, it might be a pretty excellent place to dwell, as long as one didn't mind a lack of Wi-Fi and Starbucks. I think Hobbit pies and Dwarf ale would be an acceptable substitute. Next week our virtual world will grow a bit in girth and depth with the Echoes of the Dead update. When all is patched and done, it'll be a truly big update containing meaty piles of content to devour. I think many of us are still scrutinizing Turbine as we go through this first year after the free-to-play switch, watching to see whether all of this additional revenue will be pumped back into the game or not. Echoes of the Dead marks the second post-F2P update for Lord of the Rings Online, following last November's Journey to Winter-home, and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with just how much is being served up this time around. So in anticipation of the patch, let's walk through the major features of LotRO's latest update and see whether it was worth the wait!

  • A vision of Lord of the Rings Online's new instances

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    While we relayed to you several details of the five new dungeons coming with Lord of the Rings Online's Echoes of the Dead update, it's still great to be able to see them as well. Today, Turbine released screens for three of the instances for our visual consumption. Stoneheight is a town under siege in North Downs as Ivar the Gaunt-lord makes a general mess of things as he searches for a very special helm. Meanwhile at Northcotton Farm, Thadúr the Ravager is attempting to poison the poor Hobbits by turning their love of food against them. Finally, the Lost Temple in the Trollshaws is a plague explosion waiting to happen, as Ferndúr the Virulent uses his dark power to modify and kill all who encounter him. Check out the gallery below for five illuminating screens, and don't forget to read our PAX East overview of these instances! %Gallery-101902%

  • PAX East 2011: Delving LotRO dungeons deeply

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Right now, Lord of the Rings Online is in a brief respite between the insanity of PAX East and the upcoming March 21st release date for its next big update, Echoes of the Dead. To say that there's a lot coming with this update is a vast understatement, so it was great to get a sneak peek at the five new instances before they went live. Earlier this year, players started to get rumblings about a major upcoming event as five mysterious relics popped up all over Middle-earth in Evendim, Forochel, Enedwaith, North Downs and the Trollshaws. By finding all five, players completed a special deed and got the title "Calm Before the Storm," foreshadowing dire events to follow. All anyone could do after that was prepare for an uncertain future. It turns out that LotRO's players had good reason to prepare, because as of next week, five new dungeons will open their doors for business -- the business of eating adventurers alive and spitting out their bones, that is. Spurned Gaunt-lords have returned to make life for the Free Peoples of Middle-earth harder by transforming the very landscape into their hellish domain, and it's up to you to thwart their schemes. Hit the jump as we traveled to these new instances at PAX East with LotRO Executive Producer Kate Paiz!

  • The Road to Mordor: Rating Eriador

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Lately I've been playing world traveler with my level 43 Lore-master as he's bouncing all over Middle-earth in what used to be the high-level zones of the game: Trollshaws, Angmar, Forochel, Misty Mountains, and Eregion. Once again, I'm struck by just how cohesive this place feels -- it's not a collection of Sonic the Hedgehog-themed areas (Green Zone 1, Lava Zone 4, etc.) but a world that connects together in a tangible, real way. Even though it's fiction. Until November 2008, Eriador was the only place in Middle-earth that we could explore, and although some criticized Lord of the Rings Online for not shipping with, well, every locale in J.R.R. Tolkien's imaginarium open for business, it was a smart decision. The devs could take this section of the world and focus on building depth and detail instead of spreading it thin, like butter scraped over too much bread. As a result, Eriador remains a wonderful starting point -- not to mention the bulk of any current player's journey -- and many of us have grown attached to these familiar sights and sounds as a result. Today I'd like to take a brief overview of all of Eriador's zones (we'll leave Rhovanion for another day) and rate them from best to worst in terms of zone design, questing, and that slippery cool-factor that's hard to define. Where would I suggest a summer vacation home and where would be an ideal spot for a penal colony? Hit the jump and let's run it down.

  • The Road to Mordor: Frugal free-to-play

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Two weeks! Two weeks, people! Why are you just sitting there, all calm-before-the-storm-like, instead of following my lead and running around like a chicken with its head... well, you know. Two weeks until Volume III Book 2 launches (and a little earlier for current subscribers), and I am psyched. There certainly is something for everyone here: a F2P version, store options, a new zone, instance scaling, more dungeons, DX11, the wardrobe, a revamped beginner experience, three new servers, the next chapter in the epic story, class tweaks, a haunted cellar, and, of course, demonic goats. Did I miss something? I probably did, but it's kind of crazy around here. One of the highlights I'm anticipating is all of the new (and returning) players giving LotRO their time due to the multiple payment options, including F2P bliss. I'm always a huge fan of options in my games, and I truly feel that the implementation of this free-to-play model will benefit a wider range of players than the current subscription core. Mmm, that Kool-Aid tastes great! If you're thinking about heading into LotRO in two weeks but are unsure how much "free" will come with your F2P, when you'll be hit with the big catch, or whether you'll be forced to subscribe at some point, I have some great news for you. There are a variety of routes you can take to experience a good chunk of Lord of the Rings Online without denting your bank account. Read on for five valuable strategies to save a buck while saving Middle-earth!

  • The Road to Mordor: A look back at Volume 1

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    This past week I finally finished Volume 1 of the epic storyline for the very first time in my LotRO career. Yeah, I know, welcome to 2008, right? My inner survey department says that 60% of this column's readers finished Volume 1 a long time ago (and perhaps many times since), and are currently sitting there with a bemused expression as if to say, "Oh, isn't that quaint as a duck's burp?" The other 40% probably gave up on the epic storyline somewhere around North Downs -- AKA The Zone That Saps Your Will To Live. While it may be old news, Volume 1 is still quite relevant in the LotRO landscape for many reasons. One, it's what I've spent the past month of my life playing through, and I always assume that everyone is experiencing the same thing I am due to being a raging egomaniac. Two, ever since it recently received a makeover that allows any and everyone to solo all the way through it, there's been a newfound appreciation for the quest line, even from veterans who gave up on it long ago. And three, with all of the new people coming into the game this year, it'll be the very first thing they experience. So as I sit on my high (grey) horse and look back over all fifteen books that comprise this massive Volume, I'm struck by a number of thoughts: some good, some bad, some itchy. Let's reminisce, shall we?

  • LotRO's devs have some real estate in Enedwaith to sell you

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    All eyes in Lord of the Rings Online are set on the expanding frontier of the game, as both the Fellowship and players alike begin to head south this fall. This means a brand-new zone, Enedwaith, and all of the secrets and discoveries that it holds. We previously got a glimpse of this new area through a sneak-peek tour, but it's still great to read a nine-page dev tour of Enedwaith by Turbine's Jonathan Rudder. It's interesting to note that Enedwaith is comprised of several "biomes" or self-contained ecosystems that range from rolling prairie to winter tundra to jagged bluffs. Each area has its own theme and unique critters, including the terrifying shadow wolves. And before you ask, yes, Turbine threw in a few demonic goats free of charge. As players progress through Enedwaith, they'll encounter the united Grey Company of Rangers and assist in their quest to help Aragorn. Turbine's proud of the amount of content in this region, claiming that it has more quests and deeds than North Downs (which was the previous non-Moria record-holder for a zone), and it has more new and unique art per square meter than Moria. Read through this hefty dev diary for the complete skinny on Enedwaith!

  • One Shots: It's good to have friends

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Today we bring you a scene of surprise and daring from one of our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributors, Captain Finudir of Gondor. We're just glad to hear that he and Alamast came out alright! He writes: Finudir of Gondor's been trekking through the North Downs recently. During one of his recent walks through the forest of Taur Gondwaith, he accidentally stumbled upon a grumpy Rock-Troll. Good thing Finudir never solos without his trusty herald, Alamast, or it might have been Good Night and Good Luck for our well-travelled adventurer. As it turned out, the Rock-Troll met an early death. Huzzah!Do you have any screenshots of you and your friends out adventuring in the world? Perhaps you've met an unbelievably nasty beast in your travels that others really should see. Whatever your reason (and your game) send those screenshots to us here at oneshots AT! We love to hear your stories.%Gallery-9798%

  • Two more Dwarves take their places in the LotRO lorebook

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The Lord of the Rings Online lorebook has had another two worthy additions over the last few days, with updates being added for Flosi the prospector and Dori, formerly one of Thorin Oakenshield's thirteen companions. Although not particularly famous in the Lord of the Rings lore, the name Flosi should ring a bell for many players, as he is located near the frequently visited Thorin's Hall. He is involved in some low level quests, and those wanting to find out a bit more about a familiar face can visit his new lorebook page.Dori will likely need less of an introduction for LotR fans, as he and his brothers Ori and Nori were involved in the adventures of one Bilbo Baggins -- often reluctantly, as the inexperienced Hobbit caused a fair bit of extra trouble for the party. In LotRO, he can be found at the Othrikar outpost in the North Downs, and players exploring this area may end up assisting him with his mission there. You can check out his newly added page at the lorebook.

  • LotRO lorebook examines Halbarad, North Downs hero

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A new character of Middle-earth has stepped into the Lord of the Rings Online lorebook spotlight. Halbarad is a key figure in the North Downs, and helps to coordinate the defense against the forces of Angmar from his central location of Esteldin. He plays many parts in the story of LotRO's Book III, and has strong ties with a famous fellow named Aragorn.Those who have read The Lord of the Rings may recall that Halbarad was the leader of the Grey Company that meets up with Aragorn in Rohan. The lorebook lists his class as unknown, stating that he possesses the skills of both a warrior and a lore-master. Take a look at Halbarad's detailed entry to find out more about this significant character, and the quests he is involved in.

  • TTH posts a guide for crossers of the Trestlebridge

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    A few weeks ago, Ten Ton Hammer wrote up a guide to the quests of the Forsaken Inn - a level 15-25 hotspot in The Lord of the Rings Online. It was a good resource for players in that level range. After the Forsaken Inn, the two most common places to go are Ost Guruth and Trestlebridge. So it makes sense that TTH has chosen Trestlebridge as the spot for its next quest guide.Trestlebridge divides the wild and dangerous northern lands of the North Downs, Evendim, and even Angmar from the idyllic farm lands surrounding Bree. Put another way, it's where the bad guys start meaning business! The guide lists the rewards, objectives, and locations of every quest in the region. Next step: Esteldin!

  • Kill dirty trolls. Win shiny title. Profit.

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    I love the Deeds system in Lord of the Rings Online. It appeals to the completist in me. I will hunt down that last warg, goblin or ancient ruin until every last Deed moves to the Completed page of my book. That's why I love TenTon Hammer's Guide to Deeds of the North Downs.In their guide, they include how many of each monster you need to kill, the location of all the areas you have to discover and the rewards you get for your efforts. Rewards include, of course, Traits, but they also include one of my favorite aspects of the games: Titles.After you finish this round of Deeds, you can forever more be known as Hero of the North Downs, Foe of the Night or my favorite, Troll-hewer.