

  • Direct from the NYCC: Godzilla Unleashed on the Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    PSP Fanboy's own Andrew Yoon has been rocking the New York City Comic Con recently and got some face time with the upcoming Godzilla: Unleashed. Not only that, but his kind and generous spirit even demanded he take footage of said game, bestowing it upon us miserable wretches that were unable to attend the NYCC and forced to wait for tidbits of footage and news to hit the internet. A product manager for Atari speaks with Andrew (round here, we call him The Yoonster) about the game, which is a very early build, but gives us a good idea what to expect. The video has been embedded past the post break.

  • NYCC: Pirates of the Burning Sea interview

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Who doesn't love pirates? The answer seemed to be "no one" as Flying Labs' upcoming MMORPG was swamped with fans throughout the entire New York Comic Con weekend. Although this MMO has been fairly under the radar, it certainly deserves a little more attention. Pirates of the Burning Sea promises a lot of playability, from multiple fighting styles, to naval battles, barter, economics, and more. It's the kind of stuff not-leaving-the-house-ever is made of.Saying whether or not the team has been successful on capitalizing on their ambitions requires having a lot more time with the game. Thankfully, there is a public beta available for those that want to find out more. The game promises tons of missions, both offline and on. With cross-functionality with a planned Pirates of the Asian Sea, the whole ninja versus pirates debate can finally be settled ... in a far more artistic way than the Internet has ever portrayed it.Watch the video to get more info about the game. Be warned that it's incredibly long and will waste tons of your time. But that doesn't stop MMORPG players, right?

  • NYCC: Hands-on with TMNT

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    OMG is it the early 90s again? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back, and like before, they're invading all forms of media: cartoon, comic, movie, and game. While the past few iterations of the franchise were a little shy of the "good" mark, the upcoming Xbox 360 version looks to bring the franchise back with a bang. Many hardcore gamers probably recall the early NES/Arcade games quite fondly, and Ubisoft's take on the franchise looks to restore the fun factor of those games.This upcoming rendition of TMNT has the unique "Ubisoft touch." You know, add a lot of inspiration from their other series, Prince of Persia. While not original, the acrobatic nature of the game works quite well, giving the turtles a real "ninja" feel. All the wall jumping, wall running, and double jumping is handled via the A button: it's certainly easy to learn, but it'll take a while to get the hang of it. Stay too close to a wall and you may find yourself running, instead of jumping. Although it takes some getting used to, it was incredibly fun and refreshing to see your Turtle quickly and gracefully move around the city.

  • NYCC: Hands-on with The Darkness

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Warning: This video contains scenes of extreme violence and gore. It ends with a torture sequence which may not be appropriate for the faint of heart. Viewer discretion is advised.Top Cow's ultra-violent, ultra-cool comic The Darkness is heading to the PS3 and Xbox 360 in the summer, and attendees of New York Comic Con were treated to a special playable preview of the game. The game comes from the developers of the equally dark Chronicles of Riddick on ye olde Xbox, and it looks like Starbreeze is about to deliver another equally compelling and original FPS game. Just like Riddick before it, The Darkness looks to not only borrow from the license, but add a great deal of depth to it as well.The playable build at NYCC offered both single and multiplayer components. The single player demo certainly started with a memorable bang. You're in a Hollywood-style car chase: your comrades are wildly shooting around you, as cars are being flipped, crashed into, and destroyed in a cornucopia of chaos. Although it's basically an on-rails segment, it feels truly engrossing: you have control over your character's view, but you'll have to fight the wind and momentum of the car. It's really quite spectacular.

  • Bring your PSP to NY Comic Con, get free stuff

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Are you going to New York Comic Con? It's happening today, tomorrow and Sunday at the Jacob Javitz Center. While it's unlikely you'll be able to get in without tickets already, those of you lucky to be available for the convention should remember to bring your PSPs. The first 50 consumers to bring their PSP system by the PlayStation booth #411 each day will receive a UMD carrying case (pictured). Not only that, you may see me roaming the show floor, wearing the iconic orange Joystiq shirt. If you can find me and show me your PSP, you may win something from my patented Bag of Swag???.Hope to see you there!

  • New York Comic Con to feature playable PSP titles

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Do you want to get your hands on Godzilla: Unleashed? Or how about the PSP-exclusive brawler, Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai: Another Road? Well, New York Comic Con will be the place to be. It's happening February 23-25 at the Jacob Javitz Center in NYC, and it's where you, the general gaming public, will be able to play these games for the very first time.Tickets to the convention are quickly selling out. One day admission is $30. Of course, if you can't make it, don't worry--I'll be there, sure to give you the latest hands-on impressions and coverage from the show floor.[Via Gamespot]