

  • Blu-ray fencesitters: five free movies sound good?

    It's not like we haven't seen this card played already in the HD DVD camp, but now it's (almost) time for the Blu-ray ponderers to feel the grip of temptation (again). Starting on July 1st (just hold out a few more hours) and lasting through September 30th of this year, customers who purchase a qualifying Blu-ray player will be eligible to receive five flicks gratis through the mail. Among the options of players are Sony's BDP-S1, BDP-S300, or 60GB PlayStation 3, Panasonic's DMP-BD10K or DMP-BD10KA, Philips' BDP9000, Pioneer's BDP-94HD, or Samsung's BD-P1000 / BD-P1200. As for the free movies, you'll be able to choose five from a library of 21 titles, and while we can't really argue with the upside in this deal, be absolutely sure you don't mind receiving "notices and information from the Blu-ray Disc Association" before mailing in your claim.[Via Blu-ray]

    Darren Murph
  • Watch a few online vids, get a free copy of Vista or Office

    Want a free and legal copy of Windows Vista, but don't mind jumping through a few hoops to get it? This just sounds too good to be true: get a free copy of Vista Business or Office 2007 Pro just for watching a couple of Microsoft propaganda videos. Apparently Microsoft is either feeling really generous, or doesn't think that people are going to fork over the few hundred bucks to get a copy of Vista before building a little viral buzz, but either way apparently all you've got to do is register at Power Together, and "participate in at least three (3) qualifying web casts and/or virtual lab sessions within 30 days of registration," and then, 6-8 weeks after that, you'll apparently get a real, licensed DVD in the mail. Yeah, we were skeptical too, but then we saw a post on Microsoft's own Channel 9 blog by Mark Brown, a Microsoft developer and platform marketing employee, who confirms that this odd website is his doing. Still, we'll reserve full-blown belief until we see some sort of real documentation that someone actually received a DVD after having watched these vids. And even then we'll probably hold out until Vista Ultimate goes up on the block.[Via Robert McLaws]Read - Power TogetherRead - Mark BrownUpdate: We've got confirmation from another source inside Microsoft that this is, in fact, the real deal. He also told us that the number of copies of software that Microsoft has available for this offer is in the "five-digit range" (that's somewhere from 10,000 - 100,000).

    Cyrus Farivar
  • Free Disco for your friends!

    But... only if you took advantage of yesterday's macZOT offer! I see as of this morning Disco is still available for $14.95, so maybe the freebie is still valid. Apparently when you register, the surprize (sic) is revealed: another license to give away to a friend. That's a brilliant way to spread the love. If I buy a copy today, I'll update this post if the freebie is still available. Considering Disco's fantastic UI, cool tricks, and excellent implementation, what's going to happen to venerable (and for a while, pretty much standard) Toast? If they don't at least drop the price I'm not sure what advantages it would offer. I'd like to see El Gato build some support for Disco too, boy that'd be cool.Thanks, Timmay.

  • Could new Intel-based Xserves tip the IT scales for Apple?

    Apple, of course, boasted how fantastic of a deal they're offering on stage with these new Xserves, but it's always prudent to hear it from the actual community these products are targeted at. Fortunately, reader Jonathan Fingas pointed us towards just such an article from IT Jungle that analyzes the offering and opportunities of new 64bit, Intel-based Xserves that can run Not only Mac OS X and Linux, but now Windows as well. They do their own price breakdown between other Enterprise server software offerings, as well as a hardware match up with a (somewhat) comparable HP server. They conclude that Apple has quite a killer offering on the table, no matter how you slice it.Check out the IT Jungle article for yourself, and since most of us aren't exactly Enterprise gurus, keep tips like this rolling in, as they're a great window into how this particular community is reacting to Apple's big changes.

    David Chartier
  • MySpace members entitled to contract-free Helio

    You have to give these guys a lot of credit for trying some unusual angles in an effort to gain footing. Appealing directly to its MySpace demographic, Helio is now offering to waive the nearly universal concept of a 2-year contract for new subscribers. Not bad; to MySpace members that take their social networking seriously, Helio probably seemed like a pretty hot concept already, and we can guess that this should be enough to push over a handful of those folks sitting on the fence.[Thanks, Rom]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Offer for one free year of EGM ends today

    "Free" offers on the internet often come with annoying trials and lengthy cancellation procedures, but this one here's legit -- it's actually running from the subscription web site of the publisher of EGM, Ziff Davis Media.You may have seen this offer for 12 free issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly on Joystiq or other game sites out there. Basically, what's happening is the Ziff Davis Game Group is running a subscription drive for the mag, sponsored by the World Cyber Games. Free subs are only on offer through today, however, so get a move on if you want a piece of the printed action.Of course, EGM may be no OPM, but it's helpful for even the healthiest fanboy to get a balanced diet of multiplatform news and information on a regular basis. Also, please note that you're under no obligation to sign up for the World Cyber Games page which follows the EGM subscription one, so you can absolutely get your free mag without registering with the WCG.[Via Joystiq]

    Dan Choi