

  • Humble Bundle returns with five pay-what-you-want games for Android, Mac, Windows and Linux

    So let us get this right. You can pay what you want, and get another stack of games for your Android -- or, indeed Mac, Windows or Linux machine? And help charity? And this is actually proving very popular? Yes, Fieldrunners, Bit.Trip Beat, Uplink and SpaceChem, are the latest games to get the Humble Bundle treatment on the aforementioned platforms (the latter two are tablet-only when buying for Android). Oh, and if you're generous enough to pay above the average, you'll unlock the Spirits platform-puzzler, too. We're finding it pretty hard to argue with, especially as you get to decide the distribution of cash (between charity, the hardworking devs, or the platform-providing Humble). Judging by the real-time stats on the site, people aren't holding back on the cash, either. Still not convinced? Hop on the free-for-life video after the break to see the games in action.

    James Trew
  • Dropbox rewards early Pro members by stopping their bills

    Just how loyal must you be to deserve Dropbox's latest slathering of free storage? Well, that's not exactly clear, but some early subscribers to the 25GB Pro option have been receiving emails congratulating them on having "a ton of cred" and telling them they'll "no longer receive a bill" for the rest of time -- unless of course they choose to upgrade to one of the doubled-up plans announced yesterday. Generous? Sure, but then again it wasn't exactly fair that folks were paying for 25GB when some non-premium members were swanning around with upwards of 50GB simply for buying a nice phone or uploading a few photos. So, consider it justice.

    Sharif Sakr
  • $99 Xbox 360 and Kinect bundle rolling out to Best Buy and GameStop this month

    Microsoft's canny subscription-based Xbox scheme launched last month, but was , at that point, limited to its own stores. Looks like it's been deemed a success though, as Microsoft has decided to expand the deal to all Best Buy and selected GameStop stores later this month. The $99 deal ties you into a two-year subscription at $14.99 per month and includes a 4GB Xbox 360, Kinect unit and Xbox Live Gold. According to Microsoft, this is only the next stage of the "pilot period", with limited numbers and dates. No specifics just yet on those exact numbers and which stores will be offering the deal. But even if SmartGlass didn't grab you the first time round, this makes it even harder to say no. Your turn, Nintendo.

    Mat Smith
  • Dropbox adds automatic photo uploads for Windows and Mac, up to 3GB just for using it

    Dropbox isn't short of aficionados, but it's undoubtedly lost some of its gleam since Google drove the cloud war into a frenzy. In response, Dropbox's devs have been at the squat rack pumping up their multimedia credentials, recently adding auto photo and video uploads to their Android app and now extending that feature to any camera, tablet, smartphone or SD card via the Mac or Windows utility -- an add-on that was previously beta-only. Access the web interface and you'll see your stills arranged in a handy new Photos page, which displays them as large thumbnails bunched together by month. There's a blunter enticement too: your first auto upload will secure 500MB in extra storage, with subsequent efforts also rewarded up to 3GB. Perhaps that cardboard isn't looking so soggy after all.

    Sharif Sakr
  • Verizon's double data deal returns this Friday, prepare yourselves accordingly

    It looks like Verizon's about to double up on double data. According to the Los Angeles Times, Big Red is about to reintroduce the double data promotion that first rolled out in November, and came to a close at year's end. Under the offer, customers signing up for a 4G plan will receive double the amount of monthly data (at no extra charge) for the duration of their contracts, as long as they sign up for two-year deals. Unfortunately, though, the promotion only applies to first time 4G subscribers (or those looking to upgrade from a non-4G plan), and is restricted to smartphones, leaving tablet owners in the dark. As with its original campaign, the redux will only be available for a limited time, though Verizon has yet to announce a closing date. It all kicks off this Friday, when, not coincidentally, the carrier will officially welcome the Droid 4 to the fold, as well.[Thanks, Tyler]

    Amar Toor
  • Dropbox offers up to 5GB of free space to anyone willing to go beta

    Here's some good news for all you Dropboxers out there: the company is offering a bundle of free storage space to anyone who tries the beta version of its new Experimental software. It's really quite simple: just download the test program, upload a photo, and instantly get 500MB of free storage. Upload another photo or video, and an additional 500MB will magically appear at your doorstep. The idea is to test out the beta software's new photo and video uploader, which automatically pulls media from any camera, smartphone or SD card and drops it in the cloud. Free space is limited to 5GB per user, and there's an inherent risk to testing any unfinished product, but those willing to make the leap can find all the requisite materials and information at the source link, below.

    Amar Toor
  • Develop an Android app, get a free Blackberry PlayBook

    Still wary of dropping $200 on a BlackBerry Playbook? How does "free" sound? That's what RIM is offering to Android developers today, as part of an overt attempt to spur interest in its App World platform. RIM VP of developer relations Alec Saunders announced the offer yesterday via Twitter, reminding devs to submit their apps by February 13th in order to qualify. On the one hand, it seems like a great way to push the PlayBook out on the market. On the other, it's sort of sad. Interested parties can find all the tools they need at the coverage link below.

    Amar Toor
  • Amazon will give you $5 if you use its Price Check app this weekend

    No joke, it really will. All you have to do is walk into a retailer this Saturday, whip out your smartphone and use Amazon's Price Check app to collect price data on in-store items. In exchange, the company will offer you a discount of five percent (or up to $5) on "select items" in electronics, toys, music, and other product divisions, though you'll only be able to use it a maximum of three times. The campaign represents Amazon's latest attempt to creep into the brick and mortar sector on the back of barcode scanning technology, and seems like a pretty clever way to bolster its mobile presence, while gathering intel on its competitors' prices, as well. It all kicks off at 9 PM (PST) on Friday, and will draw to a close just before midnight on Saturday. Hit up the source link for more details.

    Amar Toor
  • Black Friday deal for EVE players: 50% off EON Magazine and ISK Guide

    Black Friday is upon us, bringing us countless offers on everything from online games to toasters. MMM Publishing announced an enticing offer today of 50% off issues of EON Magazine, the official magazine of EVE Online. The offer also extends to MMM's other EVE publications: The ISK guide, EVE Strategic Maps and a poster pack. These are all paper-based products that will have to be sent via post, and unfortunately the price reduction doesn't extend to postage. For details on how to get in on this deal, head over to the official EON blog. EON is published quarterly and has recently reaching its 25th issue. The magazine has a professional quality to it, and interestingly the only advertisements you'll see in it are for in-game EVE Online corporations and services. The Industrial Sized Knowledgebase is a professionally laid out print copy of the most comprehensive guide to EVE ever released. A basic version is available for free as a PDF, and the purchased product is an extended reproduction delivered as a colossal ring-bound reference manual. EVE Strategic Maps is an accurate map of New Eden ready to be filled with post-it notes on big finds, wars and travel routes.

    Brendan Drain
  • Samsung Galaxy Note now available on O2 in the UK, priced at around $400

    Well, that didn't take long. Less than a week after O2 announced that the Galaxy Note would be "coming soon," Samsung's 5.3-inch handset has just popped up for sale on the UK carrier's site. It's available now for £250 (or about $396) on the most basic of monthly plans, offering a hybridized notepad/tablet experience, in exchange. The provider is also offering £100 worth of free movies and music to early buyers, available for download via Samsung Hub. Interested parties can grab it now, at the source link below. [Thanks, George]

    Amar Toor
  • Google Wallet adds coupons, rewards points, Jamba Juice

    Could Google Wallet really help you find Blackberry Bliss? Indeed it can, now that Big G has beefed up its mobile payment platform with a host of offers from retailers like Jamba Juice, American Eagle, OfficeMax and Foot Locker, among other partners. Yesterday, Google rolled out a new program whereby consumers can redeem coupons and accumulate rewards points at select locations, using only their handsets. The app's Offers tab, meanwhile, has expanded to include so-called "Featured Offers," where users can take advantage of discounts exclusive to the Google Wallet platform. Unfortunately, these features are only available at select locations, so check out the source link below to find the one closest to you.

    Amar Toor
  • RIM offers free apps to make up for that whole BlackBerry outage thing

    RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis has already apologized for last week's widespread BlackBerry outage, but apparently, that wasn't enough. Today, the manufacturer announced that it's offering customers a full slate of "premium apps" for free, in the hopes of earning back some of the goodwill it lost following that mysterious blackout. In a statement, the company said the gesture is "an expression of appreciation" for the patience that many BlackBerry users demonstrated during the incident, with Lazaridis adding that his company remains "committed to providing the high standard of reliability" that consumers have come to expect. For now, the company's offering a total of 12 apps (collectively valued at around $100), including SIMS 3, iSpeech Translator Pro and Shazam Encore among others, though more will be added at a later date. The offer kicks off on Wednesday and will last for a month, so head past the break to see which goodies are up for grabs.

    Amar Toor
  • Returning EVE players receive discount as part of CCP apology

    Last week CCP Games proved that it's still an indie studio at heart when CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson issued a formal letter of apology to the entire EVE Online community. In the letter, he admitted that development had been purposefully shifted away from the in-space features players wanted. He went on to take full responsibility for the ensuing drama surrounding the forced early release of Incarna and the fumbled cash shop introduction. Hilmar then laid out plans to turn EVE's development around and set it back in a direction that current players will appreciate. Today CCP continued show its commitment to this new development direction with a special reactivation offer for returning players. Most account-holders whose subscriptions lapsed during or before the Summer drama have been sent an email offering a special rate of $4.95 US for 30 days of subscription time. While reactivation offers like these are commonplace, this offer made a point of CCP's new-found direction and contained this concise quote from EVE's senior producer Arnar Gylfason: "A significant part of that plan is the immediate refocusing of all the EVE development teams on EVE's core gameplay: spaceships." [Source: Reactivation discount email]

    Brendan Drain
  • Verizon wants you to upgrade to a smartphone, offering $100 gift card in exchange?

    How much is Verizon willing to pay you to switch from a basic phone to a smartphone? A cool $100, according to rumors. The provider is reportedly gearing up to launch a new offer aimed at encouraging more customers to get with the times, as part of its trade-in program. Under the incentive, basic phone users eligible for a two-year upgrade (or those who qualify for an early upgrade) would be able to re-sign a two-year contract, tack on a data plan and purchase a new smartphone at a reduced price. Once that's done, they'll receive a PIN code for Verizon's trade-in site, where they'll find instructions on how to send in their old phones to receive a $100 gift card. A tipster told Phone Arena that the offer will run from August 18th to September 30th, though it remains unclear whether it will be regional or nationwide. For more details, check out the source link, below.

    Amar Toor
  • HP TouchPad 4G surfaces for pre-order on Amazon, wearing $700 price tag

    It looks like the HP TouchPad 4G is inching its way closer to the market, now that the webOS tablet has made a pre-order appearance on Amazon. According to the listing, the 32GB slate will retail for a cool $700, sans contract -- about $100 more than its exclusively WiFi, equal-sized brethren. Given HP's recent discount spree, however, it may not be long before that price gets knocked down a few notches. Over the weekend, in fact, the company announced yet another promotion, offering $50 worth of App Catalog credit to users who purchased a TouchPad in the US between July 1 and August 4th. The offer is valid through December 31st, so check out the link below to find out how you can take advantage of it. [Thanks, Peter]

    Amar Toor
  • HP TouchPad now $200 off at Staples -- it's like Christmas in August

    If there's still not enough change in your couch to snatch up a $399.99 16GB HP Touchpad, today could be your lucky day -- that is, if you're in the market for a webOS slate in the first place. It looks like Staples is offering a $100 coupon for the slab, which should be applicable to the already discounted price, giving you webOS love for $299 for the 16GB model and $399.99 for 32GB. If that price gets any lower, the $35 tablet might just have to step up its game.

  • HP offers $100 discount on TouchPad for one weekend only

    Back when we reviewed HP's webOS slate, we said it might be worth your time if it cost $100 less. Well guess what? It does, or will, this weekend. This is a fleeting discount, however, with the slab sale starting tomorrow and ending Sunday. But at $400 and $500 for the 16GB and 32GB versions, respectively, it might just be worth the asking price. Now, we wouldn't go skipping any meals, but if you've got the cash and an undying allegiance to a dying brand, we say go for it. A list of terms and conditions can be found at the source link below. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Verizon prolongs its free hotspot party on 4G LTE phones, but then what?

    If you've been maxing out on Verizon's mobile hotspot offer that came with your new Samsung Droid Charge, HTC Thunderbolt or LG Revolution, then do carry on. The offer has been extended again, letting you use your 4G LTE handset as a WiFi hotspot for free until July 6th. On that miserable day, a software update will pull the plug and then who knows how much you'll have to pay? Verizon says its $20/GB tethering charge won't apply to 4G LTE phones, but it doesn't state exactly how much it will cost. Oh well, who needs 12Mbps anyway?

    Sharif Sakr
  • Samsung Droid Charge gets minor update to Media Hub, Verizon extends free Thunderbolt hotspot offer

    Wondering why your barely-out-of-the-box Droid Charge is already getting a software update? Wonder no more, as it's merely a tweak for Samsung's Media Hub application that disables downloads over 3G. It's kind of a shame, really, as that means if you don't live in an LTE market you'll need to be tied to a WiFi hotspot to get your multimedia there, but Verizon claims it's a compromise to "ensure quality and speed." Meanwhile, Verizon's other LTE handset is getting an additional boon -- the carrier's extending its free wireless hotspot offer through June 15th for the HTC Thunderbolt, after which you can expect to pay $20 a month for the WiFi tethering privilege. Enjoy it while it lasts, folks.

    Sean Hollister
  • Dell offers unlocked Streak for $99 with purchase of a new PC

    Dell's Streak 5 tabletphone hasn't held our interest much lately, even with Android 2.2 on board, but Dell's got a new deal that may be too good to pass up. If you already had your heart set on nabbing a Dell notebook or desktop PC priced at over $699 -- say, one of those shiny new Sandy Bridge rigs -- you can add an unlocked Streak 5 to your cart for an additional Benjamin. Now that's what we call an impulse buy. [Thanks, Matthew K.]

    Sean Hollister