

  • Comcast smears the XFINITY brand across all its services

    Apparently worried its On Demand Online project would suffer the shame of a silly name all by its lonely, Comcast has rebranded its cable TV, internet and phone services as Xfinity TV, Xfinity Internet and Xfinity Voice. Other than the name not much is changing (@ComcastCares will still be doing its thing on Twitter), although the rollout of the new branding (starting next week, the first 11 markets include Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Hartford, Augusta, Chattanooga, parts of the Bay Area and San Francisco) should sync up with 50mbps or high speeds becoming available. Of course, if those slick flame colored letter started showing up on TV repair guy trucks at the same time as a truly revolutionary new DVR software package instead of the slightly spruced up version we'll be getting over the next few months, then they could call it anything they want to.

    Richard Lawler
  • Comcast On Demand Online renamed Fancast Xfinity TV, now streaming nationwide

    After taking some time in limited beta, Comcast has renamed its TV Everywhere streaming venture Fancast Xfinity TV and made it available nationally to all customers with internet and cable TV subscriptions. A simple browser plugin authorizes up to 3 computers per account, but now that it's live we've found more has changed than just its unfortunate new name. Users won't need to be at home to activate their computers for viewing; all that's needed is a login and with plenty of cross browser compatibility it should work easily no matter your setup anywhere within the U.S. For us, the Comcast Access installer worked flawlessly on one Windows 7 equipped netbook while failing with an error message tech support couldn't decipher on a similar desktop. Once up and running, there's even some high-definition streaming video available (Juno, Max Payne, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary and others) with more on the way. All told there's about 2000 hours of content online including HBO and Starz restricted items, peep the full list on Fancast.com or check out the setup and viewing process in our gallery below. Technical glitches aside, for the price of absolutely nothing over our current cable and internet bill with HD streaming already active, we may have a new way to keep up with our stories while on the go. %Gallery-80361%

    Richard Lawler
  • Rogers Cable starts Canadian On Demand Online beta November 30

    Count another cable company for the online VOD trend, this time Rogers Cable in Canada. Tonight it's showing off RogersonDemand.com, where customers will soon be able to stream video from 19 channels. the beta kicks off for all customers November 30, with all the usual streaming video features (listed after the break) with an eye towards launching more social oriented bits in 2010. Also due in Q2 of next year is streaming to mobile handsets, we'll see if it beats Comcast and Verizon to the punch. Anyone else glad to see Canada's catching up (slowly) in the internet delivered TV programming department?

    Richard Lawler
  • Comcast TV Everywhere launch details: December, free for existing subs, really goes anywhere

    Comcast's Amy Banse just hit the stage at NewTeeVee Live and announced key details about the company's new On Demand Online launch. If you can't check out the video (embedded after the break) here's the important stuff: It will be available at no additional cost to existing subscribers and allow the authorization of up to 3 devices per household. Log in once from home to Comcast.net or Fancast.com, download the Move Networks powered player to authorize your PC and proceed to stream from the very healthy library of VOD, whether at home or anywhere else, despite previous rumors to the contrary. The bad news? Yes, this does still count against the 250GB monthly cap if used at home and still no word on HD streaming, but within the concept of making content available to subscribers wherever they want to view it, this seems like a good first step. [Via Media Experiences 2 Go]

    Richard Lawler
  • Comcast On Demand Online rolls out fully this year, but stops at the front door

    Following the 5,000 person beta already ongoing, Comcast is apparently ready to deliver the On Demand Online experience to all of its customers by the end of the year, with a few rather significant caveats. At launch one the much hyped placeshifting element of the service will not be live, for the time being you'll need internet and TV service, and it will only work at home. Still, if queuing up last night's ep of Mad Men on your laptop is all you're looking for there should be a decent library of content to choose from with 24 cable networks signed on, and a $0 additional cost for the service. Our excitement level depends mostly on how quickly HD streaming and on the go access becomes a part of the package.

    Richard Lawler
  • Comcast could serve TV over WiMAX, inflate your bill even higher

    Think you're good at turning down the upsell? Try saying no to adding WiMAX to your home internet service for the low, low price of whatever Comcast wants to charge. Thanks to a multi-billion dollar tie-up with Clearwire, Comcast has been offering WiMAX-based internet services in a few markets, but now that On Demand Online is a go, it makes sense to think that the operator would use that as leverage to get people hooked. For those unaware, ODO enables Comcast pay-TV subscribers to watch a vast array of programming from any internet connection, which of course means that any ole 3G / 4G data connection would work just as well as Comcast's own. Oh, and while mobile TV is pretty good -- and we're going to let Comcast finish -- watching HDTV at home with a DVR is definitely the best scenario of all time.Update: Just to be clear, this service won't deliver TV straight to phones.

    Darren Murph
  • Poll: Will you ever use On Demand Online?

    Comcast , Time Warner and assorted partners are throwing a big push behind the upcoming On Demand Online / TV Anywhere trial, clearly attempting to preserve their business model and keep customers signed up for cable. You've heard our thoughts so far in video, audio and text, now it's your turn to speak up. So, are you just not that impressed by watching TV on your computer, or do you think on demand place shifting could be the next big thing and a big reason to keep / switch to cable? Pick a response and let us know in the comments below.%Poll-31984%

    Richard Lawler
  • Video: Engadget HD editors talk On Demand Online on Tech Vi

    Turns out that even after multiple posts and a podcast, we had even more to say about Comcast's On Demand Online announcements, this time captured on video as a couple of our editors joined our friend Randall Bennett on his show TechVi. In case you missed it, this has been a busy week for the yet-to-launch streaming platform, and we chimed in with a bit of our feelings on what this means for cable, streaming video and where it could go in the future. We're glad you take time out to follow us on twitter (@EngadgetHD, @bjdraw, @stevekim & @Rjcc just in case you didn't know) and hopefully participate in the live podcast sessions on UStream each week, so if you've got eight minutes to spare, check out the video streaming from the TechVi site or embedded after the break.

    Richard Lawler
  • CBS, Comcast On Demand Online partnership faces off premium vs. free internet streaming; 17 cable channels jump onboard

    After stocking up on premium networks with HBO and Starz, Comcast's On Demand Online project has added its first broadcast TV partner, CBS. One of the worries regarding TV Everywhere / On Demand Online has been what it would mean for free streaming portals like Hulu, with broadcasters potentially shifting content behind pay-tv walls to keep people from dropping cable and satellite TV subscriptions. CBS has been the notable Hulu holdout, although it has also pushed forward with free streaming on its website, including March Madness and even upping the resolution of its Flash video to 1080p. Further conflicting the issue? 17 more cable networks (A&E, AMC, BBC America, DIY Network, Fine Living Network, Food Network, Hallmark, HGTV, History, IFC, MGM Impact, Sundance Channel, WE tv, E!, The Style Network, G4 and FEARnet) have also announced plans to join the 5,000 subscriber trial. Just like the previous agreements, it appears customers should expect access during the trial to reflect a lot of what CBS and the others already offer through standard VOD but now with more placeshifting goodness. While media execs watch the bottom line, we're just hoping the stated CBS strategy of "open, non-exclusive distribution of our content in a consumer friendly way" (from the press release, available in full after the break) could push Hulu to add more HD, or at least unblock the PlayStation 3 & Windows Mobile.

    Richard Lawler
  • HBO, Cinemax coming to Comcast's On Demand Online

    Following Starz, HBO has announced plans to provide programming on Comcast's On Demand Online trial. Of course, this move shouldn't surprise anyone given previous hints HBO was looking for ways to brings its video online or previous trials it has participated in. Just like Starz, users can expect a mix of television shows and movies, basically reflecting the current on demand lineup, including series like True Blood and Entourage, further detailed in the press release after the break. Also like Starz, following the launch, HD streaming is expected -- clearly premium channel subscribers have the most reasons to be interested in being included in the 5,000 customer nationwide trial Comcast is launching in the coming weeks, but what about the basic cable only folks?

    Richard Lawler
  • Starz jumps on Comcast's On Demand Online trial, promises HD on the way

    We're still not sure if the On Demand Online / TV Everywhere project will end up being a good proposition for viewers, but now Starz has announced plans to join in. Comcast Starz subcribers will be able to stream series like Party Down and Head case, along with the usual suite of Starz flicks, with new content coming online as soon as it is available on the standard VOD service, before they show up on the linear channels via Comcast.com and Fancast.com. The best news? While it's SD only to start, HD versions are promised "in the coming months." Starz president Bill Myers says its goal is to allow customers access to their content whenever and wherever they want, and with deals like this and Netflix, the company is living up to it. Check the full press release after the break.

    Richard Lawler
  • Time Warner's TV Everywhere to pipe internet TV to Comcast subscribers

    Just as we heard back in February, Time Warner and Comcast have joined hands in order to regain control on some of the content that is slipping right out from under 'em. In the olden days, the only portal for catching content was the 'tube; today, a vast array of television shows are available gratis on the web, and that's downright frightening for pay-TV operators. Today, both firms are detailing TV Everywhere in the most general way possible, only telling us that paying Comcast subscribers will soon have access to "premium long-form content" via a web portal. TNT and TBS are the only networks specifically named thus far, but considering that both of those already offer their best programming online to everyone, we're not terribly impressed. The agreement also includes a trial with around 5,000 Comcast users, which will be used to heavily test a newfangled authentication technology that will be necessary to allow paying Comcast users to access the material from any internet-connected PC. NewTeeVee has also assembled a clean, easy-to-digest FAQ that explains what exactly all this is. To be frank, it seems like a solution in search of a problem from the consumer viewpoint. After all, with portals like Hulu and individual network websites already providing in-demand content online, why is there even a need for some "special portal" for Comcast users? We've heard that paying subs will have access to even more material, possibly movies or other premium shows. But we won't front: we certainly don't want TV Everywhere to convert some of the content that's already free into pay-only content in order to accomplish the aforesaid "even more" goal. At any rate, the public at large probably won't hear more about this until the trial sessions end at an undisclosed time, but you can bet we'll be keeping a cautious eye on any developments.Read - TV Everywhere press releaseRead - NewTeeVee FAQ

    Darren Murph
  • Big Cable's take on internet TV could land as early as summer

    It was but days ago that we first caught wind of Big Cable's plans to bite a chunk out of the online TV pie, and now we're already hearing that things could be ready to roll by summer. According to undisclosed sources quoted by Reuters, both Comcast and Time Warner Cable are heading up talks with major content providers like Viacom and Discovery Communications. We're told that their plans are at "different stages," but pay-TV subscribers could be tuning into bonus coverage on the web or via smartphone "as soon as this summer." Tick, tock...

    Darren Murph
  • More details on Comcast's On Demand Online internet TV offering

    We heard late last week that Time Warner Cable and Comcast were looking to bring more online content to their loyal customers, and now the latter is bursting at the seems to tell us more. The company pinged us to say that "essentially, it is working with programmers (cable networks) to try to bring more content that is currently not online to the web," and while it's obviously early in the process, the initiative is being called On Demand Online for now. Basically, it's about bringing on-demand content to the web, and ultimately, anywhere you want to watch. Comcast will be utilizing technology from thePlatform, and while it's not going into detail just yet, it seems pretty stoked about the challenge of bringing new content to the web. We only hope that this doesn't slip into any sort of "exclusive" deal that limits content that would've otherwise been shot for free to all, but we guess only time will tell.Read - PCWorldRead - thePlatform

    Darren Murph