optrix videopro


  • Optrix VideoPro brings extreme data to your mundane iPhone clips

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    "Extreme" mounts and cases for capturing video with your iPhone are a dime a dozen, but Optrix is offering something a little extra with its VideoPro app. When it becomes available later this month (for $9.99) the iOS video AR tool will lay all sorts of data over recordings of both your exciting and mundane activities -- including speed, lap time and g-force. (The latter very important for when you launch yourself off the couch and towards the fridge.) Optrix has been teasing us with demo clips since early December, but now it seems it's finally gearing up to unleash the app for real... though an actual date would be much appreciated. We'll be back with some hands-on from CES but, until then, check out the PR after the break.