

  • AOL

    Periscope opens 360-degree broadcasts to everyone

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    When Periscope debuted live 360-degree broadcasting late last year, it was only available to a handful of users. That changes now. A tweet from the company announced that as of today anyone who's broadcasting either from the iOS app (with an attached Insta360 Nano) or via the Producer software can be part of the spherical zeitgeist. Periscope says that you'll need the Producer app specifically if you want to do a 360 broadcast from an Android phone, in addition to a Ricoh Theta S or Orah 4i.

  • The Orah 4i camera makes live 360-degree videos a reality

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    There are a few options out there for creating 360-degree video. Consumers like you and me would likely go for a portable camera like the Ricoh Theta or Kodak's SP360. Professionals, on the other hand, would opt for Google's 16-camera GoPro Jump rig, Lytro's Immerge or Nokia's Ozo. But there aren't too many options for those who want something in between, something that is higher quality than the handheld models but isn't quite as expensive as the pro ones. Additionally, none of these options livestream; they all require you to take out a memory card and do postproduction work to stitch it all together. The Orah 4i, however, aims to solve both issues. It's apparently the first-ever prosumer-level 360-degree cam to also support live video.