

  • A graph of the Peregrine moon lander's current position in Earth orbit compared to the moon's location, showing in dotted white lines on a black background.

    Peregrine moon lander and its cargo will likely burn up in Earth’s atmosphere

    In the latest update from Astrobotic, the company said the Peregrine lander seems to be heading back toward Earth and will likely burn up in the atmosphere. As of Saturday, Peregrine had made it 242,000 miles from Earth but has been leaking propellant for days.

  • Examining the Peregrine: Do we need another Power Glove?

    var digg_url = ''; You've probably seen the ads for this new glove, because they're everywhere. The Peregrine gaming glove is billed as a "Wearable Gaming Interface" and seems to be everywhere we look. It's fitted with dozens of touchpads that can be assigned to perform movement, special skills or anything else in your favorite MMO that can be assigned to a keystroke. So we thought we'd see what all the fuss is about and grab one for ourselves to do a little First Impressions of our own, hardware style. At first glance, this glove looks like something you'd wear to batting practice or to tee off on the 9th hole, but it really is a fascinating piece of comfortable electronics. However, is it something that we, as MMO gamers, would need or even want? Keep reading after the cut to find out what we think.

    Shawn Schuster
  • Peregrine gaming glove modeled, calibrated, and demoed on video

    Now that the Peregrine gaming glove is finalized and taking pre-orders, we had a chance to sit down with creator and company CEO Brent Baier, who guided us through the use of the military-spec'd mitt and gave us our first glimpse at the calibration / key-mapping software (PC only for now, Mac coming later). We're still fiddling with our review unit, and while the gaming aspect is intriguing, we're actually pretty interested in how it could be applied to production and design software. The one issue with that is a conscience decision to limit each finger press to activating only one key at a time -- macros are theoretically possible, but according to Baier that would disqualify the glove from being used in professional gaming competitions. Maybe down the line, perhaps? Video after the break. %Gallery-80547%

    Ross Miller
  • Game controlling glove now available for pre-order and 'The Wizard' remakes

    We know how hard it can be to expend precious energy on something as trivial as a keyboard – we spend all day doing exactly that! So it's with proud, near-jubilant excitement that we bring you news of the gaming glove "Peregrine," which allows for keyboard-free game playing, becoming available for pre-order. It's not exactly equipped to handle twitch shooters: the Peregrine was made with MMOs in mind. Rather than push down all those pesky keyboard buttons, it allows for up to 40 different configurable movements instead.The $129 device (that's if you pre-order -- it'll be $149 otherwise) runs on USB and will connect as a keyboard, so compatibility shouldn't be too much of an issue. You can quit writing your Power Glove 2.0 fanfic right now – this ain't it. We do, however, expect to see a YouTube-derived sequel to The Wizard around the end of January, when the first pre-orders are expected to ship to consumers. Get on that, internet! [Via Engadget]

    Ben Gilbert
  • Peregrine wired gaming glove gets pre-order status

    Back at E3 in June, we had a chance to check out the singular Peregrine glove -- a wired elastic affair which allows you to configure 40 different combinations for gaming. When got tried one on, we found that fast-paced games might not be the Peregrine's forte, but something like World of Warcraft could be a perfect pairing. The Peregrine, which runs $129, is available for pre-order now, which means that just about any day now we should start seeing these puppies in the wild. We can only hope!

  • Peregrine wires you into a keyboard, we go hands-in

    Got a game with a lot of commands, but are sick of supporting the Big Keyboard industry? Meet your rebel input replacement, the Peregrine. Demonstrated to us at E3, the Peregrine is basically an elastic glove with some wires sewn into it at various points. Connecting one of those points to conductive patches on the palm and thumb creates an electrical circuit, which the glove's brain converts to a keypress. It's like a glove but with power -- a sort of power glove, if you will. The main application is MMOs, where you could touch your thumb and forefinger together to cast a spell in a role-playing game or touch your middle finger to your palm to heal yourself. Or your character, anyway. More impressions and some spec-ops intrigue after the break.

    Tim Stevens
  • Flying suicide bomber drones could be almost unstoppable

    If you thought the 12-gauge shotgun-wielding AutoCopter was bad news, imagine one of the little menaces in the hands of a terrorist and strapped with several pounds of explosives -- or worse, biological, chemical, or radiological payloads. Several experts are warning that we are nearly defenseless against such attacks, even though terrorists have already shown a propensity for using such tactics in the Middle East and South America, and are known to have purchased so-called "drone" airplanes capable of high-precision navigation even over long distances. One scenario that is particularly disturbing involves a fleet of drones or robotic helicopters launched from an off-shore freighter, sent en masse to attack a large gathering like a sporting event where stampeding from panic would likely cause more deaths than the bombs themselves. The Pentagon is supposedly working on an drone-killing drone of its own, called Peregrine, that would patrol the skies and intercept any hostile aircraft -- but the main problem seems to be finding, not destroying these things, and you'd need a whole lot of Peregrines to cover every potential target in the US.[Via Phys Org]

    Evan Blass