

  • male hand holding phone with app vpn on the screen

    Everything you need to know about getting a VPN

    Violet Blue
    Violet Blue

    Here's a list of the best VPN services you can get right now, plus advice on how to choose the best VPN for you.

  • Your VPN may be worthless

    Violet Blue
    Violet Blue

    You may have heard that VPN provider Perfect Privacy found a massive security hole in most services -- one can de-anonymizes users, thus rendering it useless.Two weeks have passed and most affected providers still haven't fixed the problem, called "Port Fail."Perfect Privacy told Engadget via email, "We have not tested this again after the fact so we can make no definite statement on the current number of affected VPN providers." This means that the majority of VPN users may as well not be using one, which is bad news for people whose safety and security rely on keeping their IP address private -- or those who just want to safely use public wi-fi.Perfect Privacy urges "anyone using a VPN service to ask their support desk whether this issue has been fixed."