

  • The Air Stands Still bugged for Shadow Priests?

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    We got an interesting email tip from Matthew Madinger that the quest The Air Stands Still is bugged in a really odd and unique way. Namely, it kills Shadow Priests who do it. Intrigued, I checked the WoWhead link and sure enough, several other shadow priests have reported the same bug. Without going into too much detail, our face melting priest friends are reporting that the death knight mobs who are supposed to help with the quest are instead coming over and killing them. In one case this means you get the honor of being killed by a very important Death Knight, if that's any consolation.If you're a shadow priest, please be careful when taking this quest, and if you could report back on whether or not it bugged for you we'd appreciate it. I don't have a shadow priest myself, so I was unable to try and see if I got killed.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: More on phasing and starter zones

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to Ask a Beta Tester on this Maintenance Day Tuesday. Let's get started right away with webrunner's question... Have you seen any interesting/fun usable gear with cool procs or use abilities, or is it just stats, stats, stats till the Tauren come home?There are plenty of trinkets with this sort of thing, but not weapons or robes or anything like that. Trinkets are much more common as quest rewards in Wrath than they were before, and you get a pretty wide range of effects. On weapons, it's all stats of various flavors.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Heirloom items, class trainers, and more

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Another day, another edition of Ask a Beta Tester. Today, as a special treat, I am going to answer your questions while blindfolded. And on fire. And covered in bees....actually, I don't really like that idea so I'm going to answer your questions like I normally do, starting with Naraxus's question...Something I was thinking about was how much of an important stat "Hit" was on endgame gear in BC. A couple of patches ago a lot of the lower level gear was given a hit stat to it and I was wondering if the 70-79 gear in WotLK has "Hit" or is it just basic stats and spell power, attack power etc?There's some Hit on leveling gear, but not enough to keep you capped right to 80 in my experience. I actually didn't really try, I concerned myself more with survival and longevity. In the case of a Priest, that meant stamina, spirit, and spell damage. Leveling gear is a bit more simplified. Raw stats, and some attack power/spell power in most cases.You'll also find some crit, hit, and haste, but your leveling gear isn't going to have as many random stats slapped on it as you see on some raid gear.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Raid zones, plot, and more on phasing

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    I decided to do something a little different with the image above for today's Ask a Beta Tester. Instead of beating you over the head with another of my awesome Dalaran screenshots, I've plugged in some music you can listen to while you read, if you'd like. Just hit play, and get in a Wrath kind of mood.Milkgas asked quite a few question, but many of them involve story spoilers that I don't think readers would appreciate seeing in this particular column. What I don't answer, you can truck over to Ask a Lore Nerd and I'll squeeze them in on the bottom behind my usual "spoilers be here, yarrrr" line. We can definitely hit a few of them though.Has there been any hints in the quest text of either the Uldum or the Karazhan Basement as a raid or dungeon in this expansion or the next?Nothing that I've seen! We'll have Ulduar as a raid zone in Northrend, so to me that seems like a definite no on Uldum. I don't think they would put two Titan raids in one expansion, unless Uldum turned out to be a 5 man dungeon. We've seen nothing about the rest of Karazhan.

  • Breakfast Topic: Resurrecting old events

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    The upcoming patch 3.02 looks like it has a formal name now -- "Echoes of Doom," according to the EU site -- and players have wondered for a while whether Blizzard is going to bring back the Scourge Invasion event. This was an event that went live with the introduction of the original 40-man Naxxramas in patch 1.11 and saw Scourge troops appear all over Azeroth and even within major cities. It was one of Blizzard's early experiments programming world content that could be directly affected by players (in a roundabout way you can trace the underlying philosophy behind phasing to the success of events like these), and was a huge hit that's left players inquiring on the likelihood of its reappearance ever since.As a player who started after Burning Crusade launched, I have to admit I would love the chance to see this, if for no other reason than having a shot at getting my main the rather good-looking Tabard of the Argent Dawn. But, cool tabard or not, the event is pretty thematically consistent with the content being released in Wrath of the Lich King, and the 3.02 patch is expressly meant to transition players into the expansion as seamlessly as possible. You could argue that Blizzard's never going to get a more opportune or relevant time to marshal the undead NPC's, but you could counter by pointing out that redeploying content originally meant to be a unique event diminishes its impact a tad. If it were re-programmed with additional exapansion-related content? Maybe, although I get the feeling the developers may be somewhat occupied at the moment. Either way, is there any obligation on Blizzard's part to try to re-run old content for the benefit of newer players?

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Multi-passenger mounts and Enchanting

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to Ask a Beta Tester, where we answer your questions about the Wrath of the Lich King beta! We had quite a few questions regarding the multi-passenger mounts coming in Wrath, so we'll mostly focus on those. That's not all we have today, but most of it. Our first question is from JPN...What does the tooltip mean for the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth where it says it carries vendors?It means just that! It comes with two vendors. One sells reagents (including poisons) and the other sell trade supplies, like thread and parchment. The trade supplies vendor also sells some statless fashion clothing.If you're not using the vendors and want to let your buddies hop on, there will be an Eject button to throw the vendors off and make room for your friends. And yes, only people in your party or raid can get on your vehicles. No random strangers will be jumping on your mammoth or motorcycle.

  • WoW Insider Show live Saturday afternoon at 3:30pm Eastern

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, our world famous world class worldwide podcast goes live yet again tomorrow afternoon at WoW Radio, and even though every week in this space, I usually say, "it's going to be a good one," trust me, it always is. Turpster and I will be on as usual, and we'll also welcome blogger Michael Gray from right here at WoW Insider on with us. On the plate you'll find lots of talk about Wrath and the expansion patch, including the new tech and graphics Blizzard is bringing to bear, the scariest raid boss in the game since Hogger, and all the other most popular stories from the World of Warcraft in the past week. And since Mr. Gray will be on (Turpster has to be "Mr. Pink"), we'll also chat about his work here at WI, and his popular Arena interview column.If you've got something you want us to talk about on the show, the email address is, and of course we'll be live chatting on IRC during the broadcast at in the #wowradio channel (or if that means nothing to you, you can just click "Chat" on the WoW Radio homepage).I can guarantee you that if you listen to the show for the first time, two things will happen: 1) you will smile at least once, if not laugh outright, and 2) you will hear something about the World of Warcraft that you didn't know before. Of course, that thing you learn may be something personal about Turpster and what he thinks of Lady Vashj, but hey, we never said we were "world class."

  • Phasing is the new instancing

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    In an interview with Eurogamer, Blizzard's J. Allen Brack revealed just a little more about the advancements developers have made with Wrath of the Lich King. As I raved about in my post about the Death Knight starting experience, I effused about how the entire experience was instanced, creating a feel of progression through the world. It turns out I was wrong. The Death Knight starting experience isn't instanced at all. It uses what Blizzard calls "phasing technology". In my defense, even Tom Chilton made the same mistake in the interview, saying "(the Death Knight starting area uses) instancing quite a lot more... the world changes dynamically as you move through the story." This prompted Brack to interject a correction, "It's actually not instances. What we do is we have different world states, and depending on what quests you've completed, it changes what world state you're seeing." He also mentions that the new phasing technology is used in other parts and other quests all over Northrend.